Literacy basic skills research Vocvo vzw 08-01-2014


Deze bundel is een collage van artikels overliteracy basic skills research


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Basic Skills Research Project

2009-2013|UC Berkeley and the RP Group

A guide on basic skills instructional practices observed in California community colleges.

To understand what happens in basic skills instruction, it is necessary to examine all elements in the triangle of instruction, including analyzing the actions of instructors and students, documenting the content of the classroom, and understanding the institutional setting of the classroom.

The Basic Skills Research Project, a joint project of UC Berkeley and the RP Group, offers an analysis of basic skills instruction as observed at 20 California community colleges. Through a series of working papers, we describe issues such as pedagogy and successful models, including looking at specific techniques such as Reading Apprenticeship and the National Writing Project.

Resource Guide

Read a summary of the research, explore discussion questions that can help readers apply findings to their own colleges and find resources to further explore these issues.


Download presentation materials from the Northern California College Reading Association 2013 conference which share basic skills instructional practices and insights observed in California community colleges.

About the Study

Learn more about how the research for this project was conducted.

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To this day, Eur-Alpha brings together 16 organisations from 12 countries[1].

The selected criteria to qualify as partner are:

  • To be in link with learners or tutors;
  • To cover a territory (country or region);
  • To develop effective, reflexive, critical practices;
  • To support learners self-determination and participation.

In addition to the 16 full members, Eur-Alpha is building ties with associate members in order to reach trainers and learners in countries and region where the network is not present.

The main role of the associate members is to disseminate information and be a contact point for Eur-Alpha. Some associate members are more involved and also send learners and/or trainers to the scientific Committees.


Full membersnog verder uitpluizen

Associate members nog verder uitpluizen



All publications

Enhancing the power to take action: available inENandFR

The learners Manifesto: available inDE, inEN, inES, inFR,PT,SLand inNL

The tutors Charter: available inEN,ES,SLandFR


University of Greenwich

University leads European project to tackle adult literacy problems

Date of release: Friday, August 23, 2013

A University of Greenwich literacy and language education specialist is leading a European project to help adults considered to have poor reading and writing skills into work.

Dr Gordon Ade-ojo wants to develop bespoke literacy programmes for people keen to do particular jobs, such as being a plumber or working in a shop.


European Commission



Recruiting and retaining learners in workplaceliteracyprograms in New Zealand

J Benseman - 2013 -

Successful workplace literacy and numeracy programs are dependent on effective strategies to recruit and then retain course participants. This article reports on the recruitment strategies used in a large workplace literacy and numeracy project involving 535 workers in 18 courses. It provides an analysis of the strategies used, their rates of success in the companies, the overall retention rates and identifies effective ways to implement these strategies.


  1. Boeken

An International Dictionary of Adult and Continuing Education

Peter Jarvis

Routledge,15-apr.-2013-208 pagina's

Containing over 5000 essential references to people, organisations, words and concepts in the field of adult education, this thorough and comprehensive volume represents the standard reference for anyone seeking information on the education of adults.


Adult ESL/Literacy From the Community to the Community:A Guidebook for Participatory Literacy Training

Elsa Auerbach,Byron Barahona,Julio Midy,Felipe Vaquerano,Ana Zambrano

Routledge,13-mei-2013-240 pagina's

Adult ESL/Literacy from the Community to the Community: A Guidebook for Participatory Literacy Trainingtells the story of a university-community collaboration to develop, implement, and evaluate a project designed to train immigrants and refugees as adult ESL and native literacy instructors in their own communities. Beyond the story of this one project, the book is also a clear and powerful explication of the underlying principles and premises of the program model it describes: community leadership development, a participatory approach to literacy instruction and instructor training, native language adult literacy instruction, and collaboration.


