LML Advanced Learning System®


Learning Community______

Gail Moskowitz

Class 2016


Use First / Use As Needed / Avoid
Sequence / 15
Precision / 24
Technical Reasoning / 13
Confluence / 26
While, I DO, think in goals and then set out the steps to reach the goals I rarely move in a linear fashion. First, I MAKE myself do the parts that are the hardest or the least enjoyable. I then try to follow the goals I have set out in a step by step order but I inevitably leave something out or overlook a detail. I am not impulsive but I will begin before I read all the directions. I sometimes stop and follow through on another thought. (Like, oh, I have to call a client.)
I cannot keep things in a line. My favorite example of this is that if I am snapping the ends off of beans and putting the ends in one pile and the larger edible bean in another and I look down after the task, the two piles are mixed with both parts.
I occasionally feel lost in a sea of instruction words. I am generally happy to get almost anything done. I don’t get bored easily and can generally amuse myself, but, I do like to define how to do any task. I have a tough time being forced in to a box. Therefore I generally like to be in charge. I love to cook and I am good at it but other than bread, I do not follow a recipe exactly.
Chatter: Get started and the work will reveal itself.
Cognition: I want to know “things.” I love to read. I love history. Many things capture my attention and yes, I do feel that I am bright. Yet, I will make conclusions before I get ALL the information.
When I am sitting in a lecture, I take copious notes. When I am in a Board meeting, I often volunteer to take the minutes and write them “word for word.” But then, I won’t go back to consult the notes. I do research and “look up” the facts. I do check sources. But, I don’t do it with seamless precision. I drop the ends of things. I pay very close attention to most of the details and then miss one big piece. My favorite example is packing my family to go on a vacation. I remember everything everyone needs and then I leave my own suitcase home. Affectation:
I feel mostly confident that I have the information that I need but always worry I forgot something.
I can decide what I think, believe or know without too much anxiousness but I don’t make myself remember the fine points. For example, I am happy to know that an event happened in a certain timeframe of history but will not make myself remember the exact date unless it is completely relevant, like Pearl Harbor was bombed on December 7, 1941.
Technical Reasoning:
Like with so many tasks in my life I enjoy learning them and I have loved learning how to use a computer. For a 56 year old woman I am proud of my facility. However, I am not technologically gifted and fear having to know how things run. I do not know how to fix things, I feel spatially dyslexic when trying to assemble anything and as a younger person I was almost ashamed of what I thought was a commentary on my basic intellect.
I would much prefer to explain something either verbally or write about it. However, I loved teaching my kids the hands on tasks of making bread or assembling food. It is my art.
I do feel frustrated when I can’t make something work because I have no ability to conceptualize the functions. I feel ignorant.
My chatter use to be, “I hope no one finds out how bad I am at this.” Now my chatter is, “I am glad I have other competencies and I am not embarrassed to ask for help.”
I am not a physical risk taker but I am often ready to try a new task before I have any real idea of what it might entail. I am not bound to how others would do a task. I do not break rules or laws (I don’t speed) but I do not mind doing something even if it is not perfect. I don’t overthink almost anything.
I LOVE to brainstorm. I don’t mind trying something and then realizing it is not going to work. I began a private practice when I was 29 with no back up finances. I figured out the way to make it happen. I also have started two small companies that I ran for a few years, learned a lot andthen ended them. I have started two radio shows that I produced and wrote for two years each and then ended. I enjoyed the experience even though they did not play out how I envisioned them.
Affectation: I feel proud of my energy and positive positions. I love to put the pieces of a large task together like a puzzle even when much of the work will be parceled out to those who do each task well.
Wow, that sounds like fun.


Describe similarities between your LCI patterns and your MBTI characteristics: