List of the books at ISPHA library and NSMU library


№ / Author, title / Total number of copies / Number of copies at the ISPHA library / Number of copies at the NSMU library
A finger on the pulse, Monitoring public health and social conditions in Sweden 1992-2002, Elanders Gotab AB, Stockholm, 2003 / 1
Aasland A. Development in Research. NordForsk, 2007
Abramson JH. Survey methods in community medicine. Fourth edition. Longman Group UK Limited, 1990 / 1
Ahgren B. Creating intehrated health care. NHV, Sweden, 2007
Ahmed LA. Risk factors for fractures in Tromsø. The Tromsø Study. ISM Skriftserie Nr. 84. University of Tromsø, 2005 / 1
AMAP Assessment 2002: radioactivity in the Arctic, Oslo, 2004
AMAP assessment report: arctic pollution issues, Oslo, 1998 / 1
AMAP Assessment 2002: human health in the Arctic / 1
American Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 140, # 10, Nov 15, 1994
American Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 140, # 11, Dec 1, 1994
American Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 140, # 12, Dec 15, 1994
Analysis of Arctic Children and Youth Health Indicators. The Arctic Council’s Sustainable Development Working Group. Canada, August 2005
Andersen T. Ill health two contrasting societies. ISM Skriftserie Nr. 64. University of Tromsø, 2002 / 1
Anderson P., Baumberg B. Alcohol in Europe a public health perspective . A report for the European commission, 2006 / 1
Andersson H. E. at all. The asylum-seeking child in Europe. Goeteborg, Sweden, 2005 / 1
Averina M. A population based study on cardiovascular diseases in Northwest Russia. The Arkhangelsk study 2000. ISM Skriftserie Nr. 81. University of Tromsø, 2005 / 1
Asfeldt AM. Helicobacter pylori and dyspepsia from a public health perspective. Tromso, 2009 / 1
Aw T.C., Gardiner K. Harrington J.M. Occupational health, 5th edition, Blackwell publishing, 2008 / 1 / 13
Bartholomew L.K., Parcel G.S., Kok G., GottliebN.H., Planning health promotion programs, an intervention mapping approach, JOSSEY-BASS, 2006 / 1 / 1
Beaglehole R, Bonita R, Kjellstrom T. Basic Epidemiology. World Health Organisation. Geneva 1993 (English language version)
Beaglehole R, Bonita R, Kjellstrom T. Basic Epidemiology. World Health Organisation. Geneva 1993 (Russian language version)
Beaglehole R, Bonita R. Public Health at the Crossroads: achievements and prospects. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, 2006 / 1 / 6
Bengtsson Agostino M. Abortion from Cultural, social and individual aspects, a comparative study Italy-Sweden. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden, 1992 / 2 / 1
Bentes M, Dias CМ, Sakellarides C, Bankauskaite V. Health care systems in transition: Portugal. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2004
Berntsson L. Health and well-being of children in the five Nordic countries in 1984 and 1996. Media Print, Uddevalla, 2000 / 1 / 1
Berzanskyte A.. Is there an assotiation between stomach cancer and magnesium. An ecological study in Lithuania. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden. 2003
Bihari-AxelsonS., BorupI., WimmerstedtE. BRIMHEALTH. Baltic Rim Partnership in Public Health. 1993 – 2003. An unusual evaluation of an unusual project. NHV-Report 2004-1, Göteborg, Sweden
Biong S. Between death as escape and the dream of life. Göteborg, Sweden, 2008 / 1
Birth in Norway through 30 years. 1967 – 1996. Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Bergen, Norway, 1997
Blas E. 1990-2000: a decade of health sector reform in developing countries. NHV, Sweden, 2005
Boonstra E. Quality aspects of diagnosing, prescribing and dispensing in primary health care in Botswana. Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, 2005 / 1
Borup I. Learning about health: the pupils and school health nurses assessment of the health dialogue. NHV, Sweden, 1999 / 1
Bowling A. Research methods in health: investigating health and health services. Buckingham: Open University Press, 2002.
