Local Strategic Partnership Board

At a meeting of this Committee held on

31 May 2012

(Also Present) / Councillor Rimmer / -St Helens Council
Linda Agnew / -Bridgewater Community Healthcare
NHS Trust
Kath Boullen / -St Helens Chamber
Rob Carden / -Merseyside Police
Carol Carrol / -Merseytravel
Chris Case / -Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service
Reverend Philip Fell / -SHINE
Liz Gaulton / -St Helens Council
Liz Haworth / -Helena Partnerships
Jean Mulford / -Halton & St Helens VCA
Jim Wilson / -NHS Merseyside
Rob Young / -Helena Partnerships
Andy Dempsey / -St Helens Council
Catherine Fletcher / -St Helens Council
Peter Hughes / -St Helens Council



Local Strategic Partnership Board


1Apologies for Absence

Apologies for Absence were received from:

Councillor BaconSt Helens Council

Dr Jette BurfordSt Helens College

Chris CoffeySt Helens CEN

John DownesLangtree Group Plc

Steve GangeSt Helens Chamber

Councillor GrunewaldSt Helens Council

Bob HepworthSt Helens Council

Carole Hudson St Helens Council

Councillor McCauleySt Helens Council

Sally Yeoman Halton and St Helens VCA




The minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2012, were approved and signed as a true record.

The Head of Policy and Performance informed the Board that the Steering Group to support the development of the Armed Forces Community Covenant had been established. An event to mark the signing of the Covenant was scheduled for 18 June 2012.



3Declarations of Interest

No Declarations of Interest from Members were made.



4Troubled Families Outline Delivery Model

The Head of Corporate Community Safety presented a report to the LSP Board on Troubled Families Outline Delivery Model. The report updated the Board on progress made on the Trouble Families Programme that had been presented to the LSP Board on 1 March 2012.

The Board was informed the Troubled Families Programme would run for three years and aimed to work with 520 identified families in its duration, with a commitment to work with 170 families in year one.

On 28 March 2012, the Government published the financial framework for the programme; with funding being made available based on a model of payment by results. The Government had identified three criteria’s for success; getting children back in school, reducing crime and anti-social behaviours and getting parents on the road back into work.

In acknowledgement of the upfront costs associated with restructuring services a proportion of the £4000 funding would be paid up front as an ‘attachment fee’, with the balance paid once positives outcomes had been achieved with the family.

The Board was informed that the Troubled Families Programme would compliment and build on the work already underway with two other initiatives; the European Social Fund (ESF) Families Programme and the New Horizons Programme. It was hoped that the programmes would be used to jointly co-ordinate interventions with each family to ensure delivery outcomes.

Section 5.0 of the report outlined the local delivery model for the Troubled Families Programme which would use existing intervention processes, information sharing and case management systems to develop a local delivery model.

*Resolved that:

(1)the report and work undertaken to develop a local approach towards troubled families to date be noted; and

(2)Partners support the outline delivery arrangement set out in section 5.0 of the report.



5More than just a place to live. What's happening to ...... housing?

The Chief Executive, Executive Director of Business Transformation Helena Partnerships and Head of Housing, St Helens Council gave a presentation to the LSP Board on More than just a place to live. What’s happening to…… Housing?

The presentation detailed the current housing landscape in St Helens and provided an overview of the significant changes and impact the Government Welfare Reform would have on St Helens housing agenda and Helena Partnerships. The presentation covered the key issues that would need to be considered in developing a response to the changes highlighted.

The wider implications for the Local Strategic Partnership included:

  • Impact on the quality of life and health;
  • Disruption to family life;
  • Impact on educational attainment;
  • A potentially negative impact on neighbourhoods; and
  • Impact on homelessness.

Helena Partnerships estimated that the proposals would affect 2,400 households within their housing stock and increase demand for smaller properties, the likelihood of empty properties in particular in their larger properties, increased rent arrears and potential of more evictions.

The Chief Executive of Helena Partnerships informed the board that Helena Partnerships alongside 13 other Merseyside stock housing social landlords had met to discuss an alternative proposal to the Government’s on housing reform.

Although in the very early stages the proposal, presented as a concept, had been well received by the LSP Board and the Board voiced their support as an option worth further exploration.

*Resolved that:

(1)the report be noted; and

(2)any progress on the alternative proposal to the Government Housing Reform be reported back to the LSP Board.



6Next Meeting

Date of next meeting Thursday, 6 September 2012 at 2.00 pm, Room 10, Town Hall, St Helens.



