Early Childhood Activities

Children develop and learn at different paces. Some activities to reinforce various stages of academics, social, emotional and physical development are listed below. Please adapt these to your child's individual level and needs as you learn and play together.

Literacy, Oral Language & Writing Development

*Provide opportunities for your child to write his/her name and letters

*Play "I Spy" with letters or common words while driving in the car.

*Ask questions about their favorite stories.

*Have your child tell you the beginning, middle or end of a favorite story.

*Sing silly songs, such as the "Name Game" and sing nursery rhymes together, such as Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

*Play rhyming games together, such as saying a rhyming word for each stair you walk up.

*Use color words when describing something and invite your child to do the same. ("Please bring me your red shirt.") *Talk about pictures, letters and words in books.

*Ask your child to "hunt" for letters in their name in a favorite story. If they know their letters, ask them to look for simple words.

*Invite your child to "read" to you, even if they are just reselling from memory.


*Count the number of crackers in his/her snack, plates on the table, steps on the porch...

*Look for numbers in the environment, such as numbers on signs, etc.

*Match objects when folding laundry. (Socks, same colored towels, etc.) *Help your children to notice items that are similar or different.

*Let your children's help put away the silverware or "sort" it.

*Play shape and counting games like "I Spy".

*Count to 10 and beyond together.

*Have your child count out their snack

Social and Emotional

*Provide opportunities for your child to play and socialize with same-age peers.

*Allow your child to make choices.

*Teach your child to use the restroom independently.

*Discuss what to do if he/she doesn't like something or gets upset.

Physical and Fine Motor

*Play outside together

*Roll a large ball back to each other. Then practice throwing it softly back and forth.

*Practice buttoning and zipping clothes.

*Do large-piece puzzles.

*Practice holding and using children's scissors correctly.

*Draw large shapes on a piece of paper and then cut them out to make a collage.

*When reading, let your child turn the page at the appropriate time.

*Practice holding a pencil and crayon correctly.