Bracht N. Health promotion at the community level, SAGE publications, 1990 / 1
Brannigan M.C. Cross- Cultural biotechnology, Rowman & Littlefield publishers, 2004
Brenn T. A population based study on coronary heart disease in families. The Finnmark Study 1974-1989. ISM skriftserie Nr. 51. Tromsø, Norway, University of Tromsø 2000 / 1
Brown P., Zavestovski S., Social movements in health, Blackwell publishing, 2005
Brucellosis in humans and animals. WHO, 2006
Bunton R., Macdonald G., Health promotion, disciplines, diversity and developments, second edition, Routledge, 2004 / 1 / 3
Busse R, Riesberg A. Health care systems in transition: Germany. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2004
Buttanshaw Chris. Tipping the Balance Towards Primary Healthcare Network. 13-16 Nowenber, 1997 at The NordicSchool of Public Health. Göteborg, Sweden, 1999 / 1 / 1
Cabrera C. Socio-economic status and health in women. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden, 2005 / 2 / 1
Cancer in Norway 2004. Cancer Registry of Norway. Institute of Population-based Cancer Research. Oslo, Norway, 2006
Cavallo F., Koehler L., Su Sh., A new public health in an old country. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden, 1998
Chalmers A.F. What is this thing called science? 3rd Edition, Hackett Publishing Company, 1999 / 1 / 6
ClaussonE.K.School health nursing. NHV, Sweden, 2008 / 1
Cook M. Personnel selection and productivity. 1988 / 1
Crofton J. Guidelines for the management of drug-resistant tuberculosis. WHO, 1998 / 1
Culture, HIV and AIDS. UNESCO, 2008
Curtis S., Health and inequality, Geographical perspectives, SAGE, 2004
Dahlgren L, Emmelin M, Winkwist A. Qualitative methodology for International Public Health. 2nd Edition. Umea, Sweden, UmeaInternationalSchool of Public Health, 2007 / 10
Dawson B, Trapp RG. Basic and Clinical Biostatistics, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2004
Dellve L.. Explaining occupational disorers and work ability among home care workers. The Sahlgrenska Academy, Goeteborg, Sweden, 2003 / 1
Diagnostics for tuberculosis. WHO, 2006
Diwan V.K., Thorson A., Winkvist A. Gender and Tuberculosis. An international research workshop. Elanders Gotab, Stockholm, Sweden, 1998 / 1
Dolan P, Olsen J.A: Distributing health care: Economic and ethical issues. OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford, 2002 / 1 / 14
Dollars, DALYs and decisions: economics aspects of the mental health system. WHO, 2006
Dubois HFW, Martínez F, Cetani T, Rico A. Health care systems in transition: Andorra. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2004
Duffy D., Ryan T., New approaches to preventing suicide, a manual for practitioners, Jessica Kingsley publishers, 2004
Eclund L., From citizen participation towards community empowerment, University of Tampere, Finland, 1999 / 1
Edin KE. Perspectives on inimate partner violence, focusing on the period of pregnancy. Umea, Sweden, 2006 / 1
Edwards G. et al. Alcohol Policy and the Public Good. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995 / 1
Effects of Air Pollution on Children’s Health and Development. A review of the evidence. WHO, 2005. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark 2005 / 1
EggenA.E, J.Straand. Pharmacoepidemiology. Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology. Volume 11, №1,Trondheim, Norway, May 2001 / 8
Ekman-Joelsson B.M. Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum. University of Gothenburg, 2008.
