Little Stoke Primary School

Little Stoke Lane

Little Stoke

South Gloucestershire

BS34 6HY

Tel. 01454 866522

Headteacher: Mr S Howes



3rd January 2018

Dear Parent/Carer


I am writing to let you know about an exciting trip we have planned for your child’s class to support their learning over the coming term.

Details of School Education visit to: Cadbury World

Purpose: To support learning on our topic of The Maya and the invention of


Date: 31st January 2018 leaving school at 8.45am and returning by 5.00pm

Clothing required: School uniform

The school has insurance for this visit with the Local Authority recommended insurer.

We would request a voluntary contribution of £19.50 per child to cover the cost of the visit. This price includes the cost of the coach, entrance to Cadbury World, a Maya workshop and other activities throughout the day.

Payment can be made by online at by cheque or cash.

We do appreciate that, straight after Christmas, this is a difficult time to be asking for money but we do rely on your contributions to enable the visit to go ahead. We have kept the price to the absolute minimum by subsidizing from school funds. However, should there be insufficient donations to cover costs, we will have to consider cancelling the trip. If you would prefer to pay in installments over the coming four weeks this can also be arranged with three payments of £5 and one payment of £4.50. Please contact Mrs Pittaway in the office in order to arrange this. Once we know there is sufficient money for the visit to go ahead we will send out further information.

Would you please complete and return the slip below as well as the medical consent form and return it to your child’s class teacher with your contribution by 24th January 2018. This will be a fantastic day out and a really worthwhile addition to the children’s learning this term. We hope you will be able to support us in enabling this visit to go ahead.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Hull

Year 5 Class Teacher


Year 5 Trip – Cadbury World – Wednesday 31st January 2018

Name of child ……………………………………………………………………………..

I agree to my child going on the visit to Cadbury World on Wednesday 31st January 2018 and have completed and returned the medical/consent form.

My child is already in receipt of free school meals and I wish to order a free packed lunch YES/NO

I enclose a donation of £ ………………………….

Signed …………………………………………………………………………. (parent/carer)