List of hurling skills

Grip and Ready position


Striking stationary ground ball – standing position

-walking up to the ball

-running up to the ball

Returning the ground ball

Doubling on the moving ground ball

- walking up to stationary ball

-running up to stationary ball

-doubling on the moving ball

Stopping the ground ball - in front

-to either side

Stopping the airborne ball - knee height

-waist high

-chest high


Sideline cut

Catching the ball and guarding with the stick

-low catch

-chest catch

-overhead catch (guarding in front and behind hand)

Roll lift - two handed (standing,walking up,running up)

-one handed


Jab-lift - two handed

-one handed


Lift coming ball - stand and wait

-move towards the ball


Lift ball rolling away from you

Lift ball coming at either side

Control ball on stick and catch - waist high

-overhead ball

Solo-run - balancing ball on stick

-walking with ball

-running with ball


Striking from the hand - stationary

-move forward into strike

-moving to side and striking

-striking from left and right

Returning the airborne ball - waist high

-shoulder high

-overhead ball

Doubling on airborne ball - waist high

-shoulder high

-overhead ball

Frees for points

Frees for goals

Ground Clash - stationary

-walking up together

-running up together

-positioned apart, walk up and clash

-positioned apart, walk up and clash

Ground Block - side by side (right)

-side by side (left)

-frontal block

Ground Hooking

Frontal Air-block

Air Hooking

All tackling exercises done at (i) standing, (ii) walking, and (iii) running pace


Stop ground ball, move it and strike

Catch and handpass

Catch, solo and handpass

Catch and strike from hand

Catch, move and strike from hand

Catch, solo and strike from hand

Lift, move and strike

Lift, solo and strike

Lift, solo, handpass and strike


Any of the above skills done at pace

Control ball thrown above head with stick

Control thrown ball at chest height with stick

Control ball thrown low with stick

Air Striking to partner, with control on stick (no hands)

Skill drills

Warm ups


Make out a square. Everyone in the square has to evade 2 players wearing bibs. If they are caught they freeze. Continue to all caught or time-limit met. Gets heart pumping

Tag release

Make out a square. Everyone in the square has to evade 2 players wearing Green bibs. Everyone caught must stand still and not move. Those caught can be released if their team mates crawl through their legs. Continue to all caught or time limit is met. Gets heart pumping.

Tag Rugby

Two teams of about ¾ on each team. Each team has a different set of bibs tucked into their shorts behind them. One team has to get bthe bibs off the other team. The second team has to evade. The aim is to evade your opponents and stopping them from grabbing your bib. Once your bib is caught you are out. When all of one team is caught or time-limit is exceeded then break for a breather and start again.


Setup – Grid made up of 4 cones. Also placed 4 other cones equi-distances outside the grid.

Activity - Everyone is inside a grid square. Warm up with 5 activities which are given a number. When 1 is called out the players kick the backs of their legs; for 2 they lift their legs high; 3 sees them go side ways, 4 jog backwards; 5 sees them rush out of the square to one of the cones outside the square. It gets people to listen, helps awareness, gets them focused and have fun.


Face a partner in the press up position. Try to stay in this position while your partner tries to pull your arm out from you, from the outside in. Gets the blood flowing.

Keep ball

In small groups of 4 per team, make squares with 4 on 4. Each team wears a different colour of bib and keeps ball by throwing and catching.

Scores can be got by getting 4 good passes in a row (goals may be added so defending is encouraged and positioning).


  • Pair up, As player 1 comes forward through the cones, player 2 pushes him back.
  • Players learn how to shuffle sideways and learn defensive skills.
  • The aim of this activity is to focus on Balance and Shuffling

Ground striking

  • Ground strike left and right in pairs standing, walking, jogging and running (also do it changing direction)
  • Ground striking in pairs, moving and striking
  • Doubling on the ball in threes
  • Sideline cuts in pairs to each other, into goals and for points

Ground 3’s

  • One player remains stationary in the middle at the cone.
  • Player one plays the sliotar to the middle player
  • He stops the sliotar and plays the return pass back to player one who has run on to it.
  • He then strikes it on the ground to player two.
  • Player two plays it to the player in the middle and the drill continues.
  • Have a spare ball at each end.

Player in the centre sets it up for oncoming players- prevents the ball from going too far left and right

Ground Hurling game

Goals are set up to make a short pitch. Players are not allowed to take the sliotar into the hand, but must play it on the ground. Caution: this game always breaks sticks.

Some play with a variation that allows one to rise the ball (not taking it into the hand) to solo or strike.

