(Note, Confirm, Decide) / RESP:
Minutes of the meeting of the LHAAC held on Monday 8 August 2011 commencing at 1000 at the Town of Vincent, 244 Vincent St, Leederville.
1.0 / Welcome and Apologies
1.1 / Election of Chairman:
Members were asked to nominate a Chairman for the meeting. Mr Ducas moved and Mr Burton seconded the nomination of Rob Boardman. No further nominations were received and Mr Boardman assumed the role of Chairman.
1.2 / Opening and Welcome:
Mr Boardman opened the meeting at 10.05 and welcomed all the members and guests to the meeting and Mr Dent, who was participating by telephone. He gave a special welcome to Cr Valerie Ammon from the Shire of Gingin who was attending her first meeting and Dr Melissa Stoneham who was attending as an observer in her capacity as consultant to the Committee on Strategic Direction.
1.3 / Apologies:
Joseph Zappavigna – City of Fremantle
1.4 / Attendees:
Rob Boardman – Town of Vincent (CHAIRMAN);
Cr Valerie Ammon – Shire of Gingin (Non-Metro LGAs);
John Burton – City of Melville;
Elaine Clucas – City of Perth;
Colin Dent – Shire of Capel (Non Metro LGAs – TELECONFERENCE);
Greg Ducas – City of Stirling;
Jason Jenke – City of South Perth;
David Wilson – City of Joondalup (Metro LGAs);
Mark Edwards – Agrifood Technology;
Andrew Lindsay – Agrifood Technology;
Bill Calder – Department of Health;
Dr Melissa Stoneham – Stoneham & Associates;
Trevor Chapman -LHAAC Coordinator.
2.0 / Minutes of the Meeting Held 13 June 2011
2.1 / MOTION: (Clucas/Burton):
The Minutes of the Meeting held 13 June 2011 be approved as a true and correct record. / Carried Unanimously
2.2 / Matters Arising: / None
3.0 / Reports from Partners
3.1 / Appointed Analyst:
Andrew Lindsay and Mark Edwards outlined recent progress at Agrifood and provided the latest table of usage for members. The Coordinator and Mark had contacted a number of LGAs to try and encourage more submissions of discretionary units prior to financial year end which resulted in the late submission of about 4,000 units, creating a substantial difference between units submitted in 2010/11 and units submitted and processed – given the majority of the later submissions were processed in July.
The Coordinator remarked that he was still disappointed with the number of samples submitted in 2010/11 although he did accept that the samples submitted were more structured, more relevant and perhaps will provide a better insight into future sampling needs.
Greg Ducas reported that City of Stirling were struggling to recruit EHOs and he knew of many other LGAs in a similar position. John Burton supported this and said they were using non EHOS at Melville to collect non-legal samples from food premises. Both officers felt the industry needed a concerted effort to address the EHO shortage and this included consolidation of input from the two main professional bodies representing EHOs.
Andrew also tabled a summary of processing times on each sample. This was supported by a copy of the KPI Section of the Annual Report to the Minister for Health tabled by the Coordinator. Both summaries showed significant improvements in turnaround times and particularly in the second half of the year. Agrifood Technology did not differentiate between routine and non-routine samples and both were given the same level of priority. In the second half of the year 76% of all samples were processed within 14 days.
Andrew also advised that Agrifoods have now completed the remaining three Coordinated Sampling Project reports which would be circulated to the members in the next few days. Melissa had a copy of the report on Meat Pies and Sausage Rolls and felt the findings would make for a good Press Release from LHAAC. The Coordinator was requested to :
1.  Forward the three Coordinated Sampling Reports to members;
2.  Receive any feedback from members;
3.  Advise LGAs of the availability of the reports in the next LHAAC Update;
4.  Upload the three reports onto the LHAAC website;
5.  Liaise with Melissa Stoneham about a possible Media Release (content and process) and liaise with LHAAC Chairman regarding distribution.
MOTION: (Ducas/Burton)
LHAAC write to the Vice Chancellor of Curtin University, the Minister for Health, the two major professional bodies representing EHOs, WALGA, LGMG and any other pertinent body about the shortage of EHOs and the fear of a more significant impact should Curtin University cease delivery of some of their Environmental Health courses. / For Action
Carried Unanimously / TC
3.2 / Department of Health report:
Bill Calder reported that the Department had experienced a similar decline in the level of micro-biological sampling over recent years and he too was aware of the problems associated with recruiting EHOs and Local Governments finding time in their range of duties to undertake food sampling.
Mr Calder tabled a report on the Sampling Scheme for 2009/10, which was effectively a summary of the results of the first year of sampling under the Revised Scheme. Members were asked to read and consider the report and provide feedback to Mr Calder. The report recommended that LHAAC gather more evidential data on food product areas that would benefit from structured sampling programs to assist LHAAC in its stated aim of delivering a more risk-based sampling program.
