Eating Disorder Presentation

Audience: PEERS & Health/PE Students

Grade Level: All students

Presentation Date: Spring Semester

Lesson Title: “Eating Disorders: What Are They Really About?”

Counseling Competencies & Content Objectives

ASCA Personal/Social Domain Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.

Competency A1 Acquire Self-Knowledge: PS:A1.4. Understand change is a part of growth

Competency A2 Acquire Interpersonal Skills: PS:a2.6. Use effective communication skills.

Competency C1 Acquire Personal Safety Skills: PS:C1.5. Differentiate between situations requiring peer support and situations requiring adult professional help.

Language Objective:

SWBAT apply information learned about eating disorders to situations involving peers, family and/or mediation/one-on-one interaction with students. Students will demonstrate this by completing a one page reflection sheet about the presentation.

SWBAT synthesize prior knowledge of eating disorders, factual information and personal stories of dealing with eating disorders to form a well-rounded and balanced approach to supporting someone with an eating disorder or disseminating information about eating disorders. Students will share their synthesized thought process with other class members through a verbal “reflection period” the following class period, allowing the student to process the presentation during a 24 hour period.

SWBAT evaluate prior opinions about eating disorders and discuss in large group new insight gained through the presentation.









Computer/Power Point



Learning Styles Addressed:

Linguistic, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal

Anticipatory set: Begin presentation with an informal KWL Chart-type discussion


  • Begin Power Point with clip (dependent on Ms. Dunham inserting the clip): Clip will be used to visually represent the “typical” person’s understanding of eating disorders and initiate discussion from the group
  • Review Power Point slides taking questions during presentation and check for understanding by asking probing questions.
  • Encourage interaction with the students during the “Common Myths” slide
  • Segue from informational to personal presentation with use of hand-outs
  • Review portion of handouts with students highlighting pages dealing with how to help and resources for “helping someone” that has an eating disorder.
  • Share briefly about personal experience with eating disorders focusing on recovery and support systems.
  • Discussion/question/processing time again focusing on when to get help, when to consult professionals and how to take care of self.
  • Inform students of written assignment/presentation for next class meeting.


One 85 minute class period with a follow-up discussion and student sharing time the following day during class time.