St Jacob’s United Church of Christ, Blue Creek, 8am

Adult Sunday School at St. John’s 9:30am

Bible Heroes FUNday Sunday: May 20, 9:15am

St John’s United Church of Christ, Penntown, 10:30 am

Pastor Lynne: (812) 623-0354 or (319) 830-4048 or

Church office: (812) 623-3410 or

May 13, 2018

We extend a warm welcome to each of you,

and lift in prayer those who are unable to be here.

Please lift in prayer:Barb Francis; Marvin Huber; Rob McCauley (friend of Pastor Lynne with recent heart attack); Colleen’s grandson Logan Wright (heart surgery; Julene’s friend); Dan Hountz; Jim Schwab; Leo Moster; Dan Bowman; Aiden Roberts; Helen Bise;Alvin & Anna Mae Werner;Catherine Clark (211 Eastern Ave, Sunman); Dennis Walterman; Charles Hadden; Ron Meyer;James Robertson (169 Carryback Ct, Harrison); Lynsey Gesell; Shirley Huneke (at the Chateau); Jan Cowan and Marcia Agbor (friends of Kim G); Isabelle Welch (11702 Westwood Dr, Carmel, IN 46033).

Welcome *(Those who are able, please stand)



*Call to Worship Drake Mitchell

One:Good morning, friends and neighbors!

Of all the places you could be on a Sunday morning, why are you here?

All:We come seeking the blessing of the Risen One in our community.

One: We come to celebrate the presence of the One

who knows our hearts and guides our choices.

All:We come to witness to the Risen One at work in our community.

One:The Risen One at work in us, offering us eternal life:

All:Opening our minds to God’s justice, our hearts to God’s mercy,

our world to the place where God is all in all.

One:Eternal life starting here, starting now:

All:Let us celebrate!

*Opening Hymn“Here I Am, Lord”#559

*Prayer of Reconciliation Drake Mitchell

Protector of all, so many of us come this morning

with the weight of the world on our shoulders.

We are burdened with our own problems

and with the problems of the world that we just can’t solve.

Anxiety and pain separate us from one another and from you.


Remind us that your prayer for us is to become one—

to share each other’s hopes and burdens,

to create a world where resources are shared

so that all have enough for full human life.

Transform our separate lives into one life shared in you;

take away the armor that shields us from the pain of others

and fill us with joy that radiates from the core of our being.

In the joyful spirit of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.

*Assurance of Blessing

Be joyful this day because you are not the burdens you carry!

Instead you are the beautiful image God created and is creating you to be!

And God is creating a Beloved Community in our midst!

Passing of Peace

Response “He Is Lord” #305

He is Lord, he is Lord! He is risen from the dead and he is Lord!

Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Special Hymn“Arise, Your Light Is Come!”#231

Scripture 1 John 5:9-13 Quinton Elston

*John 17:6-23 Gabrielle Elston

Confirmands’ Statements of Faith

Morning Prayer/Lord’s Prayer (sins/sin)

Offering Invitation Sam Bond

Like the trees planted by streams, God provides us with

the opportunities to share the fruits of our labor with each other.

And in that sharing we become closer to embodying

God’s Beloved Community together!

*Offertory Response “Doxology” #44

*Prayer of Dedication Sam Bond

Fruitful God, may these gifts nourish your beloved children

with wisdom, compassion, and creativity

so that your Beloved Community is deepened and recognized:

eternal life made manifest in the here and now. Amen.

Rite of Confirmation

Prayer of the Candidate Samuel Bond

O God, my God,

known to me in Jesus Christ,

I give myself to you as your own,

to love and serve you faithfully

all the days of my life. Amen.

Prayer of the Congregation

Almighty God, who in baptism received this your servant into the church, forgave his sins, and promised him eternal life,

increase in him the gifts of your Holy Spirit.

Grant love for others, joy in serving you, peace in disagreement,

patience and suffering, kindness toward all people, goodness in evil times, faithfulness in temptation, gentleness in the face of opposition,

self-control in all things.

Thereby strengthen him for his ministry in the world;

through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

Act of Confirmation

Prayer of Confirmation


Question About Participation


We promise you our continuing friendship and prayers

as we share the hopes and labors of the church of Jesus Christ.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, may we continue to grow together

in God’s knowledge and love, and be witnesses of our risen Savior.


