Literacy and Basic Skills Data Integrity Policy:
EOIS CaMS Data Collection and Entry
Title of Policy:Literacy and Basic Skills Data Integrity Policy for EOIS CaMS Data Collection and Entry
Effective Date: / Approved by:
Revision Date:
Data is collected by staff, including client/Learner personal information from the initial contact with the client, ongoing and until the client/Learner file is closed, archived and destroyed. The organization’s overall privacy and data collection policy (NAME HERE IF ORGANIZATION HAS SUCH A POLICY) must be followed for all data collection, storage, archival and deletion. This policy pertains specifically to the collection and storage of client/Learner information for the use of the EOIS CaMS database.
This policy is not intended to replace the TCU Guidelines, LBS Data Dictionary or the EOIS CaMS User Guides.
This policy is intended to:
- provide guidelines and procedures to ensure data is collected as intended by TCU, using TCU forms, resources and the EOIS CaMS database,
- provide procedures to ensure that the data collected is entered into CaMS in a consistent and timely manner in adherence to TCU Guidelines and program activities, and
- provide clear guidelines to ensure data is collected in the most consistent, secure and accurate manner possible through all stages of collection and storage, considering there are certain areas in data collection that are currently interpreted in different ways by individuals and programs.
Provincial and program funding, performance management and business decisions are (or will be) based on EOIS CaMS reports, generated by the data entered into the database. In order to ensure the data entered is accurate, timely and secure, all staff involved in the management, collection, entry and storage of client/Learner data are directed to adhere to the Policy Statements, Instructions and Procedures related to this policy. To ensure the most current versions are referred to, staff members are to check the LBS Instructor WIKI on a weekly basis for new updates.
This policy will be updated on a regular basis and at least twice per year as determined by the Program Manager.
This policy and all instructions, flow charts and procedures are based on the following:
- LBS Instructors are to be registered as CaMS Users. LBS Instructors will be named as Owners and Reviewers of their Learners.
- LBS Instructors will collect and record the client and Learner data. This data will be reported to the Data Entry Clerk.
- Data Entry Clerk will register Learners, open, update and close all Service Plans in EOIS CaMS.
- LBS Instructors print their Learners’ Plan Summary and/or Enhanced Learner Plan once their Learners have an Active Service Plan in CaMS.
- LBS Instructors enter the Review data in CaMS.
- Program Manager will audit Learner Files and CaMS Service Plans on a monthly basis to ensure compliance and makes necessary revisions to policies, instructions and procedures as required.
Every Learner will be asked to fill in (with the help of the appropriate staff member) the Participant Registration Form and sign the form in the 2 designated areas before a Service Plan is opened in CaMS. Staff members involved in assisting the Learner to fill in the form will refer to the “How To Fill in the Participant Registration Form” instructions, ensuring it is the most current version.
File Management
The designated LBS Staffmember will maintain current and accurate records of all services delivered to Learners and ensure that professional levels of documentation are maintained at all times. All documentation will be brief, concise, objective and relevant to the involvement of the Learner in the program. Staff members will follow the “How To Manage Learner Files” instructions in order to ensure Learner files are consistent, complete and secure. (Not included in Toolkit)
Learner ExitsThe designated LBS Staff member will attempt to interview all Learners in person during their transition out of LBS or at the time of Exit. If this is not possible, staff will attempt to contact the Learner at the appropriate time. Staff will fill in Page 1 of the Exit and Follow Up Form, referring to the “How To Fill in the Exit and Follow Up Form”instructions, ensuring it is the most current version.
Learner Reviews
LBS Staff will attempt to contact exited Learners within 3 weeks of their scheduled Review based on the Review date in the Service Plan. LBS Staff will fill in the appropriate page of the Exit and Follow Up Form, referring to the “How To Fill in the Exit and Follow Up Form”instructions, ensuring it is the most current version.
Information and Referral
LBS staff will record Information and Referraldata as per the “LBS CaMS Data Collection Flow Chart” and the “How To Fill in the Learner Progress Report” instructions. An “Information and Referral Flow Chart” is also available for staff to refer to. (Flow Chart only included in Toolkit)
LBS staff will record Learner Referred In and Learner Referred Out data as per the “How to Fill in the PRF” instructions and the “How To Fill in the Learner Progress Report” instructions.
Information and Referral Data includes: Assessments, Participant data, Outreach data and Waitlist data for clients.
Referred In and Out Data includes: Data on the Learner referrals; what organization or individual referred the Learner to the LBS Program; where the Learner was referred to while receiving LBS services; and where the Learner was referred to at Exit from LBS services.
Service Coordination and Referral Policies with other Service Providers and Community Programs are not included in the Data Integrity Policy as they do not affect the collection of data for CaMS purposes.