Birmingham City Council:

Local Transition Plan:

Transferring Statements of SEN & LDAs to EHC Plans

Local Transition Plan: September 2017 – April 2018Update September 2017

Programme for Transferring Statements of SEN to Education Health and Care Plans.


This final Local Transition Plan (LTP) reports on progress against the implementation of transferring Statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN) to Education Health and Care Plans in line with the Children and Families Act 2014. The Government has given Local Authorities (LAs) a 3.5 year timeframe (September 2014 – April 2018) to complete this work. This update supersedes the Local Transition Plan that was last published inSeptember 2016.

NB the previous LTP provided a summary on the Transfer of Learning Difficulty Assessments (LDAs) to EHCPs. The LA completed this piece of work within the set government deadline of 1st September 2016.

Below outlines both a summary of what has been achieved during September 2016 to August 2017 and the proposals for the remainder of the transfer period September 2017 – April 2018.

2.Transfer Process

The Local Authority is required to implement the transfer process as follows:

  • all children and young people with Statements of SEN must be transferred to the new system by 1 April 2018 where appropriate;
  • all young people in further education and training with an LDA, which is called a Learning Support Plan in Birmingham, must be transferred by 1stSeptember 2016, if they are continuing in further education or training beyond September 2016 (Completed)
  • local authorities must transfer a child or young person from a Statement of SEN to EHC Plan via a ‘transfer review’ that involves:

–an EHC assessment under section 36 of the Children and Families Act 2014;

–determining appropriate outcomes and identifying provision required to achieve them

–replacing the annual review or another significant review of their Statement of SEN with a transfer EHC meeting;

  • Priority for transfer is given to those transferring at key transition points in their education.
  • Additional funding has been provided to local authorities to facilitate the transfer of children and young people to the new system.
  • New provisions for children and young people aged fewer than 19 in youth custody commenced on 1 April 2015.For those entering or already in youth custody with a statement of SEN, the special educational provision in the statement will be deemed as if it is made in an EHC plan. Local authorities will be under a duty to arrange appropriate support. They must conduct a Transfer Review on release if they havenot conducted one in youth custody.

3.Number of Children and Young People with Statements of SEN

As at the end of the academic year July 2017 the Local Authority maintains 1461 Children and young people’sStatements of SEN where an EHC Transfer Review has not been initiated. This is 19.7% of the total number (7621) at the start of the Transfer period - September 2014.

In addition to this the LA is in receipt of Transfer Review Reports for 491Children and young peoplewhere the Draft EHCP is yet to be issued.

These are cases where the Transfer Review Report and associated paper work is awaiting action/being actioned by the Transfer Team. (NB a large proportion of this paper work was received in the last few weeks of the Summer Term - 2017.) Going forward the LA is likely to continue to be challenged by the 20 week time frames due to the stresses and strains caused by this.

The total amount of Statements to be transferred therefore sits at 1952 which is 25.6% of the original total. (Figures are accurate as of 25/7/17.)

The Local Authority has 27 special schools and a range of specialist resource bases in mainstream schools and recognises that the impact of the transition process is greater in the special school and resource base sector, because of the higher concentration of children and young people with Statements of SEN.

As at 25th July 2017 The Local Authority has dealt with5688 cases requiring transferof Statements of SEN to Education Health and Care Plans which is 74.6% of the total amount requiring transfer in Birmingham.


  • 4809 - Final EHCPs issued
  • 320 – Further Draft EHCPs awaiting Finals
  • 559 - Cases where the Statement has been ceased/lapsed.

4.Consultation and Development of the Transfer Process.

The Local Authority recognises that the transfer process has evolved and has been adapted and adjusted as lessons have been learned during the period of implementation. It remains necessary for the Local Authority to continue to consult with stakeholders on any changes to the Local Transition Plan. Consultations over the past year have taken place with various stakeholders as noted below:-

  • Parents/Carers and Young People as an integral part of the LA’s Transfer Review Process
  • Over 240 SENCOs via SENCO Network Forum/ School Notice Board/ Transfer Officers (named support link to all special schools)
  • Birmingham Children and Young Peoples Programme Board. This includes representatives from Clinical Commissioning Group,Birmingham Cross City and Birmingham South Central and local NHS Reps.
  • College Representatives – GFE Group, Opportunities Partnership Group.

