1.Foote, B.A.1956.A preliminary survey of the crane flies of Delaware County, Ohio (Diptera: Tipulidae).Ohio Journal of Science 56: 217-229.

2.Foote, B.A.1959.Biology and life history of the snail-killing flies belonging to the genus Sciomyza Fallén (Diptera: Sciomyzidae).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 52: 31-43.

3.Foote, B.A.1959.A new species of Pteromicra Lioy reared from land snails, with a key to Nearctic species of the genus (Diptera: Sciomyzidae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 61: 14-16.

4.Foote, B.A., S.E. Neff, and C.O. Berg.1959.Evolution of predator-prey relationships in snail-killing sciomyzid larvae (Diptera).Bulletin of the American Malacological Union 25: 10-11.

5.Foote, B.A.. S. E. Neff and C. O. Berg.1960Biology and immature stages of Atrichomelina pubera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 53: 192199.

6.Foote, B.A., and A.R. Gittins.1961.The conopid flies of Idaho (Diptera: Conopidae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 63: 1-5.

7.Foote, B.A.1961.A new species of Antichaeta Haliday, with notes on other species of the genus (Diptera: Sciomyzidae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 63: 161-164.

8.Foote, B.A.1961.The marsh flies of Idaho and adjacent areas (Diptera: Sciomyzidae).American Midland Naturalist 65: 144-167.

9.Foote, B.A.1961.The species of the dipterous family Sciomyzidae in the northwestern United States.Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society 1961: 290-291.

10.Foote, B.A.1963.Notes on the larval habitat of Tabanus monoensis Hine (Diptera: Tabanidae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 65: 168.

11.Foote, B.A.1963.Biology of slug-killing Tetanocera.Proceedings of the Northcentral Branch of the Entomological Society of America 18: 97.

12.Foote, B.A.1963.New records of Sciomyzidae (Diptera) from the northwestern states and provinces.Ohio Journal of Science 63: 163-165.

13.Foote, B.A.1964.The snail- and slug-killing flies (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) of the Pacific Northwest.Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society 1963: 322-324.

14.Foote, B.A.1965.First record of Opomyza petrei Mesnil in eastern North America.Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 67: 50.

15.Allen, E.J., and B.A. Foote.1965.Biology and immature stages of Delphinia picta (Diptera: Otitidae).Proceedings of the Northcentral Branch of the Entomological Society of America 20: 106-107.

16.Foote, B.A.1965.Biology and immature stages of Eastern ragweed flies (Tephritidae).Proceedings of the Northcentral Branch of the Entomological Society of America 20: 105-106.

17.Stoltzfus, W.B., and B.A. Foote.1965.The use of froth masses in courtship of Eutreta (Diptera: Tephritidae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 67: 263-264.

18.Foote, B.A.1966.Observations on the biology of Tipula footeana Alexander (Diptera: Tipulidae).Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 68: 145-150.

19.Garnett, W.B., and B.A. Foote.1966.Notes on the biology of certain heleomyzid flies of eastern North America (Diptera: Heleomyzidae).Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 39: 552-555.

20.Allen, E.J., and B.A. Foote.1967.Biology and immature stage of the three species of Otitidae which have saprophagous larvae (Diptera).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 60: 826-836.

21.Foote, B.A.1967.Biology and immature stages of fruit flies: The genus Icterica (Diptera: Tephritidae).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 60: 1295-1305.

22.Garnett, W.B., and B.A. Foote.1967.Biology and immature stages of Pseudoleria crassata (Diptera: Heleomyzidae).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 60: 126-134.

23.Knutson, L.V., A.A. Edwards, C.O. Berg, and B.A. Foote.1967.Calcareous septa formed in snail shells by larvae of snail-killing flies.Science 156: 522-523.

24.Novak, J.A., E.J. Allen, W.B. Stoltzfus, and B.A. Foote.1967.New host records for North American fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 69: 146-148.

25.Foote, B.A.1967.Biology and immature stages of the fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of the Pacific Northwest.Yearbook of the American Philosophical Society 1967: 266.

26.Novak, J.A., and B.A. Foote.1968.Biology and immature stages of fruit flies: Paroxyna albiceps (Diptera: Tephritidae).Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 41: 108-119.

