The LitClub program is a unique literacy intervention model designed by LitWorld in order to build self-confidence, promote leadership and strengthen children and their communities. LitClubs are run with various community-based and school-based organizations throughout the United States and the world, including the Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD). LitClubs aim to close the achievement gap by innovatively implementing gender separate Boys Clubs and Girls Clubs for high risk, high potential students in the 6th – 8th grade age range. LitClubs build on a unique definition of literacy by focusing on students’ reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. Unlike literacy programs that lock students in front of chalk boards memorizing vocabulary, the LitClub program builds on a confidence-building, friendship-focused model of learning and combines the best of what kids love about learning, into a high-quality literacy experience.
· 6th – 8th grade population
· 1-1.5 hours per week to run a Girls LitClub and/or a Boys LitClub
· 2 staff leaders per LitClub
· Commitment to a joyful, positive learning experience for participants
If you would like to implement the LitClub program in your after school program during the 2014-2015 school year, complete this TASC/LitWorld application form and submit it to or via mail to no later than October 6, 2014:
Susan Schonhorn
1440 Broadway
16th Floor
New York, 10018
Ten middle school programs will be selected. Priority will be given to applicants who demonstrate a commitment to the LitClub program model and a clear interest in incorporating literacy and social emotional growth into their ongoing practice. The application must be completed by the Program Director or Education Specialist. Successful applicants will be notified on, or before, October 10, 2014.
· Sites must implement the LitClub for at least one-year with the option of renewing for a second year
· Only staff trained by LitWorld and TASC can implement the LitClub curriculum
· Trainings will be facilitated by LitWorld and TASC in two sessions. The first session will be on October 20th from 10am - 4:30pm and the second training date will be later in the school year.
· One staff trained must be an Education Specialist or Program Director who will be responsible for supervising staff as they facilitate the LitClub curriculum.
· The LitClub curriculum packet will be provided, as well as access to an ongoing Help Desk throughout the year. During the program, students will engage in LitClub workshop for a minimum of one day a week for 1-1.5 hours. Each week targets one of LitWorld’s “7 Strengths” through a variety of literacy activities. Students will complete the program with a renewed interest and appreciation for reading and writing, as well as a positive, memorable after school experience.
Application Form: TASC/ LitWorld LitClubs
*Applications must be submitted by Monday October 6, 2014
This application must be completed by either the Education Specialist or Program Director, one of whom is required to attend training sessions with two staff who will implement the LitClub curriculum.
Personal Information
Last Name: ______First Name: ______
Email: ______Cell Phone: ______
Day time phone: ______Job Title: ______
Program Site Information
Program/ Site Name: ______Organization: ______
Program Director’s Name if not indicated above: ______
Site Address: ______Borough: ______
State: ______Zip: ______Site Phone: ______
DYCD Program Manager: ______DYCD Contract Number: ______
LitClub Requirements. Check boxes to indicate you agree to the following:
o Commit to implementing LitClub program for at least one academic year with complete fidelity to its model and curriculum.
o Either the Education Specialist or Program Director will attend both training sessions with staff.
o Participating DYCD middle schools will adhere to LitClub’s staffing ratio, which is 1 leader for every 15 students.
o Provide adequate space for students to move around, read and fully participate in activities that support the LitClub curriculum.
o Students will have regular access to either a varied, leveled school library or a public library.
o Students will be allowed to take books home either from the neighborhood public library or program or school library.
o Occasional field trips in and around New York City will be provided (e.g. public libraries, museums, art exhibits, parks, etc…)
Signature: ______Date: ______
1. How many 6th-8th grade students do you serve?
2. What are your goals for your 6th – 8th grade population for the 2014-2015 school year? Please be specific.
3. What activities/classes does your site offer for the 6th-8th grade age group?
4. How many 6th-8th grade youth do you expect to enroll in LitClubs during the 2014-2015 school year?
5. Briefly discuss the challenges your middle school students face in terms of literacy (reading, writing, listening, speaking; please address all components of literacy).
6. What inspired you to apply for the LitClub program? What does your program hope to gain from the experience?
7. Describe your expectations for line staff who will work with you to implement the TASC/LitWorld LitClub program. What qualities and characteristics will staff possess? Please provide specific details.
8. Will you have access to books or a library for your students? (Check) Yes ____ No ____