Lesson 3 Video 3 – Paraphrasing Feeling #1 Page 1 of 1
Note: Only counsellor verbalizations are included on this transcript. Please carefully watch the tape for client content.
Time / Transcript / Skill00:00:00 / So, Simon, what’s your topic that you would like to talk about today? / Question
00:00:12 / O.K. Go ahead, start talking. / Probe
00:00:59 / So, you are feeling kind of unsettled about it. / Paraphrasing feeling
00:01:50 / So, that’s feeling quite stressful. / Paraphrasing feeling
00:02:45 / So, when you are having these conversations with your wife, what kinds of emotions are attached to either one of those options? / Question
00:03:43 / And maybe a bit of disillusionment with the original image that you had of it. / Paraphrasing feeling
00:04:06 / Disillusionment / Paraphrasing feeling
00:05:01 / So, it’s stressful, it’s a bit disappointing on some level, and it’s leaving you with this kind of unsettled feeling. / Recapping
00:05:11 / So what about on the other side, on the side of if we were going to live in the city, what does that option feel like? / Question
00:06:45 / So, even when you look at the other side, there is relief and there is also this sense of loss. / Paraphrasing feeling
00:07:06 / So, what about your gut reaction? If you just sort of sit yourself over here and stay put and be where I am or move into the city and have a new adventure and create something different. Any kind of physical gut reaction. / Question
00:08:36 / So, when you describe that, you look kind of energized and upbeat about it. / Paraphrasing feeling
00:08:42 / Yah, you perk up. / Restating
00:08:45 / What’s the feeling that goes along with that? / Question
00:09:02 / So, there’s a sense of hope. / Paraphrasing feeling
00:09:402 / So, when you look through the various scenarios and you kind of do a bit of exploration about it, you seem like you are moving from being restricted by your options on either end to feeling more energized and anticipating. / Summary
00:11:05 / So, um, that sense of disappointment is not just in the situation but maybe there is also a sense of personal disappointment. / Paraphrasing – both Feeling and Meaning
00:11:50 / Which leaves you feeling kind of a bit more settled and calm. / Summary.