September 2017 Newsletter

Gallery Hours:

M-F 10AM-4PM W 10AM-7PM SAT 1-4PM

For Classes and current information — Check our web tabs at

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I would like to thank all of the members who have taken the time to show their support to Don and me for the loss of his mother, Carol Pollock, who has been a long time member of GAC and an avid supporter of the arts.

Don and Renie Pollock


For Classes and current information —
Check our web links at
Like and follow us on FACEBOOK


Greensburg Art Center proudly presents our first Invitational Exhibition

September 9 - October 20 Opening Reception September 9, 6-8 pm

A very special opening reception and a color catalogue will commemorate this exciting and rare grouping of works from our area’s best of the best. The idea for this Extraordinary Exhibit is to spotlight the amazing cross-section of styles, mediums and techniques that are generated by the artists in our Region. We are hosting 44 Southwestern Pennsylvania’s most widely respected artists to showcase their divergent works. This exhibit is exceptional because the Rowe Gallery Committee has curated a grouping of artists that are not generally gathered in the same venue. The Event promises to be an incredible celebration of Southwestern Pennsylvania’s talent and artistic vision.

November 11 -The ART of GIFTING Opening

More details will be posted later. Watch for more information in the GAC newsletters, on FB: Greensburg Art Center, and on the website:

“Picture This at the Library” is a joint venture between the Greensburg Art Center and the Greensburg-Hempfield Library.“Realistic Realm” by Charlotte Long continues at the Greensburg-Hempfield Library until September 18,2017 during library hours.. Photographers Suzanne and Jim Andrews are the next GAC members to exhibit. Their show will be in place at the library from October 6 through December 1, 2017. A reception will be held on October 13, 2017 from 6-8 PM. Please plan to attend. Members are asked to bring a food item. Please contact Rosemary Sovyak for questions or if you are willing to exhibit for the 2018 season.

Oil Painting with Tina Garret.Nov 3, 4 & 5 — 9 AM – 4 PM – $360 Reserve at


  • Oils with Jerry Scorpion-teens/adults, Saturdays 1-3 PM, sessions are on-going.
  • Figure Drawing Session, Carolyn Taylor, 3rd Thursday each month, 10AM-1PM. $10 To participate, if you would like to model, orif you have discovered someone who would like to, please call Carolyn Taylor with your contact information at 724-600-0902.
  • “Wednesday Night Painters,”
  • “Paint a Masterpiece,” with Nina Stalhberg, Tuesdays 10 AM-1 PM. $18/session
  • Tole-painting, Rose Hastings, Tuesdays, on-going, 6-9 PM
  • Cast Paper with Renie Pollock, 10AM-12:30PM, $28 includes all supplies

Classes and workshops have been organized and posted to the GAC website and to the Hempfield Area School District website.

Fall Classes 2017 Starting Dates

  • September 12, 2017 Art History with Maureen VissatKochanek, adult ,5 Tuesdays,12-1 PM
  • September 19 Basic instruction in Hand-building and Pottery Wheel Clay Class, HS & adult, 6 Tues., 6-9
  • Learn Easy Painting Techniques to Improve Your Skills as an Artist, adult, 6 Tuesday, 1:30-4:30 PM
  • September 23, 2017 Book It! Create own books, Ages 7-11, 10:30-11:30 AM.
  • Drawing Cartoons- Expressions, Ages 10 and Up, 10:30 AM -12:30 PM,
  • September 25, 2017 Drawing Dynamics, high school-adults, 6 Mondays, 4:30-6:30 PM
  • Let’s Have Some Fun with Watercolor, 4 Mondays,9:30 AM-12:30 PM or 1:30 -4:00 PM
  • September 26 Basic Instruction in Oils and Acrylics, adult, 6 Tuesdays, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM
  • September 28 Meet the Masters-Paul Cezanne, 6-10 yrs old, 4:00-5:30 PM
  • September 28 (cont) Let’s Keep Talkin’ and Paintin’, watercolor, adult, 8 Thursdays, 6-9 PM
  • Functional Ceramics with a Twist, teen/adult, 12 Thursdays, 5:30-9:00 PM
  • Sketchbook, drawing techniques /mediums,10 yrs/up, 6 Thursdays, 4-5:30 PM

