How do Irefer an individual tothe
Local practitioner raisesconcerns regarding an individual’s circumstances or behavior
TheSPOC/SLand practitioner will meet/discuss the concerns and the
SPOC will utilizeexisting safeguardingtoolkits to establish whetherthecaseis suitable for aChannel referral
Isthe individualat immediaterisk of danger orimmediateriskof terrorist related activity
Yes No
Phonethe Police and carryout necessarylocal authorityactions in line with existingprotocols
SPOC to makeareferralto theChannel
Co-coordinatorto discuss the circumstances-all telephone referrals must be followed up with a written referral
ChannelCo-coordinatorSadia Hussain
Pleaseseethe‘What happens onceareferral has been made?’ process chartfor
information on how referrals aresupported within the partnership
7 December 2015
Whathappens once areferralhas beenmade?
Referralmadeto the
Channel Coordinator
ChannelCo-coordinator and Police PREVENT Team conduct an initial assessment in linewith Governmentguidance.
Case will be raised at thenext availableChannel SafeguardingPartnershipmeeting
Channel SafeguardingPartnership meetingwilldeterminewhetherthe caseis appropriate for Channel intervention
Suitable for Channel intervention
Not suitable forChannel intervention
Police Channel Officers conduct aVulnerability AssessmentFramework
Consider other options
Close referral
Casemanaged byChannel SafeguardingPartnership meeting alongside other interventions already in place i.e. early intervention
Review progress
Oncesatisfiedallappropriate intervention/support is complete, Channel SafeguardingPartnership meetingwillcloseand sign off and will review every 3,6 and 12 months.
Referral form-PREVENT
PREVENT Advice/referral form for professionals please tick: ( ) advice ( ) referralDate of contact:
Professional Name,
full postal address and telephone number
Full Name of person being referred/discussed
Telephone number / Mobile
Date of Birth: / ___/____/______(consider a referral to children’s social care if under the age of 18 and relevent)
Sex: / Male Female
Ethnicity of the person being referred/discussed:
Religion of the person being referred/discussed:
Family members, Dates of birth and addresses if known: (who is in the immediate family i.e. siblings, parents/carers) / (You must include the details of persons with parental responsibility if the person being referred is under the age of 18)
Is the person aware of the contact with the PREVENT team? If under the age of 18 are parents/guardians aware of the referral/contact? Comments/Views regarding this (if consent has not been sought then why not?)s: / Who else have you referred your concerns to?
Professionals involved and telephone numbers and role:
Concerns/reasons for referral or contact / (please provide as much detail as possible for example, travel plans, concerns regarding planned activities and attach a separate sheet if required)
Please note: if there is an immediate risk then you need to contact the police on 999. Do not wait for the Channel panel in these circumstances.
Please return this document via email to the PREVENT COORDINATOR. (details below)
Sadia Hussain
TEL: 07702656834
Supplementary guidance to referral form.
It is important that the referral form contains as much accurate detail as possible.
Please ensure that basic information such as the name, age and date of birth of the person being referred is correct.
In emergency situations, Please ensure that you contact the police. DO not wait for a response from the PREVENT coordinator where there is an immediate concern for welfare or safety.
Where a young person or child under the age of 18 is being referred, you must have a conversation with the PREVENT coordinator and the discussion will include whether a referral to Children’s Social Care is appropriate.
If you identify support needs for the person being referred/the persons family, then do not wait for Channel Panel for these needs to be considered i.e. if there are parenting issues or if there are drug and alcohol issues. Please discuss these with the PREVENT coordinator.
The CHANNEL process is entirely voluntary and therefore once a person enters the Channel process they will be made aware of the referral. Please follow your own agency guidelines around consent and encourage, where possible, people to engage with the Channel Process. IF you have not got consent at the point of referral, then please advise why in the referral so that this can be considered.
Please try to include as many details as possible such as any planned travel, details of why you are concerned, any evidence to support your concerns and how long you have had these concerns for. If you referral is about a child or young person, please include any details about whether you have discussed concerns with parents/carers and what their views are of the concerns. If you have any concerns then please discuss the referral with your agency Safeguarding lead in the first instance and with the PREVENT Coordinator.