27.Robinson, W.H., and B.A. Foote.1968.Biology and immature stages of Megaselia aequalis a phorid predator of slug eggs.Annals of the Entomological Society of America 61: 1587-1594.

28.Valley, K.R., J.A. Novak, and B.A. Foote.1969.Biology and immature stages of Eumetopiella rufipes (Diptera: Otitidae).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 62: 227-234.

29.Bratt, A.D., L.V. Knutson, B.A. Foote, and C.O. Berg.1969.Biology of Pherbellia (Diptera: Sciomyzidae).Memoir of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station 404: 1-247.

30.Valley, K.R., T. Wearsch, and B.A. Foote.1969.Larval feeding habits of certain Chloropidae (Diptera).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 71: 29-34.

31.Foote, B.A.1970.The larvae of Tanypeza longimana (Diptera: Tanypezidae).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 63: 235-238.

32.Sluss, T.P., and B.A. Foote.1970.Parthenogenesis in Chamaemyiidae (Diptera).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 63: 615.

33.Scheiring, J.F., and B.A. Foote.1970.Three species of shore flies (Diptera: Ephydridae) previously unreported from Ohio.Entomological News 81: 71.

34.Trelka, D., and B.A. Foote.1970.Biology of slug-killing Tetanocera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 63: 877-895.

35.Knutson, L.V., and B.A. Foote.1970.Clam-killing fly larvae.Nature 226: 466.1970.

36.Eastin, W.C., and B.A. Foote.1971.Biology and immature stages of Dichaeta caudata (Diptera: Ephydridae).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 64: 271-279.

37.Foote, B.A.1971.Biology of Hedria mixta (Diptera: Sciomyzidae).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 64: 931-941.

38.Sluss, T.P., and B.A. Foote.1971.Biology and immature stages of Leucopis verticalis (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae).Canadian Entomologist 103: 1315-1318.

39.Foote, B.A.1973.Biology of Pherbellia prefixa (Diptera: Sciomyzidae), a parasitoid-predator of the operculate snail Valvata sincera (Gastropoda: Valvatidae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 75: 141-149.

40.Sluss. T.P., and B.A. Foote.1973.Biology and immature stages of Leucopis pinicola and Chamaemyis polystigma (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae).Canadian Entomologist 105: 1443-1452.

41.Scheiring, J.F., and B.A. Foote.1973.Habitat distribution of the shore flies of northeastern Ohio (Diptera: Ephydridae).Ohio Journal of Science 73: 152-166.

42.Allen, E.J., and B.A. Foote.1975.Biology and immature stages of Tritoxa incurva (Diptera: Otitidae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 77: 246-257.

43.Novak, J.A., and B.A. Foote.1975.Biology and immature stages of fruit flies: The genus Stenopa (Diptera: Tephritidae).Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 48: 42-52.

44.Foote, B.A., and W. C. Eastin.1974.Biology and immature stages of Discocerinaobscurella (Diptera: Ephydridae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 76: 401-408.

45.McElravy, E.P., and B.A. Foote.1975.Range extension and new state record for Arthropleabipunctata (Ephemeroptera: Heptageniidae).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 68: 301.

46.Miller, R.M., and B.A. Foote.1975.Biology and immature stages of eight species of Lauxaniidae (Diptera). I. Biological observations.Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 77: 308-328.

47.R. W. Thier, R. S. Zack, and B.A. Foote.1976.Anaphens (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) reared from eggs of a shore fly (Diptera: Ephydridae).The Great Lakes Entomologist 9: 205.

48.Zack, R.S., R.W. Thier, and B.A. Foote.1976.A possible case of spatial isolation in brine flies of the genus Ephydra (Diptera: Ephydridae).The Great Lakes Entomologist 9: 205-206.

49.Miller, R.M., and B.A. Foote.1976.Biology and immature stages of eight species of Lauxaniidae (Diptera). II. Descriptions of immature stages and discussion of larval feeding habits and morphology.Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 78: 16-37.

50.Foote, B.A.1976.Biology and larval feeding habits of three species of Renocera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) that prey on fingernail clams Mollusca: Sphaeriidae).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 69: 121-133.