Open Studios: A Valuable Investment in Your Portfolio of Art
Consider this: Greensburg Art Center is a true artistic gem in our community. Besides being a perfect facility to accommodate many artists, it houses an invaluable resource of outstanding instructors within our classes and open studios. A wealth of knowledge is available at one's fingertips from teachers who have studied with notable artists throughout the country, paid for workshops to expand their skills, gleaned knowledge from study and practice, and prepare vigorously for each class or open studio they present. A building fee $4.00 does not include payment for the valuable instruction you may be receiving in open studio sessions. The advice and guidance you receive is well worth the entire studio fee charged. Value and respect the experience of your instructor so generously and freely shared. Know that nowhere else in the community can you find such a resource as our GAC instructors. Be sure to pay the full amount of the studio fee your instructor requests at each session (once any regular class series is complete). It is the best and fairest investment your money can buy!
GAC Education Committee
The fall class flyers have been compiled, posted and mailed. Classes in drawing, watercolor, oil painting.tole painting, art history*, photography and mosaics are available to adults and teens. There are 4 separate offerings in the clay studio.
Check them out.

  • *Art History with Maureen VissatKochanek gets off to an early start, Sept 12. Don't miss it!
  • David and Suzie Sparks are returning with offerings for children from ages 6 & up, Thursdays after school and 3 workshops on Saturdays.
  • Suzanne Andrews offers creativity to pre-schoolers Wednesdays in October.

NEW WORKSHOP OFFERING: with Suzanne Panchura Saturday October 7, 2017 from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. ages 6 to 12. Cost: 15.00.
We will embellish one preformed paper shape. Example skulls, witches hats etc. And also create a hanging seasonal art work using natural items (such as pine cones, leaves and wood twigs and whatever).

  • Clay Studio Rental: We are pleased to see an increase in interest in using the clay studio. In order to accommodate all interested members and prevent any conflicts among renters and future clay classes, ALL PARTIES must schedule their time on the calendar in the classroom and pay their rent at least 24 hours in advance . There will be no increase in the rental fee at this time, but Payment must be made at the time of scheduling. I will be reconciling these payments when I reconcile sales. Please have a monitor fill out a sales slip with your payment for my records.
  • DARKROOM Rental—In 2017 a DARKROOM is available for rental. The DARKROOM is designed properly for use with several enlargers and the necessary trays, sink, safe light, timers, etc. Chemicals and developing paper are NOT included in the rental cost. Bring your negatives or film and have fun developing! 10-1pm or 1-4pm for $5$40- all week.INTERESTED? Call Shirleah Kelly 412-915-0301
  • Pam Cooper continues to offer Paint&Sip and birthday parties. Call 724-216-7512to make arrangements.

Cast Paper Oct 7 & 14
Polymer Clay Beads Oct 23
Tina Garrett Nov 3,4 & 5
Holiday Pysanky Workshop Dec 2


“Winter Woodlands” Creations Contest Entries due ~ Oct 27, 2017
A CONTEST for 2D Art with theme of “Winter Woodlands” To All artists entering our separate contest (this contest is not included with “the ART of GIFTing” entry/fee) ~ You may submit 1 - 3 entries. These must be FOR SALE. * Fee to enter is $5 for each work – i.e., $5 for one work; $10 for 2 works; $15 for 3 works. Limit ~ three entries. **This contest is open to EVERYONE and is not a part of “the ART of GIFTing” fee.
To enter: Each original work should be no larger than 16x20", including the frame. All works must be framed, if necessary, and ready for hanging or display. Canvas wrapped work is also acceptable. Any medium is permitted – work may be realistic, abstract, or whimsical. These will be displayed on the walls in the Classroom Gallery during the holiday 2017 exhibition. Prizes will be awarded. Work must illustrate the theme of “Winter Woodlands.”
GAC Teachers: Please share this info with your classes.

STANDING COMMITTEES IN NEED OF NEW VOLUNTEERS - If you have even a little bit of time and can help sporadically, we could use some new faces for these committees - Gallery (extra hands to install exhibits, do mailings, handle receiving and pickup, set up for openings, and refreshments), Facilities (climb ladders, paint, patch, caulk, odd jobs), Marketing (help with publicity, Facebook and Twitter input), plus.

