Little Brother/Little Sister Application

(to be filled in by Parent/Guardian)

Child’s Name______

Date of Birth______Age _____ Place of Birth______

Address ______

Postal Code ______

Home Phone ______E-mail ______

Languages Spoken ______

Child’s Doctor ______Phone ______

Health Card #______

Emergency Contact ______Phone ______

Relationship to Child ______


Parent/Guardian Name: ______If Guardian, please note relationship to child: ______

Date of Birth: ______

Marital Status: ______

Are you employed? (can we call you at work? Yes No)

Where?______Work Phone ______

Are you unemployed?

EI? Social Assistance? Disability?

Other ______

Are you a student? Where? ______Phone ______

Are you or your child involved with any other community agency? Yes No

Agency Name: ______Phone: ______

Staff: ______

Other Parent


Address: ______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone:

Relationship with Child: ______

What type of relationship does your child have with the other parent? ______

If you are a single parent with custody, what are the visiting rights of the other parent? Does he/she use these rights? What are the access arrangements?



What are your child’s reactions to those visits? ______

How are you with those visits?

Please describe the kinds of activities they do together.

In your view, does your child have a close relationship with the other parent?

Is the other parent aware of your application for the program? Yes No

If yes, what is his/her attitude? If no, why not?


Other parent’s marital status

Family History/Situation

Other people at home (please include age, gender, and relationship) (including children)

Name / Age / Gender / Relationship

How long has your child lived in your current home? ______

Has your child ever lived outside of your home? Yes No

(If so, please provide details) ______


Does anything prevent your child from fully participating in the program? Yes No

Please explain: ______


Medical History

Does your child have any medical problems, conditions or allergies? Yes No

If yes, please explain: ______

Is your child on any medication? Yes No

If yes, please explain: ______

Has your child ever seen or is your child now seeing a psychologist, social worker, therapist, counsellor etc? Yes No

If yes, please explain (include approximate dates, contact information of worker): ______

How physically fit is your child? ______

Do you think your child has any emotional difficulties? Yes No

If yes, please explain: ______



How would you describe your relationship with your child? ______

If other children are in the home, how does your child relate to them? ______

Does your child tend to have many or just a few friends?

Are they mostly boys, girls, or both?

Comments: ______


As far as you know, how does your child get along well with peers at school? ______


Does your child tend to play alone or with others? ______


Please describe your child’s personality (moods, temper, maturity level) ______

Please check the qualities that you feel best describe your child:

Friendly Outgoing Shy Withdrawn Lonely

Carefree Busy Overactive

How do you discipline your child? ______


School: ______

Address: ______


Phone: ______

Grade: Teacher: ______

Does your child seem interested in school? Yes No

Has your child ever been involved in a special education program? Yes No If yes, please comment: ______

Has your child ever failed a grade? Yes No

If yes, which one(s)? ______

How does your child generally get along with the teacher? ______

How is your child doing in school? ______

Do you think your child is doing as well as he/she can in school? Yes No

If no, please explain: ___

Does your child get in trouble at school? Yes No

If yes, is it often? Occasionally? Seldom?

Social Activities

Is your child interested or active in sports, church, group activities? Yes No

If yes, please list: ______

Please indicate what hobbies, if any, your child currently enjoys. ______

Briefly describe your child’s weekly schedule of activities. ______

About a Big Brother/Big Sister

Is your child aware of your application for a Big Brother/Big Sister? Yes No

If yes, what was the reaction? ______

How do you feel your child would benefit most from a Big Brother or Big Sister? ______

Describe the type of Big Brother/Big Sister you would like for your child ______

What types of activities do you think your child would like to do with a Big Brother/Big Sister? ______

Is there any information you would like to add to this application that will help us to serve your child’s needs better? ______



Just as we have to share information with you about the Big Brother/Big Sister we select for your child, we need to share information with the volunteer about you and your child. Is there anything here that you do not want shared with a volunteer? Yes No

If yes, please clearly state what you do not want shared: ______



Your Name Your Signature



The answers you have given will help us to do our best for your child. Please be sure to advise us of any changes in your home situation, such as address changes, relationship changes, etc.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Wood Buffalo


1. Orientation:

I understand and am in agreement with the objectives of Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Wood Buffalo, through the orientation I have attended. I have received information on the following:

__ philosophy and program of the Agency

__ criteria for volunteer acceptability

__ an overview of the screening and matching policy

__ an explanation of the Agency’s expectations of volunteers, parents and children

__ an explanation of the Agency’s responsibility to children, parents and volunteers

__ an explanation of the training for the prevention of child abuse (Child Safety Program).

2. Child Safety Program:

I am aware that Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Wood Buffalo is of the opinion that sexual abuse prevention education is an effective preventative safeguard.