Mr Calder also summarised sampling programs the Department was involved with currently or that were planned for the immediate future.
He also advised the Committee that they too were struggling with staff numbers following the death of one officer, a reduction in hours for another and several other HR changes. He advised that Kim Unwin had been suggested as a more suitable member of the Food Unit team to attend LHAAC meetings but the finer details of this proposal had not been completely sorted within the Department.
MOTION: (Clucas/Dent)
1.  LHAAC conduct research and gather evidence to identify up to 20 high-risk food products in Western Australia which can be used to determine future Coordinated Sampling Projects;
2.  The Coordinator to investigate options for completing this task including the possible use of Undergraduate Students, Stoneham & Associates, internal resources of the LHAAC or a combination thereof.
4.0 / Key Focus Areas
4.1 / Sampling Scheme:
The Coordinator reported that invoices for 2011/12 had been sent to all Local Governments on 29 July for their participation in the 2011/12 LHAAC Sampling Scheme.
Directions for participation in the first Coordinated Sampling Project for 2011 had also been issued. The product area selected was dairy produce.
The concerted targeting of key Local Governments who had low unit usage as at March 2011 had resulted in the submission of some 4500 units in May and June 2011. This direct approach to individual officers seemed to be successful and would be utilised again in 2011/12 but much earlier in the operational year.
4.2 / Partnerships:
Nothing reported.
4.4 / Communication:
The Coordinator expanded on some of the activities and meetings he had been involved in since the June meeting as summarised in Attachment 4.4.
Much of his time had been spent on the invoice process for 2011/12 and the preparation of the 2010/11 Financial Statements and addressing tasks associated with the 2011/11 audit process.
Other accommodation options for LHAAC had been investigated but without success.
The Coordinator also reported that he and LHAAC Chairman, Rob Boardman, had met with Jim Dodds of the Department of Health and the meeting had been very productive. A key outcome was a proposal to invite Dr. Tarun Weeramanthri, Executive Director Public Health Division (D of H) to our October meeting. This invite had been put to, and accepted by, Dr Weeramanthri.
MOTION: (Clucas/Wilson)
The Committee receive and note the report as presented by the Coordinator. / Carried Unanimously
4.5 / Financial Sustainability:
4.5.1 / Accounts Passed for Payment since the last meeting (Attachment 4.5.1)
MOTION: (Dent/Wilson)
That the accounts listed in Attachment 4.5.1 to a sum of $22,402.05 are acknowledged as paid and approved by the Committee. / Carried Unanimously
4.5.2 / Daily Operating Account Summary (Attachment 4.5.2)
MOTION: (Dent/Wilson)
The Daily Operating Account Summary is received and noted by the Committee. / Carried Unanimously
4.5.3 / Current Investments (Attachment 4.5.3)
MOTION: (Dent/Wilson)
The Summary of Current Investments is received and noted by the Committee. / Carried Unanimously
5.0 / LHAAC Membership Issues
5.1 / The Coordinator reported that he had still not received any notification of nominations received for the vacant Metropolitan member on the Committee (vacated by Mark Bishop).
Cr Ammon had been endorsed by the Minister for Health as the new Non-Metro member (replacing Cr Terry O’Toole) and was attending her first meeting today.
6.0 / Strategic Framework
6.1 / Members had received Notes of the Strategic Framework Review meeting as recorded by the LHAAC Coordinator and also an overview of outcomes from Dr Stoneham.
The Committee considered options for ensuring delivery of the key actions emanating from the review and acknowledged the importance of ensuring implementation occurred rather than the report sitting idle in a filing cabinet. Dr Stoneham summarised some of the key actions required which included:
Ø  Agreeing on a new name and logo for LHAAC;
Ø  Improving our website;
Ø  Press Release process;
Ø  Developing the linkages with other stakeholders;
Ø  Developing a Position Description for the Coordinator which reflected the four pillars outlined in the SF;
Ø  Developing and promoting a more public role for the Coordinator;
Ø  Reorganisation and prioritisation of work tasks.
Ø  Using SF as reporting framework for LHAAC meetings;
Ø  Look at Traffic Light system of reporting progress on key activities
Dr Stoneham left the room from 1200 until 1215 whilst the Committee considered the ongoing role of Stoneham & Associates.
MOTION: (Dent/Wilson)
1.  LHAAC invite Stoneham & Associates, in association with the LHAAC Coordinator, to develop a program of involvement to help implement the key actions emanating from the Strategic Framework Review process and the Strategic Framework Implementation Plan, with an initial budget ceiling of $5,000. Further spending to be advised to, and approved by, the LHAAC before proceeding with activities.