51.Foote, B.A.1976.Biology of pictured-wing flies (Diptera: Otitidae), pp 51-59.Anniversary Publication of the Department of Entomology of the University of Idaho, 1976.

52.McElravy, E.P., T.L. Arsuffi, and B.A. Foote.1977.New records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) for Ohio.Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 79: 599-604.

53.Foote, B.A.1977.Biology of Oidematops ferrugineus (Diptera: Sciomyzidae), a parasitoid enemy of the land snail Stenotrema hirsutum (Mollusca Polygyridae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 79: 609-619.

54.Busacca, J.D., and B.A. Foote.1978.Biology and immature stages of two species of Notiphila with notes on other shore flies occurring in cattail marshes (Diptera: Ephydridae).Annals of Entomological Society of America 71: 457-466.

55.Foote, B.A.1978.Utilization of blue-green algae by larvae of shore flies (Diptera: Ephydridae).Environmental Entomology6: 812-814.

56.McElravy, E.P., and B.A. Foote.1978.Annotated list of caddisflies (Trichoptera) occurring along the upper portion of the West Branch of the Mahoning River in northeastern Ohio.The Great Lakes Entomologist 11: 143-154.

57.Robinson, W.H., and B.A. Foote.1979.Biology and immature stages of Antichaeta borealis (Diptera: Sciomyzidae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington80: 388-396.

58.Tkac, M.A., and B.A. Foote.1978.Annotated list of stone flies (Plecoptera) from Stebbins Gulch in northeastern Ohio.The Great Lakes Entomologist 11: 139-142.

59.Zack, R.N., Jr., and B.A. Foote.1978.Utilization of algal monocultures by larvae of Scatella stagnalis.Environmental Entomology 7: 509-511.

60.Foote, B.A.1979.Utilization of algae by larvae of shore flies, pp 61-76.In:D.L. Deonier, ed., First Symposium on the Biology and Ecology of shore flies (Diptera: Ephydridae).North American Benthological Society.

61.Novak, J.A., and B.A. Foote.1979.Biology and immature stages of fruit flies:the genus Eurosta (Diptera: Tephritidae).Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 53: 205-219.

62.Thier, R.W., and B.A. Foote.1980.Biology of mud-shore Ephydridae (Diptera).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 82: 517-535.

63.Petersen, C., and B.A. Foote.1980.Annotated list of Trichoptera collected along Furnace Run of the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area in northeastern Ohio.The Great Lakes Entomologist 13: 201-205.

64.Foote, B.A.1981.Biology and immature stages of Lytogaster excavata, a grazer of blue-green algae (Diptera: Ephydridae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 83: 304-315.

65.Foote, B.A.1981.Biology of the snail-killing flies of the Pacific Northwest.Research Reports of the National Geographic Society pp 233-235.

66.Foote, B.A.1981.Biology and immature stages of Pelinatruncatula, a consumer of blue-green algae (Diptera: Ephydridae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 83: 607-619.

67.Foote, B.A. 1981.Legume root nodule flies of Ohio.North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Abstract 10.

668.Huryn, A.D., and B.A. Foote.1981.New records of Ohio caddisflies (Trichoptera).Entomological News 92: 158-160.

69.Berg, C.O., B.A. Foote, L. Knutson, J.K. Barnes, S.L. Arnold, and K. Valley.1982.Adaptive differences in phenology in sciomyzid flies.Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington 10: 15-36.

70.Foote, B.A.1982.Biology and immature stages of Setacera atrovirens, a grazer of floating algal mats (Diptera: Ephydridae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 84: 828-844.

71.Foote, B.A.1983.Biology and immature stages of Nostima approximata (Diptera: Ephydridae), a grazer of the blue-green algal genus Oscillatoria.Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 85: 472-484.

72.Huryn, A.D., and B.A. Foote.1983.An annotated list of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Ohio.Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 85: 783-796.

73.Foote, B.A.1984.Host plant records for North American ragweed flies (Diptera: Tephritidae).Entomological News 95: 51-54.

