Updated MAY 2006

NC Chapter of Healthcare Financial Management Association


The Education council is responsible for developing and presenting one and/or two day workshops on topics relevant to our membership at locations throughout our state. As a member of the education council, you will be requested to assist with the coordination of one to two workshops during the year. This involves determining the topics and the content of the workshop, arranging/organizing all aspects to include speakers, dates, location, etc.

Your membership on this Council is important to the NC Chapter. Your willingness to serve, your spirit of volunteerism and the support of your employer enables us to have a great chapter and provide a great servie to all members. If we all work together, we can achieve our goals to service the member needs through this council. However, it will take each one of us to make that happen.

If you have served on this council before, your willingness to continue in this capacity is greatly appreciated. If you are new to this Council, we hope you will enjoy this year and will want to stay with this council. As we volunteer and designate responsibilities for each workshop, we need to help our newcomers feel comfortable in this role. In order to orient our newcomers, it is preferable to pair new council members with those who have served before until everyone learns the process of coordinating a seminar.

If you have any concerns or need help, please feel free to call or any council Member or the director at any time.

May 2006

1)  The goals and objectives of the 2006-2007 NC Chapter HFMA Education Council are outlined in the membership strategic plan. The Program Content Workshop Categories, spelled out by National HFMA in order to meet members’ needs in all major health care finance areas, are shown on Exhibit B-1. Also the 2005 HFMA Membership Survey, Exhibit B-2, tells us where we need to concentrate our educational offerings. As we develop workshops for our members, we try to address pertinent issues in each of these categories.

2)  The first procedure to be done in planning for an educational session is preparation of a budget for the workshop. Individual budget forms for workshops are due to Education Council Chairman four weeks prior to the session. When workshop date, location, speaker, and other details are finalized, report this information as soon as possible to the “Educational Calendar” found in the HFMA Newsletter which is published several times each year. Education Chairman will notify the Publications Council Chairman promptly so that final, accurate information will be reflected in the Newsletter publication. When scheduling final dates for a workshop, be careful to consider other HFMA workshops that may conflict with schedule (i.e., Annual Meeting in Pinehurst in February, Summer Meeting at the beach in August, the Mid-Atlantic Meeting in May, and Annual National Institute in June, etc., as well as other association meetings and workshops (NCHA, etc.)

3)  Send a copy of the standard final workshop brochure/registration materials to Education Chairman prior to mailing out to HFMA membership. Since we must report HFMA members, ask for that information to be completed on the registration form including their HFMA membership number. Also, when the course is offered for continuing education credit for CPAs, it is helpful to ask for identification of CPA registrants on registration form so that advance preparation of certificates can be done for CPA CPE hours.

4)  The Chapter applied to the NC State Board of Certified Public Accountant Examiners in order to become an approved sponsor of continuing professional education (CPE) for North Carolina CPAs. We were approved for such sponsorship in the summer of 1991. See also the policy regarding which courses should be submitted to NCACPA under our approved CPE sponsor agreement.

5)  The brochure must contain the following information in order to meet CPA Sponsor requirements:

a)  general content of course

b)  any prerequisites or advance preparation for the course

c)  level of the course, such as basic, intermediate, or advanced

d)  teaching methods to be used, such as lecture, etc.

e)  recommend CPE credit/hours (Note: these are computed as provided under Section .0409 of law which states that one contact hour is equal to 50 minutes of instruction and that credit is granted only for full contact hours)

f)  date, time and location of the course

g)  statement informing course participants that we are an approved sponsor; we must use the following language only in our brochures:

“The NC Chapter of the HFMA is registered with the North Carolina State Board of CPA Examiners as a sponsor of continuing professional education. Complaints or comments regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to: The North Carolina State Board of Examiners, P.O. Box 12877, Raleigh, NC 27605-2827.”

6)  Written notification of the educational session must be sent to the State Board of CPA Examiners at least thirty days in advance of the workshop date, including the following:

a)  Date, time, and location of each workshop (Members of the Board, or its representatives, may attend to evaluate our compliance with sponsorship agreement and the Board’s rules)

b)  Supplementary Form for Additional Courses for Type 6 Sponsors Only-- complete this form with sponsor name, your signature as CPE Administrator of that course, sponsor number (our sponsor agreement number is #910040), and the date.

c)  Form CPE-6, CPE Sponsor Application Supplementary Schedule of Courses-- list the course title, the approved field of study (the six fields as provided in the law are accounting and auditing, advisory services, management, personal development, specialized knowledge and application, and taxation), and the recommended number in the three areas of accounting and auditing, management, and specialized knowledge and applications.

d)  Attach a program outline or course description to this Form CPE-6. In most cases, our brochures will provide such an outline of the course content so that may be sufficient to meet this requirement. Be sure that the brochure includes all of the required information discussed above under #6.

e)  This information should be sent to the Board before sending out the brochure to the HFMA membership because if any changes are required, those can be made before the mailing. And the Board must receive this at least thirty days prior to the workshop date. These forms should be mailed to:

Jodi Nelson, Licensing Administrative Support Specialist

NC State Board of CPA Examiners

P.O. Box 12827

Raleigh, NC 27605-2827

Telephone for questions: 919-733-1423

Fax: 919-733-4209


Jodi Nelson or Buck Winslow of the Board’s Staff will be glad to answer any questions should have some while completing the process.