UIT de datbank ERIC

Eliminating Language Barriers Online at European Prisons (ELBEP): A Case-Study

Peer reviewed
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Barkan, M.; Toprak, E.; Kumtepe, A. T.; Kumtepe, E. Genc; Ataizi, M.; Pilanci, H.; Mutlu, M. E.; Kayabas, I.; Kayabas, B. Kip – Educational Media International, 2011

ELBEP (Eliminating Language Barriers in European Prisons Through Open and Distance Education Technology) is a multilateral project funded by the European Union (EU) Lifelong Learning, Grundtvig (Adult Education) Programme. It aims to overcome language/communication problems between prison staff and foreign inmates at European prisons via online…

Mapping and Comparing Mobilisation Strategies throughout Europe: Towards Making Lifelong Learning a Reality

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Broek, Simon; Buiskool, Bert-Jan – Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 2012

Making lifelong learning a reality has been a recurring theme within European policy making. Increasing participation of adults can help overcome various Europe-wide challenges, amongst others, skills redundancy, the high number of low-skilled workers in Europe, the high level of early school leaving, and literacy and numeracy difficulties. In…

Perspectives from the European Language Portfolio: Learner Autonomy and Self-Assessment

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Kuhn, Barbel, Ed.; Cavana, Maria Luisa Perez, Ed. – Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012

Using constructivist principles and autonomous learning techniques the ELP has pioneered innovative and cutting edge approaches to learning languages that can be applied to learning across the spectrum. Although articles on the success of the ELP project have appeared in some academic journals, "Perspectives from the European Language Portfolio"…

Lifelong Learning in Europe: Equity and Efficiency in the Balance

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Riddell, Sheila, Ed.; Markowitsch, Jorg, Ed.; Weedon, Elisabet, Ed. – University of Chicago Press, 2012

The ongoing economic crisis in Europe raises fundamental questions about the European Union's ability to harmonize educational policy across its member states. With evidence that European unity is clearly faltering, many educational goals, including lifelong learning, are in trouble. In this book, the contributors work toward a greater…

Descriptors: Foreign Countries, International Relations, International Education, Equal Education

The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency: Helping You Grow Your Project

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Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, European Commission, 2011

The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is a public body created by a Decision of the European Commission and operates under its supervision. It is located in Brussels and has been operational since January 2006. Its role is to manage European funding opportunities and networks in the fields of education and training,…

Build the Big Society on What We Know Works

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Miskin, Jol – Adults Learning, 2010

In 2007, the Workers' Educational Association's (WEA) Yorkshire and Humber region was funded by the Academy for Community Leadership to deliver a programme of active citizenship learning in South Yorkshire. The programme was expected to: equip potential and existing community leaders with the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to address…

Education at OECD: Recent Themes and Recommendations

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Istance, David – European Journal of Education, 2011

The aim of this article is to provide an introduction to the work of OECD in the field of education through its recent projects and reports. It makes no pretence to be exhaustive. It relies heavily on published results of international reviews and comparisons where relatively clear messages have been identified, rather than single country


Barriers to Education for the Marginalized Adult Learner

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Flynn, Sarah; Brown, Jason; Johnson, Andrew; Rodger, Susan – Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 2011

This qualitative study examines barriers to adult education by the marginalized adult learner. We adopted an inclusive approach by interviewing potential adult learners who had not participated in adult education programs due to illiteracy. Five overlapping themes related to barriers emerged and were categorized as: family values and…

Beyond Literacy: Non-Formal Education Programmes for Adults in Mozambique

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van der Linden, Josje; Manuel, Alzira Munguambe – Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2011

Thirty-five years after independence the Mozambican illiteracy rate has been reduced from 93% to just over 50% according to official statistics. Although this indicates an enormous achievement in the area of education, the challenge of today still is to design appropriate adult basic education programmes including literacy, numeracy and life…

Investigating the Relationship between the Quality of Education and Level of Educational Attainment in Turkish Provinces

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Gumus, Sedat – International Journal of Educational Reform, 2012

Research in comparative and international education indicates that the quality of education, as measured by standardized tests, and the level of educational attainment have a significant impact on individual earning and national economic growth. However, the relationship between the quality of education and the level of educational attainment has…

Practitioners' Perceptions of Dyslexia and Approaches towards Teaching Learners with Dyslexia in Adult Literacy Classes

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Ade-Ojo, Gordon O. – International Journal of Lifelong Education, 2012