2.  Once the above program of works has been developed, it should be forwarded by email to LHAAC members for consideration and approval. / Carried Unanimously
7.0 / Any Other Business
7.1 / Terms of Reference Amendment (Election of Chairperson) from John Burton
The Members Resource Kit includes a Section 6 “Terms of Reference” with a subsection “Election of Chairman”. Among other things this allows for the election of a Chairman for a two year term. The Members Resource Kit (December 2010) and Draft Policy Manual were endorsed at the 6 December 2010 meeting of the LHAAC. This included reference to the Health Act, S.247C(3), allowing the LHAAC to do all such things to perform its functions. As per recent legal advice (Julie Barnes, Senior Policy officer, Legal & Legislative Services, Department of Health, WA) this action is ultra vires.
Motion: (Burton/Ducas)
That Section 6 of the LHAAC Members Resource Kit be amended by deleting all wording in the subsection ‘Election of Chairperson’ and replacing with ‘the Chairperson will be elected in accordance with Section247B(2) of the Health Act 1911 which provides for the members present electing one of their numbers to preside at the meeting.’ / Carried Unanimously / TC
7.2 / Standing Orders Amendment (From John Burton)
Further to item 7.1, the Committee was requested to consider the following motion:
Motion: (Burton/Ducas)
That Section 9 (Standing Orders) Part II of the Members Resource Kit be amended by deleting clauses 2(i) and 2(ii) and 2(iii) and inserting under clause 2 ‘General meetings of the LHAAC will be chaired in accordance with the Terms of Reference; and any official Sub-Committee meetings will be chaired by a Chairperson nominated at the commencement of the meeting by the Sub-Committee members.’ / Carried Unanimously / TC
7.3 / Terms of Reference Amendment (Responsibilities of Chairperson) – Item from John Burton
There is a need for a person to be designated to undertake duties that would be similar to a long term chair position. For the good governance of the LHAAC and referring to Section 247(3) of the Health Act 1911, the following motion was proposed:
Motion: (Burton/Ducas)
That Section 6 of the LHAAC Members’ Resource Kit (Terms of Reference) be amended by replacing all of subsection ‘Responsibilities of Chairperson’ with a new title ‘Election and Responsibilities of Designated Person’ and insert the following:
a)  The membership shall elect a Designated Person from amongst themselves at a meeting as appropriate;
b)  The Designated Person shall be elected for a term of up to two years, subject to their own term of appointment, and to a maximum of two terms;
c)  If the Designated Person resigns, dies, or withdraws from the Committee for any reason the membership shall elect from amongst the remaining members a new Designated Person to cover the remainder of the term of the outgoing Designated Person or any other term agreed by the membership notwithstanding point b) above;
d)  The Designated Person provides for the day to day contact for the LHAAC Coordinator in matters pertaining to authorization of accounts for payment, general policy matters and direction on matters requiring decisions outside formal LHAAC meetings, affecting the day to day operation of the LHAAC;
e)  The Designated Person shall also be the appointed Spokesperson for the LHAAC on media releases and statements and for liaison with stakeholders on formal matters. / Carried Unanimously / TC
7.4 / Nomination of Designated Person:
(Item submitted by John Burton)
Following acceptance of Items 7.1 to 7.3, John Burton nominated Rob Boardman for the position of Designated Person.
No other nominations were received.
That Rob Boardman is appointed as the Designated Person representing LHAAC. / Carried Unanimously.
Mr Boardman abstained.
7.5 / Attendance at 10 October Meeting:
In view of the strategic importance of the meeting with Tarun Weeramanthri it was agreed that Dr Stoneham assist in the development of a presentation to Mr. Weeramanthri and that she attend the meeting. / Information / TC
7.6 / Presentation of Reports at Meetings:
Mr. Burton appealed for reports to be circulated prior to the meetings and not tabled on the day in order to allow members time to read them prior to the meeting. / Action Item / TC
7.7 / Duration of Meetings:
Mr. Wilson questioned whether meetings needed to be longer in duration in order to give adequate time for discussion of the many items on the agenda. Mr. Boardman responded by saying that Dr Stoneham had been asked to provide comment on our meeting procedure and whether improvements in efficiencies could be achieved. He proposed receiving and considering those comments first before making any changes to meeting format. / MS/TC
7.8 / Media Statement regarding Meat Pies & Sausage Rolls Survey:
Members felt the content and findings of the report from Agrifood Technolgy provided good reason to issue a Media Statement. TC was asked to develop a draft.
MOTION: (Ammon/Ducas)
The Coordinator develop a draft Media Statement, with input from Dr. Stoneham, and circulate to members for comment prior to release. / Carried Unanimously / TC
8.0 / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for 10 October 2011. Dr Tarun Weeramanthri, Executive Director Public Health Division of the Department of Health, has agreed to attend this meeting. / Information
9.0 / Closure
9.1 / There being no further business Mr Boardman closed the meeting at 12.37.
The Coordinator acknowledged and thanked the Town of Vincent and several of its staff for hosting the meeting and providing administrative support.

2011 8 Aug Minutes - LHAAC