Ekstrand J et al. Fluoride in Dentristry. Copenhagen, 1988 / 1
Elmer P., The healing arts. Health, diseases and society in Europe 1500-1800, The open University, 2004
Emmelin M. Self-rated health in Public Health Evaluation. UmeåUniversity Medical Dissertations, New Series No. 884, 2004 / 1
Engstad T. Characteristics and prognosis of long-term stroke survivors. The Tromsø study. ISM Skriftserie Nr. 76. University of Tromsø, 2004 / 1
Eriksson P, Diwan V, KarlbergI. Health Sector Reforms: What about Hospitals. NHV Report 2002:2. Elanders Gotab, Stockholm, 2002 / 2 / 5
Erlingsson C., Elder abuse explored through a prism of perceptions, UmeaUniversity, 2007
Ettelt S., Nolte E., Thomson S., Mays N. Policy brief. Capacity planning in health care. WHO, 2008
Exter A, Hermans H, Dosljak M, Busse R. Health care systems in transition: The Netherlands. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2004
Fan H.Y., Conner R.F., Villarreal L.P., AIDS science and society, 4th edition, Jones and Bartlett, 2004
Fallman B. Talking to inspire. Popular presentation techniques, Studentlitterstur, Lund, Sweden, 2008 / 1
Field A. Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Second Edition. Sage Publications, 2005. / 2
Fletcher R.W. Clinical epidemiology, The essentials, 4th edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2005
Førde OH, Thelle DS. The Tromsø Heart Study. ISM skriftserie Nr. 4. Tromsø, Norway, University of Tromsø 1976 / 1
Fredriksson P. Assotiation between duration of breathfeeding and childhood asthma and symptoms of wheeze, cough and phlegm. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden. 2003 / 1
Furberg A-S. Environmental factors, Metabolic profile, Hormones and Breast and Endometrial Cancer risk. Tromso, 2004 / 1
Furu P. Health impact assessment as a tool in development planning. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden. 2003
Gaál P. Health care systems in transition: Hungary. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2004
Gibbons M. at all. The new production of knowledge. SAGE Publications, London, UK, 1994 / 1
Giesecke J. Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology. Second Edition. Arnold Publishing, 2001. / 1 / 4
Glantz SA, Primer of Biostatistics. Translation from English language. Moscow, “Practica” 1999. (Russian language version)
Goldston D.B. Measuring suicidal behavior and risk in children and adolescents, United Book Press, 2003
Golna C, Pashardes P, Allin A, Theodorou M, Merkur S, Mossialos E. Health care systems in transition: Cyprus. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2004
Goodwin N., Gruen R., Iles V. Managing health services, Bell and Bain Ltd, Glasgow, 2008 / 1
Granath A., Pain from the pelvic area in relation to pregnancy: prevention and explanation- two different approaches, The Nordic school of public health, Göteborg, Sweden, 2007
Granelli A. de-W. Pulse oximetry: evaluation of a potentional tool for early detection of critical congential heart disease. Göteborg, Sweden, 2009 / 1
Green L.W., Kreuter M.W., Health program planning, an educational and ecological approach, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2005. / 1 / 4
Grimsgaard S. Individual fatty acids and cardiovascular risk factors. Tromsø: ISM Skriftserie Nr. 57. University of Tromsø, 2001 / 2
Gunnersen M.. Disability adjusted life years in a Regional and Cultural Perspective. Who should weight the disabilities? NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden, 2006
Gustavii B. How to Write and Illustrate a Scientific Paper. Studentlitteratur, Lund 2000, Sweden / 1 / 26
Häggblom A., Love that turns into terror : Intimate partner violence in Åland, NHV, 2007 / 1
Hallberg L.R.-M. Qualitative methods in public health research: theoretical foundations and practical examples. Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2002.