OUR GAC PICNIC WAS GRACED WITH GLORIOUS WEATHER, UNBELIEVABLE FOOD, AND THE BEST MUSIC EVER WITH OUR OWN LOVEBETTIE (I’m claiming Ali and Chuck as part of the GAC family via our longtime member Pam Naples, Ali’s mother). You don’t know what you’ve missed if you didn’t make it this year!

  • RECOGNITION OF VOLUNTEERS- My most sincere gratitude to Bonnie and Bill Hoffman, Bill, Susan and Jeff Kiren, Larry LaBar, Sarah Hunter, James Kuhns, Stacy Pydyntowski, Rose Sovyak, Suzanne Panchura, Nancy Dalverny, Mary Ann Calabrase, and Nancy Waitkus got everything up and organized as well as put away and cleaned up. I truly don’t know what I would have done without them.
  • 2017 INAUGURAL INVITATIONAL EXHIBIT -Coming soon – September 9, 6 -8 pm a show the likes of which we have never seen at GAC. This is a grouping of artists who have rarely exhibited together making for a once in a lifetime event and we are honored to host this for our audience. This is MUST SEE exhibit..
  • FOOD DONATIONS FOR THE INAUGURAL INVITATIONAL EXHIBITS. If you’re planning on contributing food, send an email to to confirm what you are bringing. We will have appropriate serving trays and tools available so that our food tables will be very elegant. For this event, we would prefer food that is bite size and does not require utensils to eat – just toothpicks at the most. Thanks so much for your cooperation in this.
  • A very special thanks to those who have made DONATIONS to our center – My sincerest thanks to those who find it in their hearts to make generous donations to help keep our art center alive and well: BONNIE HOFFMAN,SUSAN KIREN,TOM NIGGEL, ALICE O’BRIEN, SUE POLLINS, ROSS POLLOCK, BETTY and ALAN REESE, KAY ROWE, ROSE and FRED SOVYAK, PAT and BOB MAJCHER, the HAVLICSEK-DALVERNY FAMILIES and SUE WHITE. We are blessed with such generosity.
  • AMAZON SMILE has issued a $14.27 donation to the Greensburg Art Club from the AmazonSmile Foundation as a result of AmazonSmile program activity between April 1 and June 30, 2017. This is wonderful, but how many of you order from Amazon on a regular basis and never think to place your order through AmazonSmile. It’s quite simple. Bookmark your search engine at , select Greensburg Art Club as your charity, and shop as you normally would. It’s literally money in the bank for GAC. Won’t you please do your part to help underwrite our wonderful GAC?
  • ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF MEMBERSHIP-ARLENE KENDRA has been diligently campaigning on our behalf to obtain recognition through the Westmoreland Historical Society for the efforts that have been made to preserve the character of the original schoolhouse while bringing it into the 21st century with improvements and the addition of the gallery and lower level studios. Furthermore, the mission of the original schoolhouse continues on as we educate so many in the community in the visual arts. This award will be given to GAC on October 25, 2017 at a special dinner ceremony. Thanks, Arlene – your perseverance has paid off and you are to be commended.
  • While most of us simply admire the new trees and shrubs along the Todd School Road side of our parking lot, please remember that these plants would not survive this long, hard summer nor would our gardens be weed free without the dedication of Pat Majcher and Rose and Fred Sovyak.We could certainly use some other volunteers for the grounds maintenance. If you could even donate a couple of hours a month it would help lessen the burden for these dedicated people. Just let us know if you can assist on this.
  • NEW PROGRAM TO HONOR SPECIAL PEOPLE IN OUR LIVES AND … BEAUTIFY OUR GROUNDS.You are invited to have a living testament of your love for very special people in your lives. Trees (and selected shrubs) will include ground markers” In Honor of” or “In Memorium of’ for the person(s) you select. Gifts of this type will range from $75 to $350 (depending on the selected PLANT, SIZE, and marker). Prices include stainless steel plaques and planting. More details are posted on our website. Payments can be made by check, credit card, or PayPal. Questions? Email or text Renie at or 724-396-6699.