74.Foote, B.A.1984.Biology of Trimerina madizans, a predator of spider eggs (Diptera: Ephydridae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 86: 486-492.

75.Blair, J.M., and B.A. Foote.1984.Resource partitioning in five sympatric species of Scatella (Diptera: Ephydridae).Environmental Entomology 13: 1336-1339.

76.Foote, B.A.1985.Biology of Rivellia pallida (Diptera: Platystomatidae), a consumer of the nitrogen-fixing root nodules of Amphicarpa bracteata (Leguminosae).Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 58: 27-35.

77.Bibro, C.M., and B.A. Foote.1986.Larval description of Rivellia pallida (Diptera: Platystomatidae), a consumer of the nitrogen-fixing root nodules of hog-peanut, Amphicarpa bracteata (Leguminosae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 88: 578-584.

78.Foote, B.A., Bowker, B.D., and B.A. McMichael.1987.Host plants for North American species of Rivellia (Diptera: Platystomatidae).Entomological News 98: 135-139.

79.Todd, J.L., and B.A. Foote.1987.Spatial and temporal distribution of shore flies in a freshwater marsh (Diptera: Ephydridae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 89: 448-457.

80.Todd, J.L., and B.A. Foote.1987.Resource partitioning in Chloropidae (Diptera) in a freshwater marsh.Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 89: 803-810.

81.Foote, B.A.1987.Diptera, pp 61-62.In:D.W. Webb, ed., Current and Selected Bibliographies on Benthic Biology.North American Benthological Society, 1986.

82.Usis, J.D., and B.A. Foote.1988.New records of caddisflies (Trichoptera) from Ohio, with special reference to Stillfork Swamp, Carroll County.Entomological News 100: 83-85.

83.Foote, B.A.1988.Diptera, pp 48-51.In:D.W. Webb, ed., Current and Selected Bibliographies on Benthic Biology, 1987.North American Benthological Society.

84.Foote, B.A.1989.Diptera, pp 54-57.In:D.W. Webb, ed., Current and Selected Bibliographies on Benthic Biology, 1988.North American Benthological Society, 1988.

85.McMichael, B.M., B.A. Foote, and B.D. Bowker.1990.Biology of Rivellia melliginis (Diptera: Platystomatidae), a consumer of the nitrogen-fixing root nodules of black locust (Leguminosae).Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83: 967-974.

86.Foote, B.A.1990.Biology and immature stages of Coenia curvicauda (Diptera: Ephydridae).Journal of the New York Entomological Society 98: 93-102.

87.Bunyard, B., and B.A. Foote.1990.Acalyptrate Diptera reared from higher fungi in northeastern Ohio.Entomological News 101: 117-121.

88.Bunyard, B., and B.A. Foote.1990.Biological notes on Drosophila guttifera (Diptera: Drosophilidae), a consumer of mushrooms.Entomological News 101: 161-163.

89.Foote, B.A.1990.Diptera, 161 pp..In:F.W. Stehr, ed., Immature Insects, vol. 2.Kendall/Hunt, Dubuque, IA.

90.Foote, B.A.1991.Diptera, pp 54-56.In:D. W. Webb, ed., Current and Selected Bibliographies on Benthic Biology, 1990.North American Benthological Society.

91.Rogers, T.L., B.A. Foote, and J.L. Todd.1991.Biology and immature stages of Chlorops certimus and Epichlorops exilis (Diptera: Chloropidae), stem borers of sedges.Journal of the New York Entomological Society 99: 664-683.

92.Usis, J.D., and B.A. Foote.1991.Influence of strip mining on the mortality of a wetland caddisfly, Limnephilus indivisus (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae).The Great Lakes Entomologist 24: 133-143.

93.Foote, B.A. 1991.Diptera, pp. 690-915.IN K. Cummings and R. Merritt, eds., The Aquatic Insects of North America.Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, IA.

94.Allen, E.J., and B.A. Foote.1992.Biology and immature stages of Chaetopsis massyla (Diptera: Otitidae), a secondary invader of herbaceous stems of wetland monocots.Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 94: 320-328.

95.Foote, B.A.1992.Diptera (Others), pp. 47-49.IN: D. W. Webb, ed., Current and Selected Bibliographies on Benthic Biology, 1991.North American Benthological Society.