Hansen V. Psychiatric morbidity and mortality in Northern Norway in the era of deinstitutionalisation. A psychiatric case register study. ISM Skriftserie Nr. 63. University of Tromsø, 2001 / 1
Hasson H.. Nursing staff competence, Psychosocial work and quality of elderly care: impact of an educational intervention. Uppsala university, Sweden, 2006 / 1
Health and human rights. Report from the European conference held in Strasbourg, France, 15-16 March, 1999. Editor: Stephan Winter. NHV, Göteborg, Sweden, 1999 / 1 / 7
Health Impact Assessment: from theory to practice. Report on the Leo Kaprio Workshop, Goeteborg, 28-30 October, 1999. NVV, WHO Europe Gotab, Stokholm 2001 / 1
Hellstrom A. Towards a conceptual framework of adoption of management ideas. Göteborg, Sweden, 2005 / 1
Hennekens C.H., Buring JE. Epidemiology in Medicine. Boston/Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1987 / 1 / 4
Hlavačka S, Wágner R, Rieseberg A. Health care systems in transition: Slovakia. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2004
Holmberg S., Musculoskeletal disorders among farmers and referents, with special reference to occurrence, health care utilization and etiological factors, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala, 2004 / 1
Hunink M., Glasziou P., Dicision making in health and medicine. Integrating evidence and values, Cambrige university press, 2001
Illmarinen J., Towards a longer worklife, Finnish Institute of occupational health, 2005
Ingenous Peoples at the Arctic Council. Compilation of Publications on CD
International health regulations, WHO, 2005
International journal of epidemiology, vol 21, # 6, Dec 1992
International journal of epidemiology, vol 23, # 2, April 1994 / 1
International journal of epidemiology, vol 23, # 3, June 1994 / 1
Jekel JF, Katz DL, Elmore JG: Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Preventive Medicine. Saunders 2001 / 1 / 25
Jesse M, Habicht J, Aaviksoo A, Koppel A, Irs A, Thomson S. Health care systems in transition: Estonia. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2004
Joakimsen O. Ultrasound assessed carotid atherosclerosis in a general population. The Tromsø Study. Tromsø: ISM Skriftserie Nr. 52. University of Tromsø, 2000 / 1
Johnsen S.H. Repeated ultrasound measurements of carotid artery plaques in a general population. The Tromsø study. ISM Skriftserie Nr. 83. University of Tromsø, 2005 / 1
Kalfoss M.H. Psychological stress and coping in hospitalized chronically ill elderly. NHV, Göteborg, Sweden, 1994 / 1
Keleher H., Murphy B., Understanding health, a determinants approach, OXFORDUniversity press, 2006. / 1 / 4
Knutsen SF. The Tromsø Study. The Family Intervention Study. Feasibility of using a family approach to intervention on coronary heart disease. The effect of lifestyle intervention on coronary risk factors. ISM skriftserie Nr. 17. Tromsø, Norway, University of Tromsø 1991 / 1
Koehler L., Barnard K. EU and Public Health. Future effects on policy, teaching and research. Report from the seminar at the Nordic School of Public Health, Goeteborg, November 11, 1997.
Elabders Gotab, Stockholm, 1998 / 1
Köhler L., Health indicators for Swedish children, Elanders infologistics vast AB, 2006
Koppel A., Kahur K., Habicht T., Saar P., Habicht J., Ginneken E. Health systems in transition, Estonia. Vol 10, # 1, 2008 / 1
Kree S.. The role of the Estonian local municipality in health promotion. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden. 2003
KriaucionieneV. SocialvariationsinnutritionalhabitsandtheirtrendsinLithuanianadultpopulation. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden. 2006
Kucinskiene D. Lifestyle and migration as a risk factor among adult foreigners in Vilnius and KaunasCities. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden. 2006
Kullberg-Lindh C. Opportunistic viral infections after peadiatric transplantation. Göteborg, Sweden, 2009 / 1
Kuzniece I. Epidemiology and treatment of tuberculosis in Liepaja (Latvia) 1993 – 2002. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden. 2006
Lakeman L., Obsession, with intent. Violence against women, Black rose books, 2005
Larun L. Clumsiness in children. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden. 2003
Last J.M. A dictionary of public health. OxfordUniversity Press, 2007
Lavikainen J., Lahtinen E. Public health approach on mental health in Europe, STAKES, Finland, 2001
Lekhan V, Rudiy V., Nolte E. Health care systems in transition: Ukraine. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2004 / 1
Lillemor R-M Hallberg, Theoretical foundations and practical examples, Studentlitteratur, 2002
Lindahl E. Striving for purity. Interviews with people with malodorous exuding ulcers and their nurses. Umea 2008.
Lindehall B. Teenagers and young adults with myelomeningocele and clean intermittent catheterization. NHV, 2007
Lindstrand Global Health. StudentlitteraturAB, Sweden, 2006. / 1 / 3
Lund J. Epidemiology, Registration and Prevention of Accidential Injuries. Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, 2004 / 1
Maki-Kerttula A. Reorganisation of surgery services at the TurkuUniversityCentralHospital. NHV. Coteborg, 2004 / 1
Marmot M., Wilkinson R.G., Social determinants of health, second edition, OXFORDUniversity press, 2006.