I am aware that it is the policy of Big Brothers and Sisters of Canada* to require all Littles and their parents to attend a Child Safety Program, organized by the local Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization. I also understand that all my children are welcome to attend.

I agree that my child and I will attend the Child Safety Program, when scheduled.





The following 3 pages (7-9) are for the Little Brother/Sister to fill out

FIRST NAME: ______AGE: ______


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Want to

Activity Like Dislike Learn

1. Animals

2. Archery

3. Art

4. Baking

5. Baseball

6. Basketball

7. Bicycling

8. Board Games

9. Boating

10. Bowling

11. Camping

12. Cards

13. Carpentry

14. Collecting

15. Computers

16. Cooking

17. Crafts

18. Dancing

19. Downhill Skiing

20. Fishing

21. Football

22. Gardening

23. Golf

24. Hiking

25. Hockey

Other: ______

Want to

Activity Like Dislike Learn

26. Hunting

27. Ice Skating

28. Jogging

29. Martial Arts

30. Mechanics

31. Models

32. Movies

33. Music

34. Photography

35. Pool

36. Quadding

37. Reading

38. Rollerblading

39. Science

40. Snowmobiling

41. Soccer

42. Swimming

43. Table Tennis

44. Tennis

45. Video Games

46. Volleyball

47. Walks in Park

48. Water Skiing

49. Woodworking

50. X-Country Skiing

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1.  My School:

2.  I am proud of:

3.  I like

4.  My dreams

5.  My mother

6.  My brother(s)

7.  My sister(s)

8.  I am sorry

9.  My father

10.  It makes me angry

11.  My good friend is

12.  Other kid’s my age

13.  Boys

14.  Girls

15.  I worry most

16.  My mother treats me

17.  My father treats me

18.  I am happiest when

19.  I hope

20.  Policemen(women)

21.  Sometimes people

22.  Black

23.  White

24.  Adults

25.  Mud


We look forward to meeting you ☺


1.  Do you want a Big Brother/Sister?

2.  What kind of person would you want as a Big Brother/Sister:

3.  Your Big Brother/Sister will want you to think of things to do together. Would you be willing to do this?

4.  What outside activities do you like the most?

5.  Do you belong to any group or team (e.g. sports, scouting) If yes, please list below.

6.  What quiet activities do you like most?

7.  What things have you never done before that you would like to try with your Big Brother/Sister?

8.  Are there any activities that you do not like to do? If yes, what are they?

9.  When you are not in school, what do you spend most of your time doing?

10.  Choose 5 words to describe yourself

11.  What do you like about yourself?

12.  What do you not like about yourself?

13.  Which do you do most?

Play Alone ______With A Friend ______With A Group Of Friends ______


We look forward to meeting you ☺


I, ______, hereby consent to Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Wood Buffalo to use any photographs, audio and/or video recordings of ______as taken or produced by media personnel and/or Association Staff for the purpose of publicizing and promoting the work of the Association. This includes radio, television, newspapers, newsletters, and the internet. This means I authorize my pictures to be uploaded onto the internet and the Big Brothers Big Sisters Website and waive all claims I have against the agency for any issue arising from said publication. I further waive any claim which I may have against Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Wood Buffalo arising from the use of such photographs, audio and/or video recordings of myself in any other way, as afore said.

This consent and waiver shall remain in effect for the duration of my involvement with Big Brothers Big Sisters Association of Wood Buffalo unless otherwise revoked.


Date Signature of Parent/Guardian


Date Signature of Child (if over 12 years of age)


Date Signature of Witness


NOTE: Confidentiality concern

If you do not want your picture to be used, please check here:

Name: ______

Date: ______

Note: It is your responsibility to notify the office if the status of this consent changes

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