Agreement for Use of the College of Charleston
And the Citadel Libraries
By Academic Magnet High School Students
Academic Magnet High School JUNIOR/SENIOR students have unlimited access to in-library use of resources at the College of Charleston and the Citadel libraries. In addition, AMHS students have been extended the privilege to check out 2 books at a time from each of these libraries.
The College of Charleston and Citadel libraries have strict policies concerning payment of fines and payment for lost or damaged books. AMHS students and their parents MUST agree to abide by these policies in order for the AMHS student to check out books.
College of Charleston Borrowing Policies
Addlestone Library
The fine for a late book is ten cents ($.10) per day, per book – seven days a week. Only 2 books at a time can be checked out. All patrons are personally responsible for lost or damaged books checked out in their name. The Library charges $60.00 for lost or damaged books. If the book’s value is over $60.00, the full value will be charged. The Library will not be obliged to return payment for books later found, as replacement copies are ordered promptly upon payment. There are designated computers for guests of the library to use; please check in at the circulation desk when you visit.
The Citadel Borrowing Policies
Daniel Library
The fine for a late book is ten cents ($.10) per day, per book – seven days a week. Only 2 books at a time can be checked out. All patrons are personally responsible for lost or damaged books checked out in their name. The library charges $40.00 for lost or damaged books plus a $10.00 processing fee. The Library will not be obliged to return payment for books later found, as replacement copies are ordered promptly upon payment.
Conditions for Use of Borrowing Privileges
Students and their parents are responsible for anything checked out in the student’s name. No student should check out materials for anyone else or allow someone else to use their privilege, OR THEIR PRIVILEGES TO THESE LIBRARIES WILL BE REVOKED. This agreement is between the student/parent and the college libraries. Tehrefore, students and/or their parents are personally responsible (not the school staff) for returning books and paying debts. However, school staff will receive monthly overdue reports and will pass that information on to students.
In addition to the financial obligations outlined above, the following penalties and consequences apply to students who do not clear their accounts by returning books, paying fines or paying for lost items in a prompt manner:
Students who do not clear their library account at either college by January 15th (for the first semester) will lose their privilege at that Library for the second semester.
Students who do not clear their library account at either college by May 15th (for the second semester) will lose their privilege at that library for the first semester of the following year.
Seniors who owe money and/or books will not marchat graduation or receive their diplomas until all debts are cleared.
Students who check out materials for someone else or allow someone else to use their card will LOSE ALL college library privileges for the remainder of the year.
Parental conferences, detentions, or other disciplinary actions may also be assigned as determined by AMHS administration.
Please complete this section and return the entire form:
We acknowledge understanding of the borrowing policies at the College of Charleston and Citadel libraries and the conditions for use. We will fulfill our financial responsibilities to those institutions in a timely manner.
Student’s Full Name (Print) ______, ______
Parent Signature ______
Student Signature ______
Date______Grade Level______