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Children and Young Persons Acts 1933-1963 as amended by Education Acts 1944-1962

Bye-Laws of the City Council Employment of School Children

  1. This leaflet outlines the provisions of the above-mentioned Acts and current Bye-Laws of the City Council and is intended to serve as a guide for parents, teachers and employers. Further information may be obtained from Education, Library and Sports Service.
  1. Children under the age of thirteen years must not be employed except in cases of theatrical, film or television performances for which special permission must be given.
  1. Prohibited Employment. The employment of children under legal school leaving age is prohibited in the following places and trades:

The kitchens of catering establishments; in any registered club premises licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquors;

in or in connection with the sale of intoxicating liquors;

in the collection or sorting of rags and refuse; fairgrounds, bingo halls, amusement arcades, etc;

slaughter houses; cleaning windows; race tracks and business connected therein;

betting offices or in connection with betting transactions by post;

agriculture or horticulture work involving heavy strain and in any workshop subject to the provisions of the Factory Acts.

No person under the age of 18 shall engage in street trading.

  1. Permitted Employment. A child of the age of 13 or over may be employed as follows:

On school days

(i) in the delivery of milk or newspapers for not more than 1 hour between 7.00 am and 8.30 am

(ii) between 4.30 pm and 6.30 pm provided that periods on a school day must not, when aggregated, exceed 2 hours

(iii) on Saturdays, or any week day when school is not open, for not more than 6 hours between 7.00 am and 7.00 pm, provided that the child shall not work for more than 3 consecutive hours without an interval of 1 hour for a meal or rest. The maximum number of hours worked must not exceed 35 in any one week.

(iv) on Sundays in the delivery of milk or newspapers for two hours between 7.00 am and 10.00 am but for no other purpose.

  1. Registration for Employment. A school child must be registered with the Education Authority within 14 days of employment commencing. The Education Authority will, as soon as possible, provide the appropriate authorisation for the employment of a child. Employers must maintain a record of children who are employed. NB IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE EMPLOYER TO REGISTER A CHILD FOR EMPLOYMENT.
  1. Definition of Compulsory School Age. A pupil/student must remain at school until the last Friday in June of Year 11 (the single school-leaving date.)

Children’s Services

Liverpool Compact EBP Work-Related Learning Handbook April 2009