Litchfield Community Unit District No. 12

Board of Education Meeting Minutes

Litchfield High School Radius Room

August 17, 2017


The Litchfield Board of Education began their regular August 17, 2017 meeting at 7:00 pm in the Radius room of Litchfield High School, 1705 N. State St., Litchfield, IL. 62056. Those in attendance included: The following board members were present: Jennifer Reid, President; Ron Anglin, Vice- President; Meg Wertin, secretary; Gregg Hires; and Dennis Scobbie. Ed Schumacher and Jeff Seabaugh were absent. Others in attendance were: Superintendent, Debbie Poffinbarger; Administrators Adam Favre, Jen Thompson, Andrea Lee, Doug Hoster, Pat Reents and Mark Hunt; Kris Adamson, Recording Secretary; Della Witter, Business Manager. John Hanafin, Litchfield News Herald; Mary Hershelman, The Journal News; Parents and concerned Community members.

Breanna Seely, this year’s student advisor gave the Board a brief synopsis of the upcoming events for Litchfield High School. Homecoming Dance is scheduled for September 23rd. The Student Council will host a Blood Drive on September 29th as well. New Staff members Kendra Kirby, Elementary nurse and Kim Baker, Middle School Mid-State teacher were introduced and welcomed to the District.

Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Gregg Hires and seconded by Ron Anglin to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

To approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

●Approve regular and closed session minutes from July 20, 2017 meeting;

oFogleman meeting July 20,2017

●Approve regular minutes from special Board meeting July 31, 2017

●Approve monthly bills

●Approve Treasurer’s report

●Approve deletion of recorded closed session minutes from July 2015


August bills: Bills payable from the Education Fund include Kilton Grant purchases of $137,000 for technology one-to-one Chromebook purchases; and $18,700 in supplies to start the school year including the district annual paper order, classroom supplies, and student agendas. From the Tort Fund, the first quarterly installments for commercial and umbrella insurance of $20,600 are being paid. Total bills paid from all funds are $516,337.

Treasurer’s Report: July revenue includes 3.3 million in local property taxes over all funds. State revenue in the Education Fund includes one additional FY 17 payment for Early Childhood of $100,000 and for Drivers Education of $5186. Total of all funds at July 31, 2017 is $5,038,455.

Closed Session Minutes: Each month the board will be asked to destroy verbatim recorded closed session minutes from a monthly meeting that is older than 24 months in accordance with Section 6:177 of Illinois School Law.

Old Business

A motion was made by Ron Anglin and seconded by Gregg Hires that the regular meetings of the Board for the 2017-2018 school will be held at 6:00pm on the third Thursday of each month in the Litchfield High School Radius Room unless otherwise specified; and that said meetings will be limited to 11:00pm adjournment. Revised meeting dates for the 2017-2018 school year were presented at the meeting. The December meeting has been changed to Tuesday, December 19, 2017. Meetings will now begin at 6:00pm.

Roll Call Vote: YEA: Anglin, Hires, Reid, Scobbie, Wertin. Motion carried.

New Business

A motion was made by Ron Anglin and seconded by Gregg Hires to approve adding account FUND 60(Capital Projects) to the annual budget accounts. A new fund needs to be established due to the passing of the 1% sales tax. This fund will be Fund 60 - Site and Construction/Capital Improvement Fund. Revenue will be received on a monthly basis and all expenditures much pertain to site and construction/capital improvements.Roll Call Vote: YEA: Anglin, Hires, Reid, Scobbie, Wertin. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Ron Anglin and seconded by Gregg Hires to approve To approve a budget hearing for the 2017-2018 fiscal year (beginning July 1, 2017) for Thursday, September 28, 2017 at 5:45 p.m. at the Litchfield High School, and that the budget as prepared by the district’s chief fiscal officer, Superintendent Debbie Poffinbarger, will be available for public inspection for at least thirty (30) days prior to its adoption on September 28, 2017; and that proper notice be given. School code requires that the tentative budget be on display thirty (30) days prior to final action taken on the budget. The budget must be adopted within the first quarter of the fiscal year, which ends September 30, 2017. The September 28th budget hearing will be in compliance with the required amount of time between public review of the budget and adoption of the 2017-2018 fiscal year budget.Roll Call Vote: YEA: Anglin, Hires, Reid, Scobbie, Wertin. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Ron Anglin and seconded by Meg Wertin to approve a 5-year review of board policies. The following policies have not required an update during the previous five years and are undergoing a review only: 2:210; 4:470; 6:290; 6:330; 7:80; 7:160. Voice Vote: YEA: Anglin, Hires, Reid, Scobbie, Wertin. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Gregg Hires and seconded by Ron Anglin to approve the 1st reading of board policy updates. This is the first reading of updates to the following polices: 2:220-E3; 2:260; 6:80; 6:210; 8:70

The following is recommended for optional updates:

Policy7:275Option- Yes, include both options

LCUSD#12 Board recommended update to policy 7:60- Students/ Residence:

PreK District Enrollment Guidelines:

Enrollment in the Pre-K program will be open to: a) children that reside within the boundaries to the Litchfield School District, b) children of employees of the school district, and c) those engaged in the annexation process. Voice Vote: YEA: Anglin, Hires, Reid, Scobbie, Wertin. Motion carried.

Information Items

Superintendent Poffinbarger addressed the Board. The 2017-2018 preliminary budget was unveiled. Mrs. Poffinbarger believes it is a conservative budget. School Districts are still waiting on the State of Illinois to pass the general state aide and school funding bills. According to preliminary figures the district will have a starting balance of $2.6 million and an expected $15.9 million in revenue. In Mrs. Poffinbarger’s presentation to the Board, the District is expected to have $16.02 million in expenditures, leaving $216,000 in deficit. The District is waiting on the state to announce the specifics of the new general state aide formula. A One to One initiative (one computer per student) was started in the District this year with the help of a $137,000 grant from the Kelton Foundation. The Finance Committee will meet monthly and consist of Board members Jennifer Reid and Ed Schumacher. A committee of board members, teachers, community members will be formed to advise on the use of the one percent sales tax revenue. Board members received copies of goals and self-evaluation that were established during their previous meeting.

Closed Session

The motion was made by Ron Anglin and seconded by Gregg Hires to enter into closed session at 7:45pm for the purpose of the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)Roll Call Vote: YEA: Anglin, Hires, Reid, Scobbie, Wertin. Motion carried. A motion was made by Ron Anglin and seconded by Meg Wertin for the Board to return to Open Session at 9:12pm. Roll Call Vote: YEA: Anglin, Hires, Reid, Scobbie, Wertin. Motion carried.

Action Taken After Closed Session:

A motion was made by Ron Anglin and seconded by Gregg Hires to hire Whittney Davis as an Instructional Tutor for the 2017-2018 school year. Roll Call Vote: YEA: Anglin, Hires, Reid, Scobbie, Wertin. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Ron Anglin and seconded by Gregg Hires to accept the resignation of Brian Lee as Weight Room supervisor as of August 17, 2017. Roll Call Vote: YEA: Anglin, Hires, Reid, Scobbie, Wertin. Motion carried.
Seeing as no further action to be taken the Board adjourned at 9:14pm