The Pittsburgh Watercolor Society announces its 71st Annual Aqueous International Exhibition 2017 September 30 – October 21, 2017 at the Spinning Plate Gallery Pittsburgh, PA. For a prospectus and full exhibit information please go to .
Pittsburgh Watercolor Society Fall 2017 new member screening!
Pittsburgh -Pittsburgh Watercolor Society Fall 2017 new member screening will be held onSunday, September 17, from2:00 to 4:00Pmat the Sixth Presbyterian Church, 1688 Murray Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217. To become a member, one mustregister onlineand submit three works for screening. Acceptance is by two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. All applicants will receive a notification letter regarding their screening result, approximately one week after the screening. New members will be invited to the next general meeting and will receive more information on PWS membership with their acceptance letter. There is no fee for screening.
For the screening, artists must bring 3 water-based media paintings, framed "exhibit-ready". No size limit, other than they must fit in the door and one must to be able to carry them. Generally PWS exhibits limit work to no more than 48 inches in any one dimension.The screening panel is looking for a consistent level of professional quality painting, so it is advisable to bring 3 pieces representative of your usual work. For new member screening information, please contactthe screening To register for theFall 2016Screening please go to select“Fall New Member Screening”
The Pittsburgh Watercolor Society was founded in 1945 to develop, encourage and maintain interest in watercolor painting. The original membership of 20 was one of the first groups to be affiliated with the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts. The membership of the Pittsburgh Watercolor Society has grown to over 200 artists who enjoy this opportunity to explore and share their broad range of style and techniques.
The Pittsburgh Watercolor Society sponsors two exhibits per year. "Waterworks" is a members-only show with awards selected by a local juror. Members may choose one piece to exhibit. "Aqueous Open" is an international juried exhibition with entries open to artists from around the world. The show is selected by a nationally known artist/juror who travels to Pittsburgh to jury the show and teach a workshop. In addition to these exhibits, PWS offers workshops, presentations and occasionally additional exhibit opportunities throughout the year. For more information about this exhibit or the Pittsburgh Watercolor Society, please visit the PWS Website at
The Art Show @Pitt-Greensburg is intended to showcase both the artistic talent of the campus community and the surrounding southwestern Pennsylvania community. This event bridges Pitt-Greensburg’s Founders’ Day to its Blue & Gold Week, celebrating the long history and evolution of the school while looking forward to educating many future generations of students.
General Guidelines - -All pieces must be two dimensional. Three-dimensional pieces will not be accepted. -All pieces should not exceed 3’x 6’ in order to fit the display panels.
-Each piece must be matted and/or framed and equipped for hanging.
Register online at The online form has five available slots for submitting pieces; however, artists may fill out additional forms if they choose to submit more than five pieces. Participants will be charged$5per entry/piece. The exhibit will run fromOctober 10 through October 21. Three winners will be named and awarded prizes. Winners will be chosen based on a fan favorite voting system. Voting will takeplaceOctober 10 to October 15during Millstein Library’s operating hours. A reception to announce the winners and to celebrate the event will be held onOctober 15from6:00 to 7:30 p.m.Light refreshments will be provided. Visitfor additional Submission Guidelines and to Register.
More details are posted on our website. Payments can be made by check, credit card, or PayPal.Questions?Email or text Renie at or 724-396-6699.
The Pittsburgh Watercolor Society announces its 71st Annual Aqueous International Exhibition 2017 September 30 – October 21, 2017 at the Spinning Plate Gallery Pittsburgh, PA. For a prospectus and full exhibit information please go to .
CALL FOR ENTRIES...WOMEN IN ART 2017 October 26 - November 21, 2017
Women in Art is a juried exhibition showcasing women artists in all media. Artists may submit one, two or three pieces. Submissions must be digital, jpg format. CASH AWARDS ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1-3 worksALL MEDIA ACCEPTED DEADLINE: FRIDAY, September 22, 2017 Submit images labeled with title, media & size and accompanying sheet listing artist, title, size and media. Images may be e-mailed to . Entry fee must be received by September 22, by check made payable to “Seton Hill University”. Include with check artist's name, address and email. Entry tags and delivery information will be sent with notification. Artists must deliver or ship accepted work.Submit materials to: Women in Art/Harlan Gallery Carol Brode, Box 307
Seton Hill University Greensburg, PA 15601For information: