Media Project Grant Proposal
Please forward the completed Cover Letter and Proposal (via email only) to Julie Hester, for Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bay projects or Anna Lindgren, for Pacific Region projects.
Applicant Information
Organization Name / DateStreet
City, State Zip
Proposal Contact / Email
Telephone / Fax
Tax ID Number
Year Founded / Number of Staff
Funds Requested / $
Organizational Budget / $
Project Budget / $
Project NameType of Project (Please check all that apply)
Film/ TV / Journalism / Book / RadioVisual Arts / Web / Other______
Brief Project Description (2-3 sentences maximum)
Examples: a documentary film about the Marine Life Protected Act, a series about environmental leaders, articles about ecosystem-based management
Conservation Target/Scope (5-6 sentences maximum)
What conservation target does your project propose to address, and what is the geographic scope? Target examples: wetlands, menhaden, water quality
Scope examples: Bay, city, coast, national
Issue (5-6 sentences maximum)
What are the issues, concepts, questions, or themes the project seeks to articulate or address?
Examples: 2 million people visit the islands every year, but few realize the impact they have on corals; fishing methods are reducing turtle populations
Relevance (5-6 sentences maximum)
Why is this issue relevant today?
Examples: The Bay was recently allocated$2 billion in funding for restoration, a natural disaster just occurred
Other Coverage (5-6 sentences maximum)
Please provide a brief overview of how this issue is currently being covered.
Examples: Sacramento Bee just ran a five-part series, Disney just released a movie, the Aquarium just opened an exhibit
Objectives (2-3 sentences maximum)
Ideally, what would you like to see happen as a result of your project?
Examples: Behavior Change, such as people will eat less blue fin tuna, or Policy Change, such as mountaintop removal mining will be banned
Implementation Timeline
What is the timeline for producing and completing this project, and where are you on that timeline?
Examples: 3-6 months – Finalize script, 12 months - Filming complete, 18 months – first screening
Audiences & Distribution
Who is your target audience, and what is your anticipated audience size? How will you reach that audience? Please be specific.
Examples: 20,000 University students will be reached through 10 screenings at the University of Washington, the video will be mailed to 15 NOAA officials
What actions do you anticipate the audience will take?
Examples: Environmental film festival-goers will donate to ocean-related causes, university students will sign a petition
The Messenger
Who will be featured in your project, and why do you feel they will persuade your audience?
Examples: Our research shows that seafood consumers trust and value the opinions of chefs, so we will feature an interview with two celebrity chefs.
Social Media Integration
How does your project integrate social media such as Facebook and YouTube?
Example: Our video will be posted on our YouTube Channel
Will there be any forums, panels, or meetings that will take place congruently with your project?
Example: Each of our screenings will also feature a panel of experts that will have a Q&A with the audience, a follow-up meeting will be scheduled with each of the NOAA officials that received our video.
You are welcome to include as an attachment any diagrams or tables you have developed that address the below questions, rather than providing a narrative.
What are the specific indicators you will use to show that your project is making progress?
Examples: audience numbers, website hits, % of audience members that sign the petition
How will data be collected to measure indicators, and who will collect it?
Examples: Google Analytics, audience surveys
Who are the people involved in this project? Please describe their roles, skills and their level of expertise with the topic and media type?
What organizations do you collaborate with on this project, and how do you work together?
Examples: Organization X provides scientific expertise, organization Y will advertise our screening through their mailing list and social networks
Media Relationships
What relationships do you have with media contacts, such as publishers, TV stations or editors, and how might you work with them to achieve your goals for this project?
Letters of Support
Partner Letter of Support
Please include as an attachment a recent letter of support from a partner that you collaborate with on this project.
Funder Letter of Support
Please include as an attachment a recent letter of support from a funder for this or a previous project.
Please include the following attachments or links:
· Detailed bio or resume of project lead
· Samples of previous work
· Any metrics or feedback on your previous works, such as reviews, audience numbers reached, website hits
Please submit the following:
· Project budget
The project budget should include, at a minimum, the following categories: Salaries & Benefits, Contractual Services, Travel, Production and Post-Production, Distribution, Promotion & Outreach, Equipment and Rentals, Administrative and/or Legal Expenses. Please also include anticipated revenue by category (foundation, corporate, individual donors, etc.).
· Project funding sources
Please indicate the name or organization providing funding, amount of funding requested, and whether it is applied for, in hand, or pledged.
I certify that the above information is true and accurate.
Signature of Authorized Board Member,Executive Director or Project Officer / Date
Print Name and Title
Grant Proposal – Media Project - The Campbell Foundation
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