Get out the drop cloth, this could become really messy. It is not a powered vehicle… the objective is to figure out how to cushion an egg for a series of falls from various heights. Here’s the problem… you don’t get 9,000 lbs of Styrofoam and have unlimited resources like most egg drop contests, you only get what’s on the list.

List of Materials

1. (10) Popsicle sticks

2. (4) wheels

3. (1) dowel rod

4. (2) rubberbands

5. (3) paperclips

6. (1) block of Styrofoam

7. (1) piece of oaktag

8. (2) straw

Using the materials listed above, you are to design and construct a vehicle that will keep your egg in one piece. Think about your design and plan what you want carefully. The eggs will be straight from the chicken, they will not be hard boiled or cooked in any way. Good luck.


1.  Vehicle must move on its own for the first level

2.  Vehicle must not run down against the outside rails

3.  Egg must be removable after each run to check for cracks

4.  All wheels must be used and spin in the same direction

5.  You may not use hot glue to attach the wheels to the axles

6.  You cannot paint or color the wheels in any way

7.  The first team that breaks their egg will become the track safety and clean-up crew

8.  The vehicle must not extend outside the track in any way

9.  Vehicle must go at least half way down the track before it can spin out of control

10.  Teammates must alternate turns for each run

11.  These are all the materials you and your teammate will receive. If you lose them, break them, or can’t find them don’t come to me for more

12.  All cars must hit the bottom of the ramp on each run

13.  Then maximum width of your can be 4 inches and it will be checked

14. Eggs left in car during the building process will result in a 5 point deduction from the final grade. You must return eggs at the end of your class.