September 16, 2015, at 3:30 PM in the LCMS Staff Work Room

  1. Call to Order, Pledge, Invocation , & Roll Call Called to Order by Lisa Huddleston, Pledge Allegiance by council, Invocation by Lisa Huddleston; Present: Lisa Huddleston, Principal; Kasey Roberts, parent; Dawn Lamb, parent; Robin Belt, Teacher; Stacy Walker, teacher; Sondra Lawton, teacher
  2. Agenda approved by consensus. Motion made byDawn Lamb; Seconded by Sondra Lawton.
  3. August Minutesapproved by consensus. Motion made by Dawn Lamb; Seconded by Robin Belt with consensus approval
  4. Student Spotlight & Live Red ReportLivingston County Middle School Students of the Month

August Leaders of the Month

7th graders: Lauren WringandCarson Kitchens

8th graders: KainanGoodaker andGracie Downey

August Staff:Cindy Hurley

September Leaders of the month

7th Graders: Dakota Lamb and Raegan Wooten
8th Graders: Hannah Barnes and Austin Williams

Sept Staff:Sarah Barnes

  1. Concerns from Guests—Open Forum (5 minutes) No guests were in attendance
  2. SBDM Communications & school comment box Dawn Lamb reported that some parents have expressed concerns about their student’s grades
  3. Monthly Reports (FRYSC, Media Center, etc.)There were no reports from the Media Center or FRYSC
  4. SBDM Standing & Ad Hoc Committee Reports, PLC ReportsLearning Environment, Efficiency, and Academic Performance Committee meetings minutes were reviewed (see number 9 on agenda) as were minutes from PLCs
  5. CSIP Report (WITH Progress Notes in Mar, June) Progress Notes from the CSIP. SBDM members discussed ways to move partially implemented indicators to implement. Instructional Strategies will be shared during PLCs to assist teachers in helping students close the achievement gap. Motion was made by Sondra Lawton to accept the progress notes and seconded by Dawn Lamb.
  6. KDE Closing the Achievement Gap Report: Revise, Review, monitor & in ASSIST by Sept 30 of each yearClosing the Achievement Gap Report was reviewed by council members. Robin Belt made the motion to approve the Gap report and seconded by Kasey Roberts, consensus approval was granted.
  7. TLIM, YLIA/Project Citizen, KYCID/PBIS, and SWIS report

TLIM-some teachers report seeing improvement

YLIA/Project Citizen-students will attend a workshop at Murray State

SWIS-Sondra Lawton will bring data from SWIS beginning next month

  1. CSHC Report: The CSHC will meet next week
  2. CCR Report: ILP Data, SCPAC, PtGT, etc.7th and 8th grade students in consumerism and career studies have completed their ILPs and all students have begun using the ILP as planning and instructional tool. SCPAC has met and Terrin Hayes has begun planning field trips centered around career and college interests. Robin Belt made the motions to accept these reports and Sondra Lawton seconded it with the committee given consensus approval
  3. Program Review Reports: OneDrive (Due in ASSIST June 1)
  4. Procedure, By-Law, and Policy Review/Revise/Create or Approval: NONE
  5. 5 GoalReport, Social Media Data, SBDM Newsletter
  6. Title I Report: ASSIST Jan. 3 June 1 (10 Components): Title I Ranking Report (due June 31);
  7. Safety Report (ASSIST by Oct. 15) Safety Report was reviewed and approved by SBDM motion was made by Sondra Lawton and seconded by Kasey Roberts
  8. School Report Card: As of Aug. 17 (# PT Confs= 151/182 (83%) unique & ___ total; SBDM parent voters for special election on September 9, 2015=16, # parents comm.=___, vol hours= 378, etc.)
  9. Monthly budget & financial reports
  10. Section 6 ($19,300)
  11. School Activity Funds (PTSO, Athletic, etc.), PD ($1733), ESS ($7395), Title I ($64,775.63), Vulcan ($500);Donations ($), Instructional Resources ($6873)
  12. Extra Allocation 2014-15: $6825 – Americorps, Mag Subsc, Reading Plus, Calculators, Agendas
  13. Approval Needed: Monthly Budget Reports Dawn Lamb made the motion to accept and Kasey Roberts seconded, consensus approval was granted.
  14. Instructional Resources Plan: Instructional Resource Plan was reviewed by SBDM members. Motion made by Stacy Walker and seconded by Dawn Lamb to approve the Instructional Resource Plan and consensus approval was granted.
  15. Election of Vice Chair: The SBDM needed to elect the Vice-Chair for SBDM. Stacy Walker nominated Dawn Lamb and made the motion which was seconded by Sondra Lawton.
  16. Approve committee membership in Sept.

Committee membership was approved by Sondra Lawton and seconded by Kasey Roberts

  1. Professional Learning Update: Staff Meetings, PLC’s, Gdays, PL Days, PL Plan
  2. School Inst & Info Updates, Grant/Donation Watch [“Leader In Me”5 Year grant (2015/16 beg)]
  3. Spring 2014 School Data: SCHOOL REPORT CARD LINK below (up in 3 of 4 areas – achievement, growth, gap AND only 1.8 points from a proficient school ranking 184/329 MS).
  4. Personnel Action – 2 Americorps 900-hour (work Sept 1-June 30); Vacancies/Hires: 1 Asst Boys’ Basketball Coachno applicants as of September 16, 2015 Ms. Huddleston urged members to encourage people to apply; Leaves: None; District Vacancies/Hires: None, etc.
  5. Key of Proficient SBDM Council (16 keys): Makes DECISIONS that create and sustain …

a. A school improvement plan that is clear, complete, and credible

b. A planning process of needs assessment, plan development, implementation, monitoring, and revisions

  1. Standards & Indicators for School Improvement (SISI – 9 standards in 3 clusters w/ 88 indicators) Standard of Focus

a. 3.1.h: There is evidence that HW is frequent and monitored and tied to instructional practice

  1. Confirm next meeting date, time, Quorum, location & UPDATE contact information: Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015, at 3:30 PM in LCMS Staff Work Room
  2. AdjournSondra Lawton made the motion to adjourn and the motion was seconded by Kacey Robertswith consensus approval granted by all members.