Local Development Scheme Board – 20th April 2017 – Notes of Meeting

Attendees: Angie Singleton (AS), Ric Pallister (RP), Sue Steele (SS), Nick Weeks (NW), Peter Gubbins (PG), Clare Aparicio Paul (CAP), Carrol Goodall (CG), Martin Woods (MW) Jo Wilkins (JW), Jo Manley (JM) and Stuart Hardisty (SH).

1.  Presentation by Stuart Hardisty

·  JW explained that SH from Hardisty Jones Associates (HJA) has been commissioned to undertake a study for the Early Review of the Local Plan. The study seeks to understands the long term economic projections and consequently employment land requirements in South Somerset up to 2034.

·  SH presented the emerging findings. He explained that currently there is a high level of labour market participation and low levels of unemployment. Net job growth has been relatively low in recent years, which can be explained by the sectoral profile and dominance of manufacturing sector which is in decline nationally. Office based activities are under represented in the district.

·  SH presented alternative scenarios for growth based on different economic forecasts. He explained that there were differences in forecaster opinions on scale and sectors. HJA and SSDC officers had met previously and considered a sensible hybrid/alternative scenario of the forecasts.

·  In summary, the forecasting suggests that there will be a lower rate of employment growth in the future than has been experienced historically in the district. This lower rate of growth links to a constraint of the labour supply (growing elderly population and Hinckley factor).

·  SH explained that higher growth options may require additional housing.

·  SH outlined the employment land requirements associated with the alternative scenario. He explained that an agent’s forum would also be held to “sense check” these with the development industry.

·  Action: SH to provide slides for circulation to LDS Board.

·  Action: Spatial Policy to arrange a joint portfolio holder meeting (spatial policy and economic development) for SH to present to wider member group.

2.  Retail and Main Town Centre Needs Assessment

·  JM gave a verbal update. The draft report has been received and indicates potential for additional food retail space in Yeovil and Wincanton by 2034. The capacity figures are on the council’s website. The final report is expected in May.

·  Action: JM to circulate floorspace capacity figures to LDS Board for information.

3.  AOB

·  Next meeting June (tba)