*Closing Hymn “This Is the Day” #652


I invite you to high-five the persons around you,

either by touching their hands orin the air.

May this high-five serve as a sign

that our worshiping community continues wherever we go.

May the joy you find in your neighbors’ high-fives

energize you for a week of service and compassion.

In the name of God your Creator, Christ, your Compassionate Teacher,

and the Holy Spirit, who laughs with us in high-fives.

This day and forevermore. Amen.

*Choral Response “This Is the Day” #652


Congratulations to our Confirmand!

Samuel Jeffrey Bond

Sam is the son of Erin & Jeff Bond,

the grandson of Sandra Bischoff and Joy & Jeff Bond,

great-grandson of Janet Wiedeman, Betty Licking and Barb & Jim Bond.

Sam’s godparents are B.J. and Kelly Black.

Blessings to Sam as he grows in his faith!


These items are requested for our Homecoming Dinner on

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Name / Phone ______

Potato Salad_____ qts - German_____ qts - mayo

Baked Beans_____ qts

Chicken for noodles (de-boned, with broth)_____ chickens

Milk_____ gallons


Pies or 9” x 13” dessert_____

Jell-O Salads_____

3-Bean Salad_____ qts

Home-baked bread (pre-sliced) _____ loaves white _____ loaves whole wheat

CoffeeReg ______Decaf ______

Money (for chicken ) $______

Please return your list to your solicitor by Tuesday, May 29th.

Please plan to help set up on Friday, June 1stat 6:30PM.

If you are not a member of St. John’s, but would like to help out at the dinner, please complete the form below and drop it in the offering plate or contact

Don (Butch) Richter at 623-3454. We will have a Solicitor contact you.

Name / telephone # ______

Dinner served from 11:00 – 1:30 EDT

Worship service this day – 10:00 AM

To my Church family,

There are no words to express my gratitude for the cards and letters that I received in my mail call on the Honor Flight. A special thanks for those that drove to Indy to welcome me home. It was all awesome as is the great country that we live in. ~Charlie Faulkner

Starting Here, Starting Now: Service prayers for the Seventh Sunday of Easter was written by the Rev. Dr. Ginny Brown Daniel, Conference Minister for Missouri Mid-South Conference, UCC. Copyright 2018, Local Church Ministries, Faith Formation Ministry Team, United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115. CCLI# 3100743.

Volunteers / Today / May 20 / Offerings
Front Door Greeter / Carol Ann / Bob & Carol / (Budget $2127/wk)
Side Door Greeter / Cliff & Sylvia / Ellen / 5/6/18: $1148
Liturgist / Confirmands / Connie / OCWM: $160
Organist / Janet / Sylvia / Attendance 31
Next Week’s Scripture: Acts 2:1-21John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15


May 13Turn Graduate info in to the office TODAY, please!

May 15 Early registration due for Merom summer camp

Sunday School pays half of fees; brochures on East bulletin board

May 17Fink’s Church UCC Coffee Social; full menu, see flyers

May 19Women’s Circle Spring Breakfast, 9am at Izzy’s (Batesville)

May 20 Sunday Funday Bible Heroes, 9:15am

Date change to avoid the Memorial Day weekend. Hope to see you there! We will also begin a Mission offeringproject called "Rice Bowls". Our offerings will provide meals to 50 orphanages around the world. Everyone gets a "rice bowl" to take home, fill up, thenreturn in July. At that time, we'll "break the bank" and see how many meals we will provide!

May 20 Confirmation Sunday / Pentecost (Confirmands/parents here by 10am)

May 31-June 2 IKC Annual Meeting

June 3 Homecoming at St. John’s

June 10 Graduate Sunday, honoring all graduates: high school,college or

kindergarten, we want to honor you! Grad info due today,May 13.

Name & parents (or grandparents’ names), school, degree, future plans, etc.)

We are in the early planning stages for a mid-June 2- or 3-day Vacation Bible School this summer.

Please prayerfully consider how you can be part of VBS! Why? Because we want OUR children and the children of our community to either come to know Christ for the first time or to learn more about him. Great church memories and a lifelong connection to this churchare made at VBS. Here are some other reasons:

  • More people have come to know Jesus as Savior than through any other single church event
  • The single largest outreach event for churches
  • An ideal setting for a ministry because more people will be on the church campus during VBS than at any other time
  • 52 percent of pastors who decided as kids to follow Jesus did so while at a children’s summer camp/VBS.
