Local Action Group Members

Job Description

The Northumberland Uplands LEADER (NULEADER)area covers the Northumberland National Park and some surrounding areas from the Scottish border in the north to the Tyne Valley in the south and from the Cumbrian border in the west to the separate Coast and Lowland LEADER area in the east. LEADER is a bottom-up, community led approach to the delivery of the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) which is jointly funded by the EU and DEFRA and managed by Northumberland County Council.

LEADER funds projects which support rural economic growth in the NULEADER area in ways which reflect the area’s local priorities, engage local people and businesses, builds more resilient communities and conserves its high quality landscape and environment. Please check our website LEADER 2014 - 2020 for more information on LEADER, map of the area and Local Development Strategy (LDS) approved by Defra.

NU LEADER is delivered through a Local Action Group (LAG) which is made up of a cross-section of people work and/or live within the area who have local understanding of the issues rural businesses and communities face.We are looking for people to join the LAG to use their skills, local knowledge and experience to promote LEADER and decide on funding for projects by attending LAG meetings held bi-monthly.

There is a separate document detailing roles and responsibilities of a LAG member. On the next page you will see a list of the essential, desired and useful specialist skills which will be required from the Local Action Group collectively.

Essential Skills
Knowledge of local area / Assessing gaps in service
Ability to work in partnership / Analysing and interpreting information
Good communication skills – written and verbal / Giving Constructive Feedback
Develop networks and representation / Targeting resources
Peer Support / Information resources
Appraisal Skills / Decision making
Confidentiality / Respectfor others
Meeting targets / IT skills
Desirable Skills
Experience of LEADER Approach / Awareness of external funding sources & agencies
Business Planning experience / Presentation skills
Project management experience / Mentoring ability
Social & political environment awareness / Dealing with the media including social media
Negotiation skills / Knowledge of:
CVS, Business, Forestry& Agriculture, Environment, Culture & Heritage
Lobbying skills / Research skills
Understanding financial procedures / Policies & procedures experience
Discrimination & Equal Opportunities awareness
Specialist Skills
Business / Planning
Finance / Quality standards
Marketing / Insurance
Employment / Housing & premises
Human Resources / Health & Wellbeing
Health & Safety / Communication/Publicity

The European Agricultural
Fund for Rural Development:
Europe investing in rural areas