Backward Design Lesson Plan Template
Teacher Roberts, Greene, Sims, Jordan_____ Date __Aug 27-31 _ Grade level __4th
Lesson title: All About Numbers- Period!
Step 1—Desired ResultsStandards, benchmarks, other objectives as needed (e.g., IEP)—What should students know, understand, and be able to do as a result of the lesson?
--Continuation of instructional routines and procedures.
--4-2.3 Apply an algorithm to multiply whole numbers fluently
--4-2.1 Recognize the period in the place value structure of whole numbers: units, thousands, millions, and billions.
--4-2.6 Analyze the magnitude of digits through hundredths on the basis of their place value.
Step 2—Assessment Evidence
Performance task—What will students do to show what they have learned?
Performance criteria—How good is good enough to meet standards?
-- Students will practice their life skills and life long guidelines.
--Students will be able to recall multiplication facts.
--Students will use a place value chart to create numbers up to the billions.
--Students will identify the period of underlined digits in a given number.
--Students will identify digits in a specific period up to the billions.
--Students will identify the value of the underlined digit in a decimal up to the hundredths.
Step 3—Learning Plan
Learning activities (step by step from start to finish, detailed enough for another teacher to follow)
-Students will review and recall multiplication facts in a group activity.
-Students will brainstorm in their learning clubs what place value means and share their answers with the class.
-The teacher will show students a video in BrainPop Jr. on Place Value.
-Students will be given a number and asked to identify the value of a digit in the number.
- Students will be given a place value chart up to the billions place. And will be asked to write numbers up to the billions place provided by the teacher.
-The teacher will show a presentation discussing place value and the places up to the billions place. Students will complete practice problems from the presentation.
-If time permits, students will be given the chance to play games on place value to demonstrate what they just learned.
-Students will review and recall multiplication facts in a group activity.
-Students will review components of the previous day in their learning clubs.
-Students will be given a number with an underlined digit. Students will identify the place and move to the area of room that has the correct place of the underlined digits.
-The teacher will have students brainstorm in their learning clubs what they know about decimals and they will share their findings to the class.
-The teacher will show students a video on BrainPop on Decimals.
-Students will review a place value chart for decimals up to the hundredths place.
-Students will be given decimals to write and identify the value up to the hundredths place.
-Students will practice using a work sheet.
-Students will review and recall multiplication facts in a group activity.
- Students will review the components of the previous day.
--Students will pull a slip from a basket that has a number with digits underlined and or places. Students will walk around the room and find a match. Students repeat the activity several times to check for understanding.
- Students will play the game “BAAM” in there learning clubs answering questions about periods and place value of decimals.
-Students will review and recall multiplication facts in a group activity.
- Students will complete the components of the previous day.
-Students will play “Periods ZAP” as a class to review.
-Students will complete an assignment to check for understanding.
-Students will review and recall multiplication facts in a group activity.
- The teacher and students will review periods and place value of decimals.
-Students will study with a partner using the BAAM! Game.
-Students will complete 4-2.1 and 6 Common Assessment.
Step 4—Reflection
What happened during my lesson? What did my students learn? How do I know?
What did I learn? How will I improve my lesson next time?