SEPTEMBER 26, 2015
Meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M.
1)Roll Call: The Board of Directors was represented by Scott Werner, Judy Sheridan, Sheila Wotring, John Burtt, and Yves Descoteaux.
2)Proof of Quorum: 30 of the 38 Units were either in attendance or represented by proxy. Pursuant to the Bylaws of the Association, quorum was established.
3)Review of Robert’s Rules of Order: Soctt Werner briefly reviewed the Robert’s Rules of Order pertaining to the Annual Meeting.
4)Proof of Meeting: Was established by acknowledgement of everyone receiving the notice of annual meeting.
5)2014 Annual Meeting Minutes: A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to accept the 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes.
6)Motion to Roll Over Funds: A motion was made by Judy Sheridan to roll over any available funds from 2015 to 2016. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
7)Treasurer’s Report: Judy Sheridan reported that our present cash on hand is adequate to cover this year’s expenses despite the extraordinary expense of $11,000 incurred during the winter to shovel our rooftops. The extra cost was covered primarily by funds rolled over from previous years. Some repairs and maintenance items were a bit delayed by cash flow. The Association’s Income Statement will show a deficit for this year, but we will be able to cover all expected expenses. Judy called for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved.
8)Director’s Report: Yves Descoteaux reported about upcoming repair and maintenance items. Damaged garage frames will be repaired and painted in a couple of weeks. Approximately over half of all septic tanks will be pumped. This is done on a bi-annual basis. All septic tank filters are cleaned each year. Yves also announced that the board recently voted to keep the street lights on from dusk to dawn. This came after residents’ requests and a strong suggestion from the Sandown Police. Yves also reminded residents and guests to observe the posted speed limit for the safety of pedestrians and pets. Another reminder was made about parking rules and the proper use of the Recycle bins. A Zero Sort Recycling sheet was made available.
9)Director’s Report: John Burtt, the Board’s liason to Auger Landscaping, reported that 2016 will be our last year of a five year contract with Auger. Steps are being taken to outline our specific landscaping and snow removal needs so as to negotiate a new contract after 2016. John also spoke of our need to develop a Long Range Plan for future major repairs that will utilize the Reserve Fund.
10) Secretary’s Report: Sheila Wotring addressed the revision of the Rules and Regulations which had not been revised since 2010. The revised version is now on the LMW website. The Residents List, with assistance from Marie Descoteaux, has been updated to include changes made in five units. Updated copies were mailed with the notice of the Annual Meeting. Any changes should be reported to Sheila. It was also reported that minutes have been updated on the website and are current.
11)President’s Report: Scott Werner spoke briefly about the Boards’ work this year. Regular maintenance as well as needed repairs discovered during the annual walk are being addressed. Cash Flow issues prevented any major items this year.
12)2016 LMW Budget: Judy Sheridan presented the 2016 Budget with no increase in the monthly condo fee. Increases to particular line items because of contractual obligations were discussed and because of these increases, there will be less monies available for repairs and maintenance. Judy asked for a motion to accept the 2016 Budget. A motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously.
13)Elections: Only one position of Director at Large was open this year: the position currently being filled by Yves Descoteaux. Yves stated his intention of running for re-election. Scott asked if there were any other nominations from the floor. There were no other nominations and Yves was elected for a three year term, unanimously.
14)New Business: Scott opened the meeting to entertain motions from the floor. A few issues were brought up, but Scott reminded attendees that issues must be made in the form of a motion. If there are problems that residents would like to discuss, they were invited to attend any of the board’s monthly meetings.
15)Adjournment: As there were no motions from the floor, a motion was made to adjourn. The motion was seconded and approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Sheila Wotring, Secretary