96.Foote, B.A. 1992 (Book Review). Gagne, R. " The Plant-feeding Gall Midges of North America".Annals of the Entomological Society of America 85: 249-250.

97.Foote, B.A. 1993.Biology of Hyadina albovenosa (Diptera: Ephydridae), a consumer of Cyanobacteria.Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 95: 377-382.

98.Foote, B.A. 1993.Diptera (Others), pp. 52-56.IN: D. W. Webb, ed., Current and Selected Bibliographies on Benthic Biology, 1992.North American Benthological Society.

99.Wearsch, T. K., and B. A. Foote.1994.Biology and immature stages of Chloropidae (Diptera) associated with spike-rushes (Cyperaceae: Eleocharis). I. Stem borers.Annals of Carnegie Museum 63: 193-213.

100.Foote, B.A. 1994 (Book Review).R. H. Foote and Blanc "The Fruit Flies of North America".Annals of the Entomological Society of America

101.Foote, B.A. 1994.Diptera (Others), pp. 33-36.IN: D. W. Webb, ed., Current and Selected Bibliographies on Benthic Biology, 1993.North American Benthological Society.

102.Foote, B.A. 1995.Biology of shore flies.Annual Review of Entomology 40: 417-442.

103.Foote, B.A. 1995.Diptera (Others), pp. 46-48.IN D. W. Webb, ed., Current and Selected Bibliographies on Benthic Biology, 1994.North American Benthological Society.

104.Valley, K., and B. A. Foote.1996.Biology and immature stages of Eribolus longulus, with notes on E. nanus (Diptera: Chloropidae), secondary invaders of herbaceous wetland plants.Memoir of the Entomological Society of Washington 18: 273-279.

105.Foote, B.A. 1996.Biology and immature stages of snail-killing flies belonging to the genus Tetanocera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). I.Introduction and life histories of predators of shoreline snails.Annals of Carnegie Museum 65: 1-12.

106.Foote, B.A. 1996b.Biology and immature stages of snail-killing flies belonging to the genus Tetanocera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae). II.Life histories of predators of succineid snails.Annals of Carnegie Museum 65: 153-166.

107.Foote, B.A. 1996c.Diptera (Others), pp. 42-44.IN: D. W. Webb, ed., Current and Selected Bibliographies on Benthic Biology, 1995.North American Benthological Society.

108.G. W. Courtney, H. J. Teskey, R. W. Merritt, and B. A. Foote.1996.Aquatic Diptera, Part One.Larvae of Aquatic Diptera, pp. 484-548.InCummins, K. And R. W. Merritt, eds.An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America.Kendall/Hunt, Dubuque, IA.

109.Foote, B.A. 1999.Biology and immature stages of snail-killing flies belonging to the genus Tetanocera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae).III.Life histories of the predators of aquatic pulmonate snails.Annals of Carnegie Museum 68: 151-174.

110.Larson, L., and B. A. Foote.1997.ABiology of four species of Notiphila Fallén (Diptera: Ephydridae) associated with the yellow water lily, Nupharluteum(Nymphaceae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 99:541-559.

111.Foote, B.A. (Book Review).1997.World Catalog of Shore Flies (Diptera: Ephydridae).W. M. Mathis and T. Zatwarnicki, 1995.Integrated Pest Management 2: 94.

112.Keiper, J. B., and B. A. Foote.1996.A simple rearing chamber for lotic insect larvae.Hydrobiologia 339: 137-139.

113.Keiper, J. B., E. G. Chapman, and B. A. Foote.1997.Midge larvae (Diptera:Chironomidae) as indicators of postmortem submersion interval of carcasses in awoodland stream: a preliminary report. Journal of Forensic Sciences 42:1074-1079.

114.Keiper, J. B., and B. A. Foote.1999.Biology and immature stages of two species ofHydroptila (Trichoptera; Hydroptilidae) which consume Cladophora (Chlorophyta).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 101: 514-521.

115.Keiper, J. B., and B. A. Foote.1998.Biological notes on Ochrotrichiaxena (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae), a species newly recorded from Ohio.Proceedings ofthe Entomological Society of Washington 100: 594-595.