Remember: if you have concerns around the immediate welfare of any persons then please make sure that you contact the Police on 999.
FAQ’s about PREVENT in Calderdale.
Preventis one strand oftheGovernment’s counterterrorismstrategy known asCONTEST. ThePreventstrategyaims to stoppeople becomingterroristsorsupportingterrorism.Prevent addresses allforms ofterrorismbutprioritisestheseaccordingto the threatthey poseto our nationalsecurity.Preventisdeliveredin partnershipbya widerange oforganisations includingthe policeservice. Togetherwerecognisethat the bestlong-termsolution to preventingterrorismisto stop people becomingterroristsinthefirstplace.
Radicalisation isusuallya processand notaneventtherefore itis possibletointervene to preventvulnerablepeople frombeingdrawn intoterrorist-relatedactivity.
Channelisa multi-agencyinitiative thatusesexistingpartnership structuresand collaborationbetween partnersto helpsafeguardindividualswho are vulnerableto radicalisation,regardless offaith,ethnicityorbackground. This issimilarto the wayin whichindividuals atriskfrominvolvement in crime, drugs and othersocialissuesare supported. Byprovidingsupporttothosemostatrisk, theycan be divertedaway fromany potentialthreat, which could otherwisedraw themintocriminalactivity.
Channel, alongsideothersupportive processes,provides aclearframeworkin which to respond to safeguardingconcerns forthose adults and youngpeople who maybe particularly susceptible toterroristideology, and therebyatriskofbecominginvolved in terrorism
Safeguarding vulnerablepeople who maybe atriskofbeingdrawninto terrorismis an essentialpartof thePrevent strategy. Terrorismis arealandserious threatto usallbecause terroristsactivelyseekto harmus, to damage communityrelations andto undermine the valueswe all share.Throughout the countrythere is a legalrequirement under the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015forPreventlocalaction plans to bein place to supportvulnerableindividuals–this supportis provided bya referralprocess known asChannel.
Tosafeguardindividuals who mightbe vulnerableto beingradicalised,so thattheyare notat riskofbeingdrawn intoterrorist-related activity.
Channelisa partnership approach tosafeguardindividuals who are vulnerabletobeing radicalised byterrorists anddrawnintoterroristactivity.It is akeystrandofthe Government’sPreventStrategy, published inJune 2011 (
Amulti-agencypanel, chaired bythelocalauthority, decides onthe mostappropriate actionto supportindividuals afterconsideringtheircircumstances. Everysupportpackage is monitored closelyandreviewedregularly. Byprovidingthis support, we are ableto safeguard our communitiesfromthe threatofterrorism.
Channelisa multi-agencyapproach to identifyand provide supporttoindividualswho areat riskofbeingdrawn intoterrorist-related activity.
Theprocess forms akeypartof the Government’sPrevent strategy.
Channel works ina similar wayto existingsuccessfulpartnership initiativeswhich aimto safeguard individuals whoare vulnerableand protectthemfromharm, such as Early Intervention Panels.
Theprocess providesa mechanismforsafeguarding vulnerable individualsbyassessing the nature and extentof thepotentialrisktheyface before theybecome involved in criminalactivityand, where necessary, providea supportpackage tailoredto an individual’s needs.
Terrorismis averyreal threatto allourcommunities and terrorists seekto exploitthose who are mostvulnerable.Thatis whyitis vitalthatweall worktogetherto support those who areatriskof radicalisation – regardlessoffaith, ethnicityorbackground.
Channelisaboutworkingtogetherto supportvulnerable individualsatan earlystage and providingthem, where appropriate, with advice andsupporttodivert themawayfrom terrorism.
Whatfactorscanputpeople atrisk?
Thereis no single wayofidentifyingwho islikelyto be vulnerable inthis way. Factors may include:peerpressure, influencefromotherpeopleorthe internet, bullying, crime and anti- socialbehaviour, familytensions, race/hate crime, lackofselfesteemor identityand personal orpoliticalgrievances.
