Healthy Hearts

5th Grade Colorado Academic Standards

Comprehensive Health and Physical Education

2. Physical and Personal Wellness

1. Demonstrate the ability to engage in healthy eating behaviors

Healthy Hearts presentation and workbook discusses:

·  Identify good food choices they are already making

·  MyPlate

o  Building healthy meals, portion size, moderation

·  Too much sugar in food/drinks can cause weight gain and tooth decay

·  Need protein to maintain body tissues and build muscle

o  Dairy products give your body calcium, vitamin D and protein

·  Breakfast can help with memory, alertness, concentration, problem-solving skills, test scores, attendance and mood

·  Unsaturated fats increase HDL (good) cholesterol

·  Saturated fats increase LDL (bad) cholesterol

4. Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills needed to discuss personal health problems to establish and maintain personal health and wellness

Healthy Hearts presentation and workbook discusses the benefits of:

·  Eating smarter

o  Talking to their families about the food they are buying

o  Going out to eat less

o  Having fewer sugary drinks

o  Healthy lunch/snack options

o  Food label activity

·  Nutrition goals

·  Genetics section has family health history tree

o  Opens up the conversation about their health and genetics

o  Increases awareness and helps to make better lifestyle choices

·  5210 goals

o  Have a parent, teacher or friend sign with them for accountability

Prepared Graduates in the Physical and Personal Wellness standard are:

Ø  Participate regularly in physical activity

Healthy Hearts presentation discusses the health impacts of:

·  Physical inactivity

o  Blood pressure increases, increases risk of heart disease

·  Exercise

o  Increases HDL cholesterol which helps keep our arteries clear of plaque build-up

o  Fun, keeps the body strong, helps blood flow and maintains healthy blood pressure, body weight and cholesterol level

o  Strengthens heart muscle

·  Heart healthy physical activity

o  Increase heart rate

o  Breathing rate

o  Sweat/heat output

Ø  Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness

Healthy Hearts presentation discusses the health impacts of:

·  60 minutes of physical activity every day

o  Can break up that time, it doesn’t need to be done all at once

Ø  Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating

Healthy Hearts presentation and workbook discusses the benefits of:

·  MyPlate

o  Building healthy meals, portion size, moderation

·  Saturated vs unsaturated fats

o  Emphasize lifelong healthy eating because it will affect their health later in life

o  Plaque can start to form and build at age two

Ø  Apply knowledge and skills related to health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance

Healthy Hearts program discusses:

·  Promotes health and health maintenance

·  Help prevent heart disease and other factors of living an unhealthy lifestyle:

o  Heart attack, stroke, hypertension and atherosclerosis

3. Emotional and Social Wellness

1. Analyze internal and external factors that influence mental and emotional health

Healthy Hearts presentation and workbooks discusses the health impacts of:

·  A healthy lifestyle will help mentally

o  Feel better, more energy, more focused and improve confidence

·  Factors that influence our mental and emotional health:

o  Eating habits, exercise and managing our stress

·  How to manage stress

o  Not managing stress can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease

·  Provide examples of healthy ways to manage stress

o  Students draw how they best manage stress

·  Everyone has stress in their life but it is important we learn how to manage it in healthy ways vs. unhealthy ways

4. Prevention and Risk Management

1. Access valid information about the effects of tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke

Healthy Hearts presentation and workbooks discusses the health impacts of:

·  Using tobacco products damages the lungs and ages the body

o  Video of normal lungs versus smoker’s lungs

·  Smoking makes LDL stick to the arteries, lowers HDL cholesterol and increases blood pressure

·  Cost of smoking

o  Students write or draw what they would rather spend their money on

·  Second-hand smoke

o  Polite and respectful ways to create a smoke free zone around family and friends

o  Ways to say no to tobacco as they get older

Prepared Graduates in the Prevention and Risk Management standard are:

Ø  Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs

Healthy Hearts presentation and workbooks discusses the health impacts of:

·  Benefits of quitting (never too late to quit smoking)

o  Blood pressure and heart rate decrease

o  Nicotine is out of the body

o  Less coughing, more energy

o  Risk of heart attack and stroke drop

·  E-cigarettes have negative effects on the body

o  Increase blood pressure, contain heavy metals, small particles


Grade Level Expectation

2. Life Science

2. Human body systems have basic structures, functions and needs

Healthy Hearts program discusses:

·  Human body:

o  General heart anatomy, blood flow, cholesterol, plaque, heart disease, exercise, healthy eating, smoke/tobacco effects, blood pressure, stress and genetics

·  Live a healthy lifestyle because plaque build-up can start very young

·  The body needs healthy food and exercise to stay focused and energized

·  Genetics:

o  Learn about family health history

o  Obtain their own numbers to lower risk of heart disease