Air striking

  • In pairs keep on the move and Long striking, low
  • In pairs on the move and Long striking, high
  • Lift, move forward and strike (L+R+ Short grip))
  • Lift, move sideways and strike (L+R+ short grip)
  • Lift, solo and strike (L+R+ short grip)
  • In pairs Close striking to hand
  • In pairs Striking to hand (apart – increasing distance)
  • In pairs Strike low, lift coming ball (first touch) and strike
  • In pairs Strike, first touch (no hands)

Turn and Shoot

Two groups, one on each side of the goal. Each group starts on the endline, runs to the second cone and lifts the ball, solos to the third and turns straight away and shoots for a point. Player then collects sliothar and goes to the other side (practices left and right sides). Can repeat the exercise for goals.

Accurate Striking on the move (air)

Place a kid at each cone exempt the first cone at X. Rest of group start at x. First person strikes it to person at second cone to hand, runs to the cone receives handpass and strikes the ball to the hand of the man at the third cone. Same man goes round the third cone, receives pass and strikes to fourth cone. Exercise continues to Y. The player then jogs and solo runs back to the start at x. Encourages skill and accuracy and works on fitness. An intense exercise. (can do this exercise for ground strikes or from hand hit low for people at cones to control)

Attacking the ball

Setup exercise as shown above. Do exercise from sideline to sideline. Divide up into groups of four across the field with one at each sideline and 1 on each side about 20 metres out. Player 1 on one side strikes it to player two on the other. Player two strikes the ball back to player 1. Both players run to meet the ball each time and try to return the ball as quickly as they can. (Activity done with ball struck low, then with the ball struck to hand – activity needs to be done at pace) For a break players 1 and 2 on the same side strike the ball to each other, to hand. Then after a few minutes the activity starts again.

Diagonal turns



Set out 5 cones as shown above. Have four groups with at least 3 ineach group. Group 1 and 4 start with balls and they solo to the centre cone. They each strike the ball to the next cone to their left and follow the ball eg. Group 1 hits to group 2, group 4 hits to group 3. Each ball should be struck to hand. The person each of the starting players hits to repeats the exercise going to the centre cone and striking to their left and repeating the exercise (the exercise should be done at pace – extra balls can be added, exercise can have balls struck low to control)

Diagonal striking



Setup activity as shown above. Four groups of at least 3. Groups do this over half the field. Group 3 lift ball solo and strike the ball low to group 2 and then continue running to group1. Group 2 then lift ball and solo and strike diagonally to group 4 and continue running to group 3. Exercise repeated. Group 4 and 2 do the same thing. Exercise can be done with ball struck to hand.

Corners Solo and strike



Setup activity as shown above. Four groups of at least 3 at each cone. Group 1 solos and strikes low to group 4. Group 4 collect ball and do the same back. Group 2 and 3 do the same. Encourages awareness as both sets of groups will pass each other in the middle. (exercise can be varied with high balls, throw up and bat the ball down, just jab-lifting and roll-lifting, striking and controlling without taking the ball into hand)

Bash and strike

Setup as shown. Player runs between two cones, spins when hit by tackle bag and shoots for point. Player collects ball and goes back to end of line to repeat the exercise (do same for goal).

Can do same exercise but take tackle and then lay off to a supporting player to point (or goal). Encourage supporting play and awareness.

Passing Drill





Pair up and then line up along two lines. Keep the lines close working on control.

-Alternate hitting right and left into the chest. Receiver catches ball in hand.

-Hit more softly, the receiver should control the sliotar on the bos and then hit it back to his partner never taking it into the hand. This exercise takes great practice.

Line Passing Drill (3 or more)


-X hits to Y who hits on to Z who returns the ball to Y and so on. Spacing is decided by the coach. Hit into the chest, then grounders and high balls. Parties who overhit the sliotar must do 5 quick pushups. Keep the passing quick and crisp. Also, make the man in the middle. work, keep the pressure on him. After some time, switch the man in the middle.

-Do the same drill with ground pulls. Start by making the man in the middle control the ball and then pull on it. Then instruct them to double on it, advancing the sliotar in the direction it travels by adding to its speed.

Middle Switch Passing Drill


2 sliotars are in play. Y and Z have their backs to one another. X hits the sliotar to Y and XX to Z. Y and Z return the sliotar and then they switch positions. Now X hits to Z and XX hits to Y who return the sliotar and switch again. Again, the tempo should be high with quick, crisp passes to keep Y and Z busy. This is also a valuable drill for trust building as they must trust one another to control the sliotar.

Rotate Drills

Fