“Living as Missionary Disciples”

Faith Formation Newsletter #10, 11/15/2017

Dear Catechists, Parents, and Friends,

Attendance for last week’s session with Justin was 48 adults. To be honest both Trevor and I were a bit disappointed to offer programs like this and not have more folks attend. Many commented that having child care available was very helpful so some could attend. The evaluations were very positive except perhaps trying to squeeze too much information into too short of time. I’d love your feedback!

Once again, special thanks to Rachel, some “sub” catechists and the Confirmation candidates who helped out.

There are regular Sunday classes 9:15-10:15AM for the middle school and 11:30- 1:15 for Freshmen and Confirmation students this Sunday.


We have the 9 AM & 6:30 PM Adult Bible study these Thursdays: Nov. 16.

An adult education series Immigration: Our Catholic Teaching and Response continues on Nov 21 at 6:30 PM. You do not have to have attended previous one to learn and take part. There is no charge. We will be having a simple supper each night. Talk to Rob or MJ for details.

Please read the PARENT NOTE it has TONS of details about these next few weeks. BE SURE to send all the info home with the kids! Lets us know if you have any special Advent or Christmas plans for your class.

TONIGHT: Please send home the OPT-OUT PARENT FORM, we are required to do that before the class. We will hold the SAFE ENVIRONMENT SESSION for all grades when we return after Thanksgiving. Because Thanksgiving is about the only “sacred” day we have left in our secular culture I didn’t want to overshadow it in FF sessions tonight with the SAFE ENVIR. Check your folder from the beginning of the year for the resources.

WHEN WE RETURN ON NOV. 29th: We’ll do the SAFE ENVIR. class,handouts will be in your mailboxes. See me if you have any questions.

In your mailboxes there is a folder with the progress reports that go out at the New Year. Talk to us or veteran catechists for details. Thanks to Jean Nosek for all her work on these.


Tue Nov 146:30PMRCIA, St Thomas

Wed Nov 156:15-7:30Grade 1-8 regular class

Thu Nov 169AM or 6:30PM Bible Study

Sat/Sun Nov 18/19All MassesLWC

Between Sunday Masses 7 &8 grade FF

After 10:30 Mass HS & Confirmation sessions

Tue Nov 215PM Mass & suppersimple supper after Mass



Thu Nov 23 9AM Thanksgiving day Mass, Community meal in afternoon. (no Bible studies)

Fri Nov 24Parish offices & school closed

Sat/ Sun Nov 25/26 Last Sunday of Liturgical Year; Christ the King. ( no FF classes on Sunday)

Tue Nov 286:30RCIA, St Thomas

Wed Nov 29 6:15-7;30 Grade 1-8 regular class

Thu Nov 30 9AM or 6:30 PM Bible study

Fri Dec 1 FISH FRY

Also deadline to sigh-up for youth FRASSATI FEST.

Sat /Sun Dec 2/3 First Sunday of Advent, LWC at all Masses

Between Masses7 &8grade FF

After 10:30 Mass HS & Confirmation sessions

Mon Dec 46:30 PMParent Baptism prep

Tue Dec 5 6:30 PM RCIA, St Thomas

Wed Dec 6 6:15- 7:30PM FF grades 1-8 regular class ( also St. Nicholas Day)

Thu Dec 7 Commission and Council meetings

Fri Dec 8 Holy Day of Obligation; IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 8:15 AM & 7 PM Masses



Sun Dec 10 no Sunday FF classes but assist with “ADVENT- ure SUNDAY” 1-5 PM

Tue Dec 12 OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Mass at 6PM fiesta afterward!

Wed Dec 13 6:15-7:30Last class Gr 1-8 for this semester.

Dear Friends,

I feel such sadness that only a week later, as I write, I am hearing of the news of yet another mass shooting. What more can be said except to continue our prayers and our faithful witness to faith, hope, and love, and the power of Christ and prayer. But there must be dialogue that leads to action. Our society must have a serious debate about guns that is not held hostage to the extremes. I somehow cannot help to get on a soap box. But with a purpose here of reflection, prayer and compassion.

As I feel pain and rage at this senseless killing it has overshadowed the original thoughts I had for this reflection. I had been thinking about writing about turkeys. But it was the iconic illustration by Norman Rockwell of an idyllic family gathered and getting ready to carve into a giant turkey being served by Grandma and Gramps. Sometimes Rockwell pictures are criticized as being too caricature or saccharine . But it is part of a group of illustrations called the “FOUR FREEDOMS” which caused me to ponder more deeply. These were commissioned by President Roosevelt to sell war bonds for WWII. If you are unfamiliar with these just google Rockwell’s “Four Freedoms” and ponder their symbolism for a bit. It is true that a picture is worth thousands of words and together these paintings illustrate what should be our national treasure. “Freedom of Speech, of Worship, from Want, and from Fear. But the recent tragedies of natural disasters and the ongoing violence we are witnessing has caused me to think more deeply about what each of these pictures tried to portray. If we could take the time to count our blessings in light of these “Four Freedoms” we can truly say that we have been given much and we must not take it for granted. In light of these four freedoms we must respect the God given dignity of every human, we are all made in the image and likeness of God. That does not mean God looks or thinks like me. It means I am like God when Ireflect back the attributes of love and forgiveness, and show mercy and compassion that are of God! It means we must listen and also speak up for those who have been voiceless. It means where there is dire poverty and need whether caused by natural disasters or human greed or exploitation we must desire and work for freedom from want for all people. It means we must be courageous for those who are dealing with the fear caused by misplaced nationalism, and from the fear caused by rampant violence. Rockwell’s pictures point to something more than the American Dream. These “freedoms” are written into our very souls and are the dreams of the prophets and for all people. In contradiction to the parade of suffering that seems to tear away at us and society let us look deeper and be encouraged at the parade of goodness that exists and must be celebrated.On our secular “holy-day” of Thanksgiving may we truly realize how much we have been blessed, even by being in solidarity with those who suffer. This was so much more than what I was going to write about turkeys. Finally, when we remember that Eucharist itself literally means thanksgiving, how great indeed are our blessings!

As teachers and catechists you are among the long list of my blessings. Blessings and prayers over these days! Rob