Learners with dyslexia are likely to be over-represented in adult literacy classes because of the convergence in perceptions, causes and understanding of literacy problems and dyslexia. Given the great amount of apprehension about practitioners' and policy makers' understanding of dyslexia itself, it is important to carry out an exploration of the…

Illiteracy among Adults with Disabilities in the Developing World: A Review of the Literature and a Call for Action

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Groce, Nora Ellen; Bakhshi, Parul – International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2011

In the early 1990s, UNESCO estimated that perhaps 97% of the world's 650 million disabled persons were unable to read or write, leading to significant efforts throughout the developing world to ensure that all children with disabilities attended school through "inclusive education" programmes. But what of the vast majority of persons with…

Learning for Economic Self-Sufficiency: Constructing Pedagogies of Hope among Low-Income, Low-Literate Adults. Adult Education Special Topics: Theory, Research and Practice in LifeLong Learning

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Alfred, Mary V., Ed. – IAP - Information Age Publishing, Inc., 2010

In a most timely volume addressing many of the connections among current fiscal and employment crises to adult education, Learning for Economic Self-Sufficiency highlights the problems and challenges that low-literate adults encounter in various environments. Moreover, this book presents strategies for addressing the chronic illiteracy among…

Implications of Local Literacy Practices for Literacy Programmes in a Multilingual Community in Northern Cameroon

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Cheffy, Ian – Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2011

Research in a rural area of northern Cameroon where most adults describe themselves as illiterate reveals a complex picture in which three languages are used in different ways and in different domains of life. The profile of the literacy practices associated with these languages is correspondingly complex. This paper argues that it is important…

Global Report on Adult Learning and Education

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Chisholm, Lynne, Ed.; Hasan, Abrar, Ed. – UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (NJ1), 2010

In the 21st century, the rapid pace and complexity of economic, technological and cultural changes require women and men to adapt and re-adapt throughout their lives--all the more so in the context of globalisation. In this era of the knowledge society--where production structure is shifting towards greater knowledge use and away from reliance on…


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* artikel

LESLLA-conferentie 2012

E. Colpaert


Vocvo: 12

In: Alfa-nieuws, jrg. 15 (2012), nr. 4 ; p. 18-21

Vijf educatieve medewerkers van het Centrum voor Basiseducatie Antwerpen bezochten de internationale LESLLA-conferentie waar de volwassen analfabete en laagopgeleide leerder centraal staat. Vanuit de lespraktijk kijken zij naar wat de conferentie hen bood aan lezingen, workshops en presentaties. Zij vonden unaniem dat de conferentie hen een enorme stimulans gegeven had en gaan nu verder met de eigen professionalisering door middel van een studiekring.

* boek

Grundtvig - compendium leerpartnerschappen - senior vrijwilligers projecten - workshops - multilaterale projecten - netwerken met een Vlaamse partner/coördinator - 2011

Epos vzw


64 p.

Aanwinstnr.: 12-223

Vocvo: 08

* boek

Literacy rules : Flanders and the Netherlands in the international adult literacy survey

Els Verhasselt

Academia Press


201 p.

ISBN: 9789038204246

Aanwinstnr.: 13-071

Vocvo: 19

Proefschrift Doctoraat Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Psychologische, pedagogische en sociologische wetenschappen

Doel van het onderzoek. De belangrijkste boodschap van IALS is duidelijk. Beleid heeft antwoorden nodig op de vraag waarin de beschikbare financiële middelen en het menselijk kapitaal kunnen geïnvesteerd worden. Tegelijkertijd willen regeringen streven naar het begrijpen van de noden inherent aan het ‘nieuwe’ literacy fenomeen. Daarom is er betrouwbare informatie nodig omtrent de verspreiding van literacy in een maatschappij. Op die manier wordt de vraag naar leerkansen duidelijker en kan het institutionele aanbod gericht gestuurd worden naar hen die het het meest nodig hebben. Dit proefschrift maakte deze groep kenbaar. Er moeten kansen gecreëerd worden voor alle volwassenen, maar vooral voor de laag-opgeleiden, zodat ze én competente werkenden én betrokken en actieve burgers worden. In een volgend stadium zal de opvolger van IALS andere literacy domeinen exploreren. Op dit moment en in de nabije toekomst kan dit verdienstelijk zijn. Op lange termijn zou het opmaken van een inventaris aan literacy vaardigheden toch moeten gevolgd worden door een zoektocht naar instrumenten die het individu in staat moet stellen om te functioneren in een maatschappij die continu onderhevig blijft aan transformaties en chaos, aan steeds wijzigende kennis en vaardigheden.


* boek

Equity and excellence in education - Towards maximal learning opportunities for all students

Kris Van den Branden, Piet Van Avermaet, Mieke Van Houtte



286 p.

ISBN: 978-0-415-88501-0

Aanwinstnr.: 14-002

Vocvo: 10

This book offers a compilation of recent research on equity and excellence in education. The volume brings together key insights in policy measures that can be taken at different levels of the educational system to foster equity and excellence in education, and to enhance all students' chances to develop key competencies.


* e_document

Meetinstrumenten voor sociale competenties, metacognitie en advanced skills

G. Ledoux, J. Meijer, I. van der Veen, I. Breetvelt

Kohnstamm Instituut


153 p.

ISBN: 90-6813-964-8

Vocvo: 15

Rapport 900

Het gaat in het onderwijs niet alleen om taal en rekenen, maar ook om vakoverstijgende competenties die nodig zijn voor het functioneren in de samenleving. Voorbeelden zijn sociale en communicatieve vaardigheden, toepassen van leerstrategieën, problemen oplossen, ICT-geletterdheid. In dit onderzoek is nagegaan welke meetinstrumenten er bestaan om het niveau van dit type vaardigheden te bepalen, en hoe bruikbaar deze zijn voor scholen. Ook is nagegaan hoe ze te ordenen zijn vanuit de begrippen sociale competenties, metacognitie en advanced skills.


* e_document

Adult and continuing education in Europe : using public policy to secure a growth in skills

European Union


112 p.

ISBN: ISBN 978-92-79-29623-9

Vocvo: 09

The conclusions of the research projects reviewed in this publication propose a number of policy priorities to support adult and continuing education and to harvest the potential of existing scientific production. This paper surveys these conclusions and guides policy-makers in developing policy interventions which both support the growth of adult and continuing education and exploit the wealth of research and research tools available.


* e_document

EPOS vzw. Jaarboek 2012



58 p.

Vocvo: 08

EPOS vzw, Europese Programma’s voor Onderwijs, Opleiding en Samenwerking, is het Vlaamse agentschap voor de uitvoering van het Europese ‘een leven lang leren’-programma of LLP (Lifelong Learning Programme). Dit programma verzamelt de onderwijs- en opleidingsprogramma’s van de Europese Unie en loopt van 2007 tot 2013. Het jaarboek bevat een overzicht van de activiteiten in 2012.


* e_document

Benefits of vocational education and training in Europe for people, organisations and countries

CEDEFOP - Publications Office of the European Union


72 p.

ISBN: 978-92-896-1171-8

Vocvo: 08

People, organisations and governments invest in vocational education and training (VET) because of its positive outcomes, such as higher wages, improved productivity and economic growth. But VET also brings non-economic benefits, such as lower absenteeism and less crime. Research on VET’s benefits has focused on specific relationships, such as its impact on productivity or health. Insufficient attention has been given to how VET’s benefits interact in organisations.

:People, organisations and governments invest in vocational education and training (VET) because of its positive outcomes, such as higher wages, improved productivity and economic growth. But VET also brings non-economic benefits, such as lower absenteeism and less crime. Research on VET’s benefits has focused on specific relationships, such its impact on productivity or health. Insufficient attention has been given how VET’s benefits interact in organisations. VET contributes directly to higher productivity by increasing skill levels, but also indirectly by increasing job satisfaction and lowering absenteeism. Using existing and new research covering more European countries, Cedefop’s publication argues that some of VET’s most important benefits are difficult to express in monetary terms. Organisations, individuals and governments, consequently, may not take full account of VET’s benefits when deciding to invest in it. A better understanding all of its benefits may not only influence the likelihood of investing in VET, but is important for organisations competing on the basis of high quality goods and services where skills and attitudes need to combine to bring success.