5.Progress against the Transition Plan published in September 2016

Whilst there has been a significant increase in the amount of plans that the Local Authority has now finalised it is recognised that the task of transferring Statements of SEN to Education Health and Care Plans remains challenging. The LAhas prioritised completion of transfers in line with DfES guidance that stipulates particular cohorts of children and young people that must be transferred within a specified academic year. These are known as statutory requirements. The DfES guidance can be found at

(Fourth Edition: October 2016)

The currentstatus of transfers is shown inthe table below:-

7621 SSENs maintained by LA since 1 September 2014
Activity completed as at 25th July 2017 (End of the Academic Year)
Final EHC Transfers - since April 2017 / 342 / Draft EHC Transfers - since April 2017 / 276 / SSENs: CTM; Moved; Lapsed - since April 2017 / 38
Final EHC Transfers - since September 2014 / 4809 / Draft EHC Transfers - since September 2014 / 5102 / SSENs: CTM; Moved; Lapsed - since September 2014 / 559
Activity to be completed by 31 March 2018
SSENs Pending EHC Transfer / 1461 / SSENs Pending EHC Draft / 491 / SSENs Pending Final EHCP / 320

6.Current Position and updated Plan for 2017/18

Given the Government deadline of 1st April 2018 for all SEN Statements to have been transferred to EHCPs, the EHC transfer review meeting MUST replace the annual review of statement meetings scheduled for the academic year 2017-2018 for any child/young person who still has an SEN Statement. The EHC Transfer Review meetings should be arranged during the Autumn Term wherever possible to allow Final EHCPs to be issued by the 31/3/18 Deadline.

Table 1: EHC Transfers Outstanding (byYear Group) from September 2017. NB - ALL ARE ESSENTIAL GROUPS.

Total number includes :-
  • Pupils that will require EHC Transfer Reviews to be completed from 01/09/2017 – 31/03/2018 (1461)
  • EHC Drafts to be started following receipt of Transfer Review Reports/paper work - (491)

Pupils/Young People at 1st September 2016 to be transferred to EHC Plan / School Year Groups / Term for EHC Review meeting will need to be completed / Legal Deadline for LA to finalise and issue EHC Plan by / Number of children/young people
KS0 Pre Nursery Years / Early Years / Autumn Term 2017 / 15 February 2018 / 0
KS1 6-7years old. Infants / Year 2 / Autumn Term 2017 / 15 February 2018 for those moving schools / 4
KS1 Juniors / Year 3 & 4 / Autumn Term 2017 / 31 March 2018 / 110
KS2 9-10 years old. Juniors (locally agreed to support secondary transfer) / Year 5 / AutumnTerm 2017 / 20 weeks from start of the process / 99
KS2 10-11 years old Juniors (all other children in Year 6 with a statement including those not moving) / Year 6 / Autumn Term 2017 / 15 February 2018
For those moving schools / 268
KS3 11 – 12 years old secondary / Year 7 & 8 / Autumn Term 2017 / 31 March 2018 / 23
KS3 13–14 years old secondary / Year 9 / Autumn Term 2017 / 31 March 2018 / 459
KS4 14 – 15 years old secondary / Year 10 / Autumn Term 2017 / 31 March 2018 / 413
In year 11 transfers from school (including school sixth forms) to a post 16 institution or apprenticeship / Year 11 / Autumn Term 2017 / 31 March 2018 / 225
In year 12 transfers from school (including school sixth forms) to a post 16 institution or apprenticeship / Year 12 / Autumn Term 2017 / 31 March 2018 / 55
KS5 18-19 years old 6th Form / Year 13 / Autumn Term 2017 / 31 March 2018 / 120
KS5 18-19 years old 6th Form / Year 14 / Autumn Term 2017 / 31 March 2018 / 46
19-25 years old / Year 15 -Year 20 / Autumn Term 2017 / 31 March 2018 / 85
Leaving Youth Custody / Year 13 and under / On release / 20 weeks from start of the process. / As required
In any year moving from mainstream to special school or vice versa / Any year / Term 2017/18 in which EHC Transfer Review Meeting held. / 20 weeks from start of the process. / As required

The Transfer Team will be prioritising the above work in the following way:-

  • Year 6
  • Year 11
  • Year 13 (Mainstream)
  • Year 14 (Special schools)
  • All other year groups as/when.

