Thank you for your interest in sponsoring Money for Our Movements 2012: A Social Justice Fundraising Conference, presented by Grassroots Institute for Fundraising Training (GIFT). Your generous sponsorships make it possible for registration fees to remain low and accessible.

Please select the level at which you would like to give, complete the attached form, and send it in with your payment to the address indicated on the form.


  • Special Recognition in all printed materials
  • Recognition at Opening Session and General Session
  • Exhibit Table
  • Full-page advertisement in event program
  • Registration for five representatives (registrations can be donated to grantees or other participants)

  • Recognition at Opening Session and General Session
  • Exhibit Table
  • Half-page advertisement in event program
  • Registration for three representatives (registrations can be donated to grantees or other participants)

  • Recognition at Opening Session
  • Exhibit table
  • Quarter-page advertisement in event program
  • Registration for two representatives (registrations can be donated to grantees or other participants)

  • Name placement in conference program
  • Registration for one representative (registration can be donated to grantees or other participants)

  • Name placement in conference program

*If your sponsorship level includes free registrations, the tax deduction for your donation is calculated by
subtracting the fair market value of conference admissions ($250 per registration) from your donation amount.
Please Complete the Sponsorship Form Below

Questions? Call 510/452-4520 x 302 or e-mail:


2012 Sponsorship Form

Date: ______

Contact Name: Organization:

Address: City: State: Zip:______

Phone: Fax: E-mail

For public recognition, please list name as:

I would like to give at the following Sponsorship Level (check one):

Presenting Sponsor(includes 5 registrations)$10,000

Contributing Sponsor(includes 3 registrations)$5,000-$9,999

Sustaining Sponsor(includes 2 registrations)$2,000-$4,999

Supporting Sponsor(includes 1 registration)$500-$1,999

Donating Sponsorup to $499

 I would like to donate my registration(s) to support conference scholarship recipients

I will send ___ representative(s).

Payment Options:

 I am enclosing my payment with this form.

 I will be sending you payment separately by (date) .

I’d like to make my gift as a pledge. I pledge  monthly OR quarterly installments of

$ for a total pledge of $ . I will pay my pledge by  CheckOR  Credit card

(The first installment will be charged upon receipt of this form and will continue either monthly or quarterly, as requested).

Payment Information:

Check Payment: Please make checks out to GIFT

Credit Card Payment: Visa MasterCard AmEx Discover Amount: $

Card Number: Zip Code:

Name on Card: (please print) Exp. Date:


Please send form and payment to:


GIFT, Attn: Conference, 1904 Franklin St, Ste 705, Oakland, CA 94612 OR Fax to 510/452-2122