Little Pioneers 2018 Annual Plan

Increase and maintain enrolments / We will be above 80% enrolments for more than 10 months of the year.
Maintain / Marketing and advertising –
  1. Termly update website to be relevant and up to date.
  2. Facebook updates for marketing purposes
  3. Once a term open day – Saturdays for the community to come and see what we offer.
  4. Advertise in local school newsletters
  1. Continuing our community relationships to be known among the community. Schools, playcentre and playgroups
/ Management team is overall for instigating these areas.
Teaching team and the owners. / This is ongoing and annual.
Facebook updated weekly
Website updated termly
Open day – once a term
Adverts in local newsletters – once a term
Define Budgets in line with Self-Review, to ensure good use or financial budget and enhancing core curriculum areas. / Generous Budgets that reflect enrolments and income.
Budgets align with robust self-review and purchases are made from detailed decision making / Management and owners to allocate budgets.
Management to support the review of curriculum areas to ensure change.
Purchasing will be made to ensure we continue to offer attractive and engaging environments.
Robust self-review.
Define budgets.
Shopping – weekly
Arts and crafts - termly
Hygiene house – termly
Resources – termly
Petty cash fund? / Owners and management define budgets.
All teaching staff involved in the review of how money is spent.
Large business decisions for spending will be made by management and owners. / Ongoing review / annually
Termly Budgets defined and spent. / See review folder
Sun shade / We will have adequate shade outside for the summer months for safe play to happen. / Playscape to quote for 2 new awnings. / Lucy, Emma and Matt / ASAP term 1 2018
This is important for the summer months ahead.
Centre of choice in surrounding areas.
Review Local curriculum and what this looks like in ECE and Pioneers centre / We will have a clear understanding of the local curriculum as a team. We will have positive goals and implement changes from a robust involved review / As part of our review and gathering data we will research our Local curriculum.
Attend another centre who is renowned for being at the forefront in this area.
Explore ways for us to show how we link to our local curriculum in this centre. / Lucy and all teaching staff.
Local community and schools.
Parents and families. / Term 1 2018
PD Budget allocated.
ERO review 2018 / We go on a 4-year ERO review cycle / Continue to run as we do as we operate in a quality manner.
Ensure we are up to date with all knowledge of what ERO are focusing on.
Ensure self-review is evident on ECE changes such as
  • New document Te Whariki
  • New Professional teaching standards
  • New internal review and reflective folder for all practicing teacher
  • Local curriculum has been reviewed
Complete a thorough check of all systems and operations to ensure we meet licensing criteria check.
Refer and have reviewed last ERO recommendations to ensure these have been appropriately addressed. / Lucy and all teaching staff.
Owners and local community / This should be an annual checklist.
To ensure everything is operating as per normal.
Ongoing review of our local relationships / We continue to update ourselves with who is in our community.
We visit each individual child’s school and build that relationship for new families.
We meet and know new teachers at Bombay school.
We reflect and implement new ways of communicating with our families to ensure best practice.
Our families are well informed. /
  • Annual survey to give us feedback on communication and parent involvement
  • Review communication systems
  • Review relevant communication policies
  • Build a relationship with the new teachers at Bombay Mrs Cameron and Mrs Muir to support our transition procedures.
/ Lucy and all teaching staff / Survey to be completed in term 2 2018
Review polices term2 2018
Review communication systems term 3 2018
Great Systems to support excellent people
Review Appraisal system and implement annual appraisal / Appraisal meet the new teaching standards
Appraisal systems link to personal teaching reflective folders and goals / Annual review of these systems / Lucy, Emma and teaching staff / June 2018 with be appraisals
Review Policies and procedures annually / These will be reviewed on time and relevant changes implements because of review.
Consultation will be evident with parents and families. / Annual review of policies.
(see annual plan calendar) / Lucy for setting up reviews. / Term 1 – 4
Stand out as Transition to school as our point of difference.
Review Transition to school / Be up to date with current knowledge and theories
Continue to have strong relationships with local schools for our new families
Have happy families with confident children going to school. / Good communication with new children and where they will be going to school.
Review procedures
Visit more schools
Implement the Monkey Bar Challenge from Moving Smart to promote awareness between early writing skills and monkey bars.
Review transition statement
Review philosophy
Review vision statement
Hold annual parent evening / Lucy to lead reviews.
Involvement from all teaching staff/ families/ child and community / Term 3 and 4 review
Transition statement and procedures
Term 1 review philosophy
Term 4 review vision statement
October – Parent Evening
Define our role in the local KahuiAko / We will be involved on ground level with this group. Beginning to make changes to support the defined learning area.
Built a good communication network and processes with other local centres. / Attend meet and greet evening and work shops
Liase with Diana Akast and other involved ECE leaders.
Begin our internal review of how we can support the shared goal?
Be clear what is the shared goal? / Lucy and Emma to attend and lead this relationship.
Involvement of all staff / Term 1 and ongoing
ECE meet and greet February 2018