7. Year 11, 12, 13 or 14s with a Statement of SEN going into further education

The Transition Guidancestates that young people transferring and moving from their secondary school to further education on 1 September 2018 must have their EHC transfer review completed before 31 March 2018.

Post 16/19 Transition guidance for September 2017/8 will be sent out to all young people due to leave their school/ current setting at the start of the 2017 Autumn Term.

  1. Details of the Transfer Review Process for Statements of SEN


The Local Authority is not planning to make substantial changes to the way in which transfers will be completed during the 17/18 academic year. Relevant information about the Transfer Process for Schools, Colleges, Parents and Young People can be found at: -

Schools, educational settings and other partners such as health services play a significant part in the Local Authority’s transfer arrangements. The timetable can only be achieved in partnership and the Local Authority appreciates the significant contribution that all educational settings, parents and young people have made in the process.

In returns to the DFE monthly countdown Survey (which was recently introduced) SENAR has been able to report that Birmingham LA is on track to meet the statutory deadline of all SEN Statements being converted to EHCPs by 31/3/18. NB this is of course assuming schools comply with holding Transfer Reviews and provide the Transfer Review paper work in a timely fashion. (Transfer Officers are working closely with schools including intensive chasing activities to seek to ensure deadlines are met.)

Please note the Local Authority reported in the previous LTP (September 2016) that a number of children and young people in mainstream provisions with a Statement of SEN do not receive high needs/top up funding. SENCOs have been requested (via SENCO Network/School Notice Board communications/Transfer Officers flagging up potential cases) to consider (on a case by case basis) if it is appropriate to Transfer the Statement to an EHCP.

In cases where needs can be met from within the school/college’s own resources the child or young person would receive a SEN Support Plan that the school/college would maintain. As of 25/07/17 – 559 Statements have been ceased/lapsed.

  1. Information for parents, carers, children and young people

Information for parents, carers, children and young people will be available from the Local Authority and schools, as well as via the Local Offer webpage.

Schools and Local Authority officers will liaise closely with parents and carers in explaining the process and the purpose of the transfer review meeting, providing them with contact telephone numbers and advice on how to access further information.

Parents will be given an opportunity to provide feedback by contributing to the online survey and through discussion at the review meeting. NB In addition a duty line managed by the Transfer Officers is now in operation for Parents/Learners’ enquiries around the Transfer process. (For availability and contact details please see below.)

  1. Guidance and Training for Schools and Institutions

The Local Authority continues to offer guidance, training and workshops to support the transfer of children and young people with Statements of SEN to the new system. Regular updates and guidance on the process is provided through the SENCO Networks termly meetings and by use of the LA noticeboard to share information. Schools and institutions are asked to feedback on their experience of the process, so that their comments can be used to review and refine the process.

  1. Impartial Information and Advice

Birmingham SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs Disability Information Advice and Support Service) offers impartial advice on a range of special educational needs issues including sources of independent parental support services. Please contact or telephone number: 0121 303 5004

The following are two national organisations that offer a range of support, resources and advice on the new Special Educational Needs framework:

The Council for Disabled Children -

Independent Parental Special Education Advice -

A full list of organisations offering advice and support is available on the Local Offer

  1. Local Authority Contacts

Parents, carers and young people will be able to obtain answers to their specific questions about the transfer process from:

  • the Principal Officer in the Local Authority’s Special Educational Needs Assessment and Review Service (SENAR) assigned to them; and
  • the Lead Professional that they can nominate to work with them during the process
  • The Transfer Officer assigned to write the EHCP
  • Transfer Team Duty line – 01216751700 (Available on Mondays and Wednesdays9.00am -12.00pm – 2.00pm-5.00pm and Fridays9.00am -12.00pm – 2.00pm-4.00pm)

The SENAR and the Special Educational Needs Disability Information and Advice and Support Service will also offer general advice on the process.

Contact Details: Telephone Number: 0121 303 1888 or

  1. Review of the Local Transition Plan

The Local Authority will continue to monitor progress during the year and produce a Final progress report in April 2018.

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