7)  Mail promotional materials (i.e., brochures, registration forms, etc.) well in advance of workshop dates, at least 6 weeks in advance. During holiday times, we may want to mail somewhat further ahead (perhaps 8-10 weeks). Also, be sure to order mailing labels from the National well in advance of the mailing date (4-6 weeks prior to mailing date).

8)  A CPE sign-up sheet for CPAs to sign should be sent around during the workshop and anyone that leaves early should only get the CPE credit hours for which they actually attended. A sample of a blank sign-up sheet is attached. Prior to the end of the session, take this list and assign individual certificate numbers (for example 1 through 50, depending on the number of CPAs on the listing) and denote numbers beside their names. This number will then go on their individual official Certification form.

9)  The written proof of course completion must be given to each CPA either at the conclusion of the workshop, or it must be mailed to them on a timely basis (our preference is not to mail them). The written proof of completion must reflect the participants name, the course title, the date the course was held or completed, the sponsors name and address, and the number of CPE credit hours calculated and recommended in accordance with Section .0409 of the law as mentioned above. As mentioned above in #9, the Workshop Coordinator assigns the certificate number by numbering the CPAs who sign on the CPE sign-up sheet. The signature of the sponsor at the bottom of the Certificate would be the Education Council Workshop Coordinator. Copies of these Certificates and the CPE sign-up sheets should be sent to the Education Council Chairman for proper filing of the records, for future reference should the Board ask to audit them.

10)  An evaluation form should be completed by registrants at the end of each workshop. (see sample evaluation form) All such evaluation forms should be forwarded to the Education Chairman for review and permanent storage. A summary of the evaluation forms can be prepared, as well, and sent to the Chairman for this purpose. Also, copies of the evaluations or the summary should be shared with the speaker to assist them in obtaining suggestions and comments that may help them in the future. A note of appreciation to the speaker(s) would also be appropriate.

11)  Checks received for workshop registrations should be sent to the Treasurer. Please send checks and credit card information in weekly. Before forwarding to Treasurer make a copy of the check and registration form for your records.

12)  After workshop is held, all invoices for workshop related expenses (i.e., speaker fees and travel expenses, hotel meeting room space and food service, postage, etc.) should be attached to a completed “Invoice Approval/Extension” form (copy attached.) This form and supporting documentation is sent to the President for his approval and signature. He will then forward the form and documentation on to the Treasurer for processing and final payment to the vendors. Also, any advances or deposits needed for hotels and other similar expenses prior to the workshop should also be attached to this form and handled as mentioned above (sent to President who will approve and send on to Treasurer).

13)  After the workshop, once all checks (revenues) and invoices (expenses) have been received, please prepare a one page Financial Report showing receipts, expenses, and net gain or loss (actual compared to budget). An example is attached. This report should be sent to the Treasurer and to the Education Chairman.

14)  A final “Educational Workshop Report” should be prepared (see form on Exhibit N-1). This Report along with a list of attendees and two copies of the brochure should be sent to the Vice-President, who is responsible for GLD scoring, as soon as possible after the workshop, preferably within 5 working days, but no later than 10 days. The registrant lists should note whether or not each registrant is an HFMA member and their membership number Copies of these same items should be sent to the Education Council Chairman.

15)  The CPE Sponsorship agreement requires that we maintain certain records for at least 5 years from the date of the course. Many of these are already kept and mentioned elsewhere in this listing (i.e., registrant listing, CPE sign-up sheet, outline of course in brochure, date and location of workshop, participant evaluations, and number of CPE credit hours recommended for each participant). An additional item that must be obtained is documentation of each workshop instructor’s qualifications. This can be obtained through a resume or biographical summary of the instructor. Please send these to the Education Council Chairman for proper filing.

16)  A copy of the registrant listing (noting HCMA members and membership numbers) and a copy of brochure should also be mailed to the Membership Council Chairman for individual scoring of Chapter members.

17)  Please have a supply of HFMA membership forms on hand (available from Membership Council Chairman) at each workshop and ask any non-members to consider joining Chapter.

Exhibit P summarizes all Education Council reporting requirements and individuals to which we report. This provides a list of all 2006-2007 pertinent officers (and their addresses and phone numbers) that are involved in the Education Council reporting process, along with the reports and documents that should be sent to each of them.


a)  Choose topic and order mailing labels from National HFMA

b)  Prepare budget & send to Education Council Chair

c)  Finalize date, location, speaker. Send notice to Education Council Chair

d)  Finalize brochure (including speaker bio) and send to Education Council Chair

e)  Send CPE notice to NC Board of CPA Examiners at least 30 days prior to date and before general mailout

f)  Mail brochures to members. For email address contact Education Council Chair

g)  Prepare sign-in sheets, CPE sign-in and certificates and evaluation forms, and room signage

h)  Order HFMA brochures to hand out at workshop

i)  Finalize and verify food and other location specifics

j)  Confirm speaker needs – copies, equipment, supplies

k)  Acquire speaker thank you gift or request speaker honorarium if applicable

l)  Prepare attendee list from registrations received