HowdoImake a referralor findoutmore aboutChannel?
Ifyou workfora partnerorganisationand wantto knowmore aboutChannelorhave a concern aboutan individualand want to make a referral, contactyourorganisation’s safeguardinglead/PREVENT Lead.
To make a referral, please fill out the attached form and email it to Sadia Hussain PREVENT Coordinator ()
Ifyou are acommunityorfamily memberand are concernedaboutsomeoneplease contactSadia Hussain, PREVENT Coordinator (details within this document)
Howdoes Channelwork?
TheChannelprocessidentifies thosemostatrisk, andrefersthemvia theLocal Authorityforassessmentbya multi-agencypanelwhich decideshowtosupporttheir vulnerability. Not all cases referred to Channel will be appropriate and we will look to utilize and discuss existing support with you. The cases will initially be screened by the PREVENT Coordinator and the Police PREVENT team to decide which cases are appropriate for Channel, where a case is not appropriate for Channel, it will exist the process.
Channelisaboutcommunitiesworkingcloselyin partnership withthe Local Authority and police,to divertpeopleawayfrompotentialriskatan earlystage so thattheyare not drawnintoordrawn backinto,terroristrelated criminalbehavior.
Partnershipinvolvementensures thatthose atriskhave accessto a widerange ofsupport rangingfrom mainstreamservices, such ashealthandeducation, through tospecialist mentoringorfaith guidanceand widerdiversionaryactivities.
Whoshouldbe involved?
The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 makes it a statutory duty for Specified Authorities such as the Police, Schools, Local Authority and NHS to give due regard to the issue of radicalisation, extremism and terrorism. Therefore Safeguarding people from radicalisation, extremism and terrorism has now become a statutory duty alongside other safeguarding issues.
Radicalisation isusuallya processand notaneventtherefore itis possibletointervene to preventvulnerablepeople frombeingdrawnintoterrorist-relatedactivity.
Channelisa multi-agencyinitiative thatusesexistingpartnership structuresto safeguard individuals who are vulnerableto radicalisation,regardlessoffaith,ethnicityorbackground. Thisis similartothe wayin whichindividuals atriskfrominvolvement in crime, drugs and othersocialissuesaresupported. Byprovidingsupportto thosemostatrisk, theycan be diverted awayfromanypotentialthreat, which could otherwisedrawtheminto criminal activity. Channel,alongsideothersupportive processes,providesa clearframeworkin which to respond tosafeguardingconcernsforthoseadults and youngpeople who maybe particularlysusceptibletoterroristideology, and therebyat riskofbecominginvolved in terrorism.
Isthe Channelprocessdiscussedwiththe individualidentifiedas vulnerable?
Allindividuals receivingChannelsupportmustbe aware thatthey are receivingsupportas partofa programme to protectvulnerablepeoplefromradicalisationandthataspartof the scheme informationaboutthemwillbeshared with multi-agencypartners,includingthe police. Alldecision making is clearlydocumented andin line withtheChannelGuidance on the sharingofinformation.
IsChannelgoodfor communities?
Channelisnotaboutreportingor informingon individualsin orderto prosecutethem.It is a processthatsupports vulnerable people atthe earliestpossible opportunitybeforethey become involved inillegalactivity.
Channelisa partnership responseto preventingterrorism. TheChannelprocesshas similarities toothercrime prevention initiatives in place around drugs and gangs prevention work, however its focusisspecificallyon safeguardingthosevulnerableto beingdrawninto extremism and radicalisation.
Allcommunitiesare affected bythe threatofterrorism, butthe extentofthethreatvaries acrossthe country, whichiswhyChannelis delivered atalocallevelandproportionatetothe needsoflocalpeople.
Doesthe ChannelprocesstargetMuslimcommunities?
No. The process appliestoanyindividual,fromanyfaith,ethnicityorbackgroundwho may be atriskofbeingdrawninto anyformof terrorism. Where a referral is deemed inappropriate for PREVENT, it will exit the process. Channel deals with individuals who are at risk of radicalisation of all forms including those who are risk from the far right amongst others.