Matamoros D. Health communication – a health content analysis of the main Swedish newspapers from Public Health perspective. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden. 2006
Mathiesen EB. The stenotic carotid artery plaque. Prevalence, risk factors and relations to clinical disease. The Tromsø Study. ISM Skriftserie Nr. 60. University of Tromsø, 2001 / 1
McQueen DK, Jones CM. Global perspectives on Health Promotion Effectiveness, Springer 2007.
Medical Birth Registry of Norway 2003 - 2004. Annual Report. Bergen, Norway, October 2006
Mohan D., Tiwari G., Khayesi M., Nufukho F.M. Road traffic injury prevention training manual, WHO, 2006
Mono- and disubstituted methylin, butyltin, and octyltin compounds. WHO, 2006
Neville C. The complete guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism. Open University Press, England, 2007
New B., Grand J. Rationing in the NHS. Principles and pragmatism., NHV, 1996
Nilsen P., Strategies for health. An antology. Linkoping university, 2007
Nilssen O et al. Helseundersøkelsen i Arkhagelsk 2000. ISM skriftserie Nr. 66. University of Tromsø, 2003 / 2
NilssenO. Serumgamma-glutamyltransferans-ferase: populationdeterminantsanddiagnosticcharacteristicsinrelationtointerventiononriskdrinkers. ISM skriftserie Nr. 20. Tromsø, Norway, University of Tromsø 1992 / 1
Nilsson A.. Arctic Human Development Report. Stefansson Arctic Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2004 / 1
Njølstad I. Incidence of and risk factors for myocardial infarction, stroke, and diabetes mellitus in a general population.The Finnmark Study 1974-1989. ISM skriftserie Nr. 44. Tromsø, Norway, University of Tromsø 1998 / 1
Norušis Marija J. SPSS 15.0 Advanced statistical procedures companion, Prentice Hall, 2007 / 1 / 4
NorveniusG,KoehlerL, JohanssonJ., WennergrenG.. Protection – Prevention – Promotion. Development and Future of Child Health Services. NHV Report 2001:5. Goeteborg, Sweden / 1
Nutbeam D., Harris E., Theory in a nutshell, a practical guide to health promotion theories, second edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007. / 1 / 4
Odland JØ. Environmental and occupational exposure, life-style factors and pregnancy outcome in Arctic and Subarctic populations of Norway and Russia. ISM skriftserie Nr. 50. Tromsø, Norway, University of Tromsø 2000
Olsson L.-E.. Patients with acute hip fractures motivation, effectiveness and costs in two different care systems. The Sahlgrenska Academy, Goeteborg, Sweden, 2006 / 1
Osman A.. Tuberculin Skin-testing as a tool in tuberculosis epidemiology. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden. 2003
Pancheon D, Guest C, Melzer D, Muir Gray JA. Oxford handbook of public health practice. Second edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006. / 1
Persson L-Å, Wall S. Epidemiology for public health. Print & Media. UmeåUniversity, 2003.
Polluste K.. Health reforms in Estonia. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden, 2007 / 1 / 1
Povlsen L., Diabetes in children and adolescents from non-western immigrant families / 1
Pratt J., Gordon P., Plamping D. Working whole systems. Putting theory into practice in organizations, NHV, 1999
Protection from exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke, WHO, 2007
Public Health education, European review, Nordic school of public health, Göteborg, Sweden, 2000 / 1
Ragnhild Broderstad A. Iron status and prevalence of hereditary heamochromatosis in a multiethnic population in northern Norway. Tromso, 2008 / 1
Ravens J., Aggio C., Early childhood development. Expanding early childhood care and education: how much does it cost?
