Literacy – Non-Fiction: Unit 3: Explanation Texts – Wk 2

Lesson 4 – 21/10/09 / Intro / M&O Starter / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
L.I-To understand the importance of word order
Be able to identify the first sentence in an explanation text
Be able to put the steps of recycling paper in the correct order
Add time connectives to make the order of the steps clear / Recap learning so far about Explanation Texts topic and the Recycling process. Look back at steps written out on sugar paper, taken from the report on recycling paper. / Look together at the interactive activity about Recycling paper (on CD-ROM). Read through – what do you notice? Does it make sense?
Work as a class team to put it together in the right order, inviting children up to drag and drop, then read through to check each stage.
Why is it so important to have the words in the right order for an explanation? Discuss and add ‘Chronological order’ to features checklist. / Children to work in their ability groups. Using the Paper Recycling sheets, children are to match the words with the pictures in the correct order.
LA – work with adult. Cut and stick the labels in the correct boxes. Write out LI and date in books and stick sheet in.
MA – to work in pairs, write labels in correct order, write LI and date in book and stick sheet in.
HA – work independently, write labels in correct order, write LI and date in books and stick sheet in. / Add in times connectives above each box.
After That
Early Intervention:
Work with peer and adult support for reading / Come back together and discuss the purpose of the pictures. How much harder would the task have been if there were no pictures?
Think about if you did not know anything about the recycling process, would it be easier to understand the explanation with or without the pictures?
Add ‘Order of steps’ and ‘Pictures’ to features checklist. / 100 Literacy lessons CD-ROM interactive activity;
Recycling Newspaper
Paper recycling sheet – copies for every child
Literacy books
Lesson 5 – 23/10/09 / Intro / M&O Starter / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
L.I- To understand the importance of punctuation and word order.
Be able to discuss different types of punctuation and what they mean
Be able to use punctuation to write a sentence with a list
Be able to punctuate a sentence that has extra information or a clause. / Show them the ‘recycling newspapers’ interactive resource again. Ask them to discuss in pairs the different punctuation they can see.
Focus on the use of commas in sentences- gain some understanding of how much they already know by asking individuals to read out some of the sentences that contain commas and see if they pause / Read through ‘JW_commas’ powerpoint from primary resources. This discusses the 3 main uses of commas (lists, clauses and added information) and explains how using/ not using a comma can change the meaning and sound of a sentence.
Encourage them to copy down an example of each of the 3 types to help them remember later. / Activities to add commas into sentences.
LA group to work with adult support (‘using commas to write lists’ picture sheet)
MA group expected to look at ‘using commas for lists’ sheet, choose 2 sentences to copy up correctly and then do extension.
HA group as above but differentiated by expected outcome. / ‘Put commas into these sentences’ sheet. Work on the sheet, self mark using answer copy and stick into books.
Early Intervention:
CT to check EI are sat with children who can support them for activity. / Read through
a copy of
EXT to extend those
who didn’t get
this far and to
help those who
have. Mark
commas on and
discuss which
‘type of comma’
Add ‘Punctuation’ to features checklist. / ‘recycling
interactive resource
pg136 cd-rom
powerpoint from
Primary resources
‘using commas to
write lists’ picture
sheet (LA)
‘using commas for
lists’ sheet (MA
and HA)
‘ Put commas into
these sentences’
sheet ext copy,
mark sheet and 1x
A3 for plenary

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