Literature review on the various roles of hospital pharmacists in European countries.
There have been a number of different surveys and reviews of the scope of hospital pharmacy practice across the world. Key ones have been highlighted below and work is continuing as EAHP are just about to launch a new one to assess the level of practice against the EAHP Statements (2014)[1].
Surveys include:
- EAHP Survey conducted in 2010[2-6]
- Hope and EAHP Document produced in 2002[7]
- International Survey ahead of the Basel Conference [8]
- Yearly American Practice surveys such as[9]
These pieces of original research cover a large number of countries (European and non-European) and at different time, periods have described the activities of the hospital pharmacist, the hospital pharmacy and how the services are provided.
As the EU commission with the new Professional Qualifications Directive including the possibility for the formation of Common Training Frameworks become a reality, the movement of professionals between different European countries may increase.
The ability of a pharmacist trained in one EU member state to work within hospital in another will be determined by the competence of the individual (education, ability to perform tasks), the role in which they would practice and the legal and professional registration requirements of the country involved.
Differences between the practice of hospital pharmacy in the countries where hospital pharmacy specialisation exists and may have been in national law for a long time may make mobility difficult, in addition to language requirements.
Identification of the different roles expected from hospital pharmacists in the countries working towards forming a common training framework (Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal) will assist the efforts when addressing the training programs required.
Critical evaluation
A review of the hospital pharmacy practice literature focusing on the countries with legally approved formal specialisation programmes that have expressed willingness to join a Common Training Framework (CTF) will be conducted:
Belgium - [10][11-13]
Czech Republic - [14]
France - [15, 16]
Italy - [17]
Netherlands - [18, 19]
Spain- [20, 21]
Portugal - [22]
The additional services provided in other countries that are desirable for the increased benefit of patients may also be considered such as those in the UK, Germany or Switzerland.
Research Focus
Identification of the differences and potential areas where mobility may be difficult will be one outcome of the review.
Putting into context developments relating to the educational needs and programs available hopefully will assist efforts to form the CTF and the implementation of the EAHP Statements [1]
Areas of additional research and focus for educational needs will be highlighted and recommendations, working with the CTF Steering Committee.
1.The European Statements of Hospital Pharmacy. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 2014. 21(5): p. 256-258.
2.Frontini, R., T. Miharija-Gala, and J. Sykora, EAHP Survey 2010 on hospital pharmacy in Europe: Part 1. General frame and staffing. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice, 2012. 19(4): p. 385-387.
3.Frontini, R., T. Miharija-Gala, and J. Sykora, EAHP Survey 2010 on hospital pharmacy in Europe: Part2 Procurement and distribution. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice, 2012. 19(5): p. 460-463.
4.Frontini, R., T. Miharija-Gala, and J. Sykora, EAHP Survey 2010 on hospital pharmacy in Europe: Part 3. Production and quality assurance. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice, 2012. 19(6): p. 510-513.
5.Frontini, R., T. Miharija-Gala, and J. Sykora, EAHP Survey 2010 on hospital pharmacy in Europe: Parts 4 and 5. Clinical services and patient safety. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice, 2013. 20(2): p. 69-73.
6.Frontini, R., T. Miharija-Gala, and J. Sykora, EAHP Survey 2010 on hospital pharmacy in Europe: Part 6. Education and research. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice, 2013. 20(4): p. 253-256.
7.Hospital Pharmacies in Europe. The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP) & Standing Committee of the Hospitals of the European Union (HOPE) 2002 [cited; Available from:
8.Doloresco, F. and L.C. Vermeulen, Global survey of hospital pharmacy practice. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 2009. 66(5 Supplement 3): p. s13-s19.
9.Pedersen, C.A., P.J. Schneider, and D.J. Scheckelhoff, ASHP national survey of pharmacy practice in hospital settings: Prescribing and transcribing 2010. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 2011. 68(8): p. 669-688.
10.Hecq, J.-D., Hospital Pharmacy in Belgium. The European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 2004. 4.
11.Goulard, P., Classification of medicinal products in Belgium. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice, 2012. 19(4): p. 390.
12.Verlinden, A., The distribution of medicines in Belgian Hospitals. The European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 2004. 4.
13.Spinewine, A. and S. Dhillon, Clinical Pharmacy Practice: Implications for Pharmacy Education in Belgium Pharmacy Education 2002. 2(2): p. 75-81.
14.Lzicar, M., Pharmaceutical Education in the Czech Republic. The European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (Practice), 2006. 12(4): p. 46.
15.Bourdon, O., C. Ekeland, and F. Brion, Pharmacy Education in France. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 2008. 72(6): p. 132.
16.Parc, E.D., B.-A. Nguyen-Khoa, and J.K. Jones, Specialized pharmacy education in France. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 2007. 64(15): p. 1647-1650.
17.Uomo, I., et al., Highlights of Italian hospital pharmacy: experiences and research. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice, 2012. 19(3): p. 309-310.
18.Bosma, L., et al., Evaluation of pharmacist clinical interventions in a Dutch hospital setting. Pharmacy World & Science, 2008. 30(1): p. 31-38.
19.Vulto, A.G., L.E. Visser, and H. Kernkamp, Country Focus: The Dutch Hospital Pharmacist: The legal position beyond specialisation. The European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 2008. 14(1): p. 46 - 47.
20.Bandre, M.A.A., et al., Pharmacist-led medication reconciliation to reduce discrepancies in transitions of care in Spain. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 2013. 35(6): p. 1083-1090.
21.García, F.S., Country Focus: The Educational System For Hospital Pharmacists in Spain. The European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy - Practice, 2004(1): p. 76-77.
22.Machado, F. and S. Ferreira da Silva, Hospital Pharmacy in Portugal. The European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy - Practice, 2005(2): p. 32-33.