116.Keiper, J. B., P. L. Brutsche, and B. A. Foote.1998.Acalyptrate Diptera associated with water willow, Justicia americana (Acanthaceae).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 100: 576-587.

117.Foote, B.A. 1997.Diptera (Others), pp. 63-64.In: D. W. Webb, ed., Current and Selected Bibliographies on Benthic Biology, 1996.North American Benthological Society.

118.Keiper, J. B., D. A. Casamatta, and B. A. Foote.1998.Incorporation of Batrachospermum gelatinosum (Rhodophyta) into cases of Ochrotrichia wojcickyi (Trichoptera; Hydroptilidae).Entomological News 109: 256.

119.Keiper, J. B., D. A. Casamatta, and B. A. Foote.1998.Use of algal monocultures by larvae of Hydroptilawaubesiana and Oxyethira pallida (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae).Hydrobiologia 380: 87-91.

120.Foote, B.A. 1999.Diptera (Others).In: D. W. Webb, ed., Current and SelectedBibliographies on Benthic Biology, 1998.North American Benthological Society.

121.Keiper, J. B., W. E. Walton, and B. A. Foote.2002.Biology and ecology of higher Diptera from freshwater wetlands.Annual Review of Entomology 47: 207-232.

122.Norrbom, A. L., and B. A. Foote.2000.A new subgenus, Footerellia, and new distribution records of Neaspilota Osten Sacken (Diptera: Tephritidae: Terelliini).Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 102: 142-150.

123.Foote, B.A., L. V. Knutson, and J. B. Keiper.1999.The snail-killing flies of Alaska (Diptera: Sciomyzidae).Insecta Mundi 13: 45-71.

124.Foote, B.A. 2004.Acalyptrate Diptera associated with Carex lacustris and Carex stricta (Cyperaceae) in northeastern Ohio.Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 106: 166-175.

125.Foote, B.A. 2002.Acalyptrate Diptera from a fen at the Herrick Preserve in Portage County, Ohio.The Great Lakes Entomologist 35: 131-148.

126.Foote, B.A. Submitted.Biology and immature stages of snail-killing flies belonging to the genus Tetanocera (Diptera: Sciomyzidae).IV.Life histories ofpredators of land snails and slugs.Annals of Carnegie Museum 77: 301-312.

127.Foote, B.A., and J. B. Keiper.2004.The snail-killing flies of Ohio (Diptera: Insecta: Sciomyzidae).Kirtlandia 54: 43-90.

128.Foote, B.A. 1999.Diptera (Others).In: D. W. Webb, ed., Current and SelectedBibliographies on Benthic Biology, 1998.North American Benthological Society.

129.Foote, B.A. 2000.Diptera (Others).In: D. W. Webb, ed., Current and SelectedBibliographies on Benthic Biology, 1999.North American Benthological Society.

130.Foote, B.A. 2001.Diptera (Others).In: D. W. Webb, ed., Current and SelectedBibliographies on Benthic Biology, 2000.North American Benthological Society.

131.Foote, B.A. 2002.Diptera (Others).In: D. W. Webb, ed., Current and SelectedBibliographies on Benthic Biology, 2001.North American Benthological Society.

132.Foote, B.A. 2003.Diptera (Others).In: D. W. Webb, ed., Current and SelectedBibliographies on Benthic Biology, 2002.North American Benthological Society.

133.Foote, B.A. 2004.Diptera (Others).In: D. W. Webb, ed., Current and SelectedBibliographies on Benthic Biology, 2003.North American Benthological Society.

134.Foote, B.A. 2005.Diptera (Others).In: D. W. Webb, ed., Current and SelectedBibliographies on Benthic Biology, 2004.North American Benthological Society.

135.Foote, B.A. 2007.Higher Diptera associated with the marsh spike-rush, Eleocharis palustris (Cyperaceae) in northeastern Ohio.Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109: 9-16.

136.Foote, B.A. 2007.Biology of Ilythea caniceps, I. spilota, and Zeros flavipes (Diptera: Ephydridae), case-making consumers of diatoms on shorelines.Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 109: 125-130