Part 3 of 4
Work programme (2012 – 2017)
Action / Key points / Partners / Wider Stakeholders / Resources / TimetableRegister of Structures and Features
Establish online register of Structure and Features which have a significant effect on local flood risk. /
- To be held on ‘hertsdirect’
- To be updated at least quarterly
- Risk Management Authorities
- General Public
- Owners of structure and features
- Riparian owners
- LLFA (via consultants)
Maintain online register of Structure and Features which have a significant effect on local flood risk. /
- Add information from SWMPs
- Refine and quality check entries
- Update record at least quarterly
Development of Information on Flood Risk and Flood Risk Management in Hertfordshire
Develop data sharing protocol for all flood risk information relating to Hertfordshire /
- To be agreed with all main contributors.
- Risk Management Authorities
- Key infrastructure owners
- General Public
- LLFA (via consultants)
Develop web portal for partners and the public to access local flood risk data. /
- To be a map based interactive database accessed via ‘hertsdirect’
- To be updated at least quarterly
Review SFRAs to assess how the improving evidence base for flooding from all sources can be used in spatial planning / development control. /
- County based work to be led by the LLFA
- District based work to be undertaken by the relevant district authority
- As per review timetable for local SFRAs
- District Planning Authorities
- Environment Agency
- Developers
- LLFA for coordination
- Districts for any detailed studies
Consenting and Enforcement Activities on Ordinary Watercourses
Develop risk based categorisation of ordinary water courses to inform inspection and enforcement. /
- Will require the development of risk categories and a review of all ordinary water courses (approx 1,200 km) in Hertfordshire
- District Authorities
- Risk Management Authorities
- Riparian Owners
- LLFA and district authorities where appropriate
Inspection, consenting and enforcement activity on ordinary watercourses /
- Inspection regime and enforcement approach as per the outcome of the risk review of ordinary watercourses.
Surface Water Management Plans
Develop Surface Water Management Plans based on the boundaries of the 10 district authorities /
- Complete SWMP for Watford and St Albans
- WatfordBC
- City and District of St Albans
- General Public
- Business interests
- Other RMA’s
- District authorities
- Other RMA’s as appropriate
- Initiate and complete SWMP for Dacorum and North Hertfordshire
- DacorumBC
- North Hertfordshire DC
- Initiate and complete SWMP for East Hertfordshire and Hertsmere
- East Hertfordshire DC
- HertsmereBC
- Initiate and complete SWMP for ThreeRivers and Broxbourne
- Three Rivers DC
- BroxbourneBC
- Initiate and complete SWMP for Welwyn Hatfield and Stevenage
- Welwyn Hatfield BC
- StevenageBC
Flood Risk Management Partnerships
Where necessary establish appropriate Partnership arrangements for flood risk management /
- To include a core strategic level partnership structure and where appropriate local partnership arrangements
- RMAs
- Veolia
- British Waterways
- LeeValleyRegionalPark
- Community Groups
- Other interested bodies
- LLFA (for initial administrative support)
Local groups as and when necessary.
Maintain appropriate Partnership arrangements /
- LLFA to fund secretariat
Establish SuDS Approval Body (SAB) to operate in Hertfordshire /
- Initially resource to deal with 200 major applications per year across Hertfordshire
- District planning authorities
- Environment Agency
- Water and Sewerage Companies
- General public
- developers
- LLFA to provide pump-priming funds to set-up then to be self-financed via fees charged for drainage approval
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