Rechel B., Wright S., Edwards N. et al. Investing in hospitals of the future. WHO 2009, on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. / 1
Renck B. Victims of crime in a public health perspective. NHV, Sweden, 1997 / 1
Renck B.Victims of crime in a Public Health perspective. Some typologies and tentative explanatory models. NHV, Göteborg, Sweden, 1997 / 1
Rimpela A., Kohler L. Postgraduate public health training in the Nordic countries, Göteborg, Sweden, 1996 / 1
Robertson A, Leon S. Injury Epidemiology: Research and Control Strategies. OxfordUniversity Press, 2007. / 1 / 4
Rothman KJ.Epidemiology – an introduction. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford, 2002 / 1 / 18
Ruutel E. Sense of Coherence Related differences in Stress, Yealth and mood of kife among EstonianSecondary school students. NHV, Göteborg, Sweden, 2004 / 1
Sacket DL, Haynes RB, Guyatt GH, Tugwell P. Clinical epidemiology. A basic science for clinical medicine. 2nd edition. Little, Brown and Company, 1991.
Sacket DL,Richardson WS, Rosenberg W, Haynes R B. Evidence-based Medicine. Howto practice and teach EBM. Churchill Livingstone, 1997.
Sandier S, Paris V, Polton D. Health care systems in transition: France. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, 2004
Sanyang F. A. Are patient satisfaction surveys tools for quality improvement or mere symbolism? A case of Ostfold Hospital Trust in Norway. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden. 2006
Scandicavian journal of disability research. Vol 9, # 1, 1-13. 2007
Scheutz F. Hepatitis virus and human immunodeficiency virus infection in dental care: Occupational risk versus patient care. NHV, Göteborg, Sweden, 1992 / 2
Section symposium from epidemiology to clinical practice, 1-4 august 1999, Turku, Finland / 1
Selnes A. Asthma and allergy in children. Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø. Tromsø, Norway, 2006
Severinsson E.I. Clinical nursing supervision in the health care. The Nordic School of Public Health, Göteborg, Sweden, 1995 / 1
Shek D.T.L. Ma H.K., Merrik J. Positive youth development. Freund publishing house, 2007
Skjørshammer M., Getting to cooperation: conflict and conflict management in a Norwegian hospital, The Nordic school of public health, Göteborg, Sweden, 2002 / 1
Smyth-Sivertsen T. Air pollution and health in the Norwegian-Russian border area. A cross-sectional population-based study of the impact of nickel and sulphur dioxide. Tromsø: ISM Skriftserie Nr. 55. University of Tromsø, 2000 / 1
Smyth-SivertsenT, TchachtchineV, LundE, NorssethT, BykovV. TheNorwegian-RussianHealthStudy 1994/1995. A cross-sectional study of pollution and health in the border area. ISM skriftserie Nr. 42. Tromsø, Norway, University of Tromsø 1997 / 1
Sorenson C. Drummond M., Kanavos P. Ensuring balue for money in health care. The rtole of health technology assessment in the Europian Union. Observatory Studies Series # 11, WHO, 2008
Stahl T., Wismar M., Ollila E., Lahtinen E, Leppo K. Health in all policies. Ministry of social affairs and health, Finland, 2006
Starkuviene S.. Childhood injuries in Lithuania. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden, 2006
Staugard F.. The Role of Women in Health Development. Methods and Experience in Planning for Health. NHV, WHO. Gotab, Stokholm, Sweden, 1990 / 1
Stewart M., Tudiver F., Bass M.J., et al. Tools for primary care research / Research methods for primary care, v. 2. 1992 / 1
Straus S.E., Richardson W.S., Glasziou P., Haynes R.B. Evidence-based medicine, 3d edition, Chrchill Livingstone, China, 2005 / 1 / 2
Strunk W, White EB. The Elements of Style. 4th Edition. Longman, USA, 2000 / 1 / 20
Taylor S. J., R. Bogdan. Introductian to Qualitative Research Methods. New-York, USA, 1984 / 1
The economics of alcohol policy. WHO Regional Publications, Europian Series No.61, Finland 1995