TheChannelprocesscan applyto anyone whois vulnerableto beingdrawninto terrorism. Its purposeisto safeguard vulnerableindividuals ofanyfaith,ethnicityorbackground and to stopthembeingdrawninto terrorism.
Ifyou workfora statutoryagencyand have concerns aboutsomeonewho maybevulnerable pleasecontactyourlocalChildrenorAdultSafeguardinglead.
Ifyou are afamilymemberorfromthe localcommunityand have aconcern aboutan individualpleasecontactSadia Hussain, PREVENT Coordinator, 07702656834.
Whomakesthe referrals?
Referrals can come froma widerange ofsourcesand couldinclude youth offendingteams, socialservices, health,education, policeand membersof the public.
Whatkindsof supportdopeople referredtoChannelreceive?
If the Channelmulti-agencypanelassessesthatsomeone is vulnerable tobeingdrawn into terrorismtheywillput inplace apackage ofsupporttailored toaddress the individual’s specific needs.Thetypesofsupportcouldinclude:
• Lifeskills– workon life skills orsocialskills generally, such asdealingwithpeer pressure;
• Mentoringsupportcontact– workwith asuitableadultasarole modelorproviding personalguidance, including guidanceaddressingextremistideologies;
• Angermanagementsession – formalor informalworkdealingwithanger;
• Cognitive/behaviouralcontact–cognitive behaviouraltherapiesand generalworkon attitudesand behaviourssuch asthinkingskills;
• Constructive pursuits – supervisedormanaged constructive leisure activities;
• Educationskills contact– activities focused oneducation ortraining;
• Careers contact – activitiesfocused onemployment;
• Familysupportcontact– activitiesaimed atsupportingfamilyand personalrelationships, includingformalparentingprogrammes;
• Health awarenesscontact –workaimed atassessingoraddressinganyphysicalormental healthissues;
• Housingsupportcontact–activitiesaddressinglivingarrangements, accommodation provision orneighbourhood;and
• Drugs and alcoholawareness– substance misuseinterventions.
Whoprovidessupporttopeople referredtoChannel?
Providers ofsupportcanincludelocalagenciessuch as localauthorities,the police education, health services, probation and youth offendingteams. Supportcan also be provided by communitypartners whereappropriate. Becausetheindividuals thatare safeguarded through Channelare vulnerable people, anycommunitypartners engagingwith anindividualwill
have firstbeenapproved bythe OfficeforSecurityandCounter-Terrorism(OSCT) inthe
Home Office.
Where possible, we will always aim to support professionals already involved with an individual and utalise existing support networks.
Whopaysfor these services?
Where supportis providedbya statutorypartnerthe costofthe supportis met fromwithin theirexistingbudgets. Where supportis provided byacommunitypartner,the Channelpolice practitionerisresponsible for fundingthe provider.
Isn’tChanneljustawayof police spyingoncommunities?
Channelisa supportive processto safeguard vulnerable individuals who maybe atriskfrom beingdrawninto terrorism. It is notaboutspyingand gatheringintelligence. It is aboutearly interventionto protectanddivertpeople away fromthe risktheymayface atan early opportunity. Policealreadyworkwith individuals vulnerableto beingdrawnintocriminal activitysuchasdrugs, knife organgcrime. In a similarwaythe processofradicalisation allows ustointerveneto preventvulnerable peoplebeingdrawn into terrorist-related activity.
Thepolice serviceistaskedwith keepingthe public safe and communitieshave asignificant partto playinthis. Policeofficers routinely gatherinformation to combatcrime and anti- socialbehaviour– public protection fromterrorismand violentextremists is no exception. Thepublicisa keypartnerin thisprocessand hasacentralrole toplayinproviding informationto policeto help protect theirown communitiesfromharm.
Guidance forpartneragencieson the Channelprocessis available at
This provideslocalpartneragenciesin England and Wales with adviceon implementing
Channeland details of the supportitcan provide forvulnerable individuals.