Center/Classroom: / Teachers: / Week of:

(A) General Information

Study/Topic - BIG IDEAS this week: As children continue exploring with flashlights and shadows, we will also expand this theme to include other concepts related to light and dark – such as the variety of light sources and the difference between transparent, translucent and opaque materials. / Key vocabulary:
1. Shadow(Sombra)
2. Silhouette(Silueta)
3. Transparent/ translucent/ opaque(Transparente/translucir /opaco)
4. Dark/ light(Oscuro / Claro)
(Get assistance, if needed, to translate these words/phrases for ALL children.)
Monday “To Do” List: / -  Review Planned Read-Alouds; read books through at least once.
-  Review Small Group Activity forms and gather/create materials, including flashlights; desk lamp/spotlight; inch cubes; alphabet cards; yarn pieces or pipe cleaners; variety of transparent, opaque and translucent items.
-  Learn the song “The Light In You” ( or choose substitute; create song chart.
-  Gather/create materials for centers and circle time, including sheets/blankets (for “cave” and shadow puppet theater), variety of buttons, shiny/dull collage materials, small mirrors
Second Step (SS) Week-
Encourage families to donate or lend transparent/translucent/opaque materials.
Support for Dual Language Learners: / Use gestures to illustrate the meaning of new or significant vocabulary. For example, during the Measuring Shadows small-group activity, you will likely use the terms long and short frequently. Choose a specific action or gesture to correspond to each of these words (such as spreading your hands far apart or bringing them close together), and use it consistently whenever you say the word in the context of an activity or discussion. Ask children to join you in using the gesture – and, eventually, saying the word as well!
Family/ Community Involvement: / Encourage families to extend the theme into their home through continued explorations of shadows and light. Families can look around their house and notice all the different types of lamps or other light sources they have. Perhaps there is even a space at home to make a “cave of darkness”!
There are always props and materials needed for classroom activities, and parents can be extremely helpful by donating or lending items. This week items include different kinds of plastic lids (clear, almost clear, & solid color lids), plastic wrap, wax paper, and bubble wrap packing material.

(B) Materials to Enhance Children’s Play

Blocks / Dramatic Play / Toys and Games
Add: / Add:
Shadow puppet theater – use a light behind a hanging white sheet.
Variation: Wait until later in the week to add this (after children have read Louie) – or wait until week 3 of this theme (to coincide with Shadow Puppets). / Add:
Inch cubes and pieces of yarn/string – to use for measurement, if desired; see Measuring Shadows small-group
Alphabet cards; pieces of yarn or pipe cleaners (as follow-up to Letters small-group)
Art / Library/Writing / Discovery/Science
Shiny and dull collage materials—e.g. foil, glitter, shiny paper or stickers, buttons; sandpaper, cardboard, construction paper, cloth, wood sticks
Black paper with chalk or white crayons. / Keep: Read-aloud books from this week & prior weeks of theme.
Props related to The Very Lonely Firefly, to encourage children to retell the story / Keep: Flashlights, shadow box (with new objects to put inside).
Small mirrors – Encourage children to explore “bouncing” light, using the mirrors. Challenge them to try and reflect the light onto a specified object.
“Observing Shadows” (if possible) – Place a plant, block tower, or other standing item in the window and check its shadow at different times of day. Note changes in shadow’s shape/size/position; you can mark with tape or use yarn to measure.
Sand and Water / Music and Movement / Computers
Keep: Bubbles
Whisks or hand egg beaters; various objects. Children can make bubbles (using whisks), then explore what they see reflected in the bubbles. Which objects can they see reflected? / Add:
Spotlight (if available) – encourage children to make their shadows dance.
Outdoors / Cooking

(C) Group Experiences

/ Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday /
Opening Circle
Closing Circle / Arrival: Attendance graph
Morning Circle:
Welcome song & one other
Morning Message:
We know that flashlights, lamps and the sun give us light. Did you know that some insects have lights too? Today we will read a story about a firefly.
Write this message in advance, using images to illustrate certain key words so that children can help you read it. Reinforce concepts of print, such as where to start reading and which direction to go.
SS-Puppet Script
Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day
Music/Movement: SS Song & one other
Transition: SS-Brain Builder
Closing Circle:
Goodbye song / Arrival: Attendance graph
Morning Circle:
Welcome song & one other
What gives us light? Ask children for their ideas, and make a list (with images if possible) on chart paper. Can also be done as intro to Day Light, Night Light (see Read-Aloud Guide).
Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day
Music/Movement: Choose 2
Transition: SS-Brain Builder-
Closing Circle:
Goodbye song / Arrival: Attendance graph
Morning Circle:
Welcome song & one other
QOTD: Which of these do you think would make a longer shadow? (As answer choices, provide two classroom objects of clearly different sizes – e.g., a large doll and a small block.) Encourage children to explain their thinking, and make connections to earlier Measuring Shadows activity as appropriate.
Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day
Music/Movement: SS song & one other
Relaxation: “Yoga” – put on slow music and have children stretch, bend, curl, reach and breathe. For example, stand tall like a tree and spread branches (arms); lie flat on stomach, push up onto elbows and hiss like snake.
Transition: Mighty Minute #9 Writing in the Air
Closing Circle:
Goodbye song / Arrival: Attendance graph
(QOTD): Which type of light do you like best? (Lamp/candle/flashlight)
Provide pictures or actual examples of answer choices. Have children answer during transition, charting with whiteboard/ pocket chart/etc.
Morning Circle:
Welcome song & one other
SS- Skill Practice Activity -
Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the day
Music/Movement: Choose 2
Transition: SS-Brain Builder -
Closing Circle:
Review QOTD results with the full group, counting each column and writing the numeral.
Goodbye song
Read-Alouds / Group 1: The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle
(First reading: focus on understanding of plot, connections to “light” concepts)
Group 2: SS-Story and Discussion / Group 1: SS-Story and Discussion
Group 2: The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle
(First reading: focus on understanding of plot, connections to “light” concepts) / Group 1: SS Book-
Group 2: Day Light, Night Light / Group 1: Day Light, Night Light
Group 2: SS Book-
Small Group Activity / Group 1: – Measuring Shadows (see activity guide)
Group 2: Letters Big & Small (see activity guide) / Group 1: Letters Big & Small(see activity guide)
Group 2: – Measuring Shadows(see activity guide) / Group 1:SS-Skill Practice Activity –
Group 2: Transparent or Opaque? (see activity guide) / Group 1: Transparent or Opaque? (see activity guide)
Group 2:SS- Skill Practice Activity -
Activities / Tangible Acknowledgement System: / During Free Choice: “Cave”: Hang a sheet or blanket to create a dark space; add a flashlight and small objects (including glow-in-dark bracelets if available). Encourage children to experiment turning the light on and off to see what they can see in the dark. (Extension to Day Light, Night Light)
Outside / Inclement Weather Plan: / Encourage children to look for shadows; to notice their own shadows on the ground or the building; and to make their shadows move and change. Ask questions such as “Where is the light coming from?” / “Observing/Measuring Shadows”: Leave an object (e.g., bottle, bowling pin, etc.) in one place outside, then check it at various times of day to notice changes in its shadow (e.g., shape, size or position). Trace the shadow or mark its length with chalk or tape to document changes throughout the day. Or have children do this with their own shadows! Talk about how the shadow looks different at different times of day, and why this might be; make connections to Moonbear’s Shadow or to other theme books or discussions, as appropriate.

Individual Child Planning Form

Center/Classroom: / Teachers: / Week of:
Focus Date / Child’s
Name / School Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s) / Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) / Why Chosen?
(IFSP, TS Gold Report, family input, conference goal, etc.) / Strategy/Activity
NOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings.
Example: 1. Routine – activity, state how you are individualizing for this child. / Possible small-group? / CHECK when implemented
Soc-Emotional / Approaches to Learning / Language & Literacy / Cogn./ Gen. Knowledge / Physical

IFSP Child Planning

Child’s Name / IFSP Goals / Classroom Plan: What’s the Activity/Who’s Supporting the Child

*Please review all IFSP plans including Speech Only to ensure implementation of all classroom goals.

*For speech goals the what/who would be: Directed by the Speech Language Therapist

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