The social charter of the 21st century, NHV, Sweden, 1997
The Swedish national diabetes register 1996-2005
Thorpenberg S., On science indicators, BVN, 2000 / 1
TragakesE., BrigisG., KarascevicaJ., RuraneA., StubursA., ZasmaneE. . Health systems in transition. Latvia. Vol 10, # 2, 2008
Tragakes E., Health care systems in transition, Russian federation. WHO, 2003
TrulssonU. A grounded theory of dental treatments and oral health related quality of life. NHV. Goeteborg, Sweden, 2003
Tulchinsky TH, Varavikova EA, The New Public Health: An Introduction for the 21st Century. 1st edition Academic Press, 2000 / 1 / 1
Vaktskjold A et al. Kreftregisteret i Arkhangelsk oblast i nordvest Russland. Med en sammenligning av kreftforekomst i Arkhangelsk oblast og Norge 1993-2001. ISM Skriftserie Nr. 75. University of Tromsø, 2004 / 12
Vaktskjold A. The quality and use of health registries in Russia. The Arkhangelsk Cancer Registry and Kola Birth Registry. ISM Skriftserie Nr. 85. University of Tromsø, 2005 / 1 / 1
Vasilieva N. Social and maternal health factors associated with fetal growth retardation in Tula region, RF. MPH, NHV, Goteborg, 2004 / 1
Vladescu C., Scinti G., Olsavsky V., Health systems in transition. Romania. Vol 10, # 3, 2008
Wagner L. Innovation in primary health care for elderly people in Denmark. Two action research projects. NHV, Göteborg, Sweden, 1994 / 2
Wang Y., Kohler L.. Protection and Promotion of Children’s Health. Experiences from the East and the West. NHV, Goeteborg, Sweden, 1998 / 2
Weiss CH. Evaluation. 2nd Edition. HarvardUniversity. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ07458, 1998 / 1 / 9
Westphal Victor B., AIDS in caring society. Practice and policy, Gotabv 94161 Stockholm, 1991 / 1
WHO guidelines on tissue infectivity distribution in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. WHO, 2006
Willen H. The child-bearing decision, NHV, Sweden 1994
Willumsen E., Interprofessional collaboration in residential childcare, Doctoral thesis at the Nordic School of Public Health, Göteborg, Sweden, 2006 / 1
Wilsgaard T. Longitudinal analyses of cardiovascular risk factors. Tromso, 2002 / 1
Winter S. Health and human rights. NHV, Sweden, 1999
YassiA, KjellstroemT, deKokT, GuidottiT. BasicEnvironmentalHealth. OxfordUniversityPress, 2001 / 1 / 18
Ytterstad B. The Harstad injury prevention study: hospital-based injury recording and community-based intervention. ISM Skriftserie nr.33. Tromsø: Universitetet i Tromsø, 1995 / 18
Алкоголь и рабочее место. Региональное бюро ВОЗ. Европейская серия № 67, Дания, 1998 / 1 / 1
Алкоголь и средства массовой коммуникации. Региональные публикации ВОЗ, Европейская серия № 62, Дания, 1998 / 1 / 1
Арнаудова А.10 вопросов о здравоохранении в странах-новых соседях ЕС. Региональное бюро ВОЗ. Копенгаген, Дания, 2005 / 1
Блох Торен Г-Р, Мания и депрессия. Донской издательский дом, 2005
Брико НИ. Оценка эффективности программ профилактики гемоконтактных инфекций. Москва, 2009
Быть наготове: уроки борьбы со вспышкой птичьего гриппа в Турции. Региональное европейское бюро ВОЗ, Копенгаген, Дания, 2006 / 1
Веские доказательства для принятия обоснованных решений, Health Evidence Network
Воздействие потепления в Арктике, Кэмбридж Юниверсити Пресс, 2004
Гарсия-Аликс Л.. Постоянный форум по вопросам коренных народов. IWGIA, Копенгаген, Дания, 2006 г.
Голоса женщин в Баренц регионе. Отчет по проекту Родовспоможение. Доброжелательное отношение к Семье в Баренц регионе в рамках Программы Здравоохранения Баренц региона 1999 – 2003. Норвежский институт общественного здравоохранения. Осло, Норвегия. 2004
Девятая общая программа работы на период 1996 – 2001 гг. ВОЗ, Женева, 1994 / 1
Действия по проблемам алкоголя на местном и муниципальном уровне. Региональное бюро ВОЗ. Европейская серия № 63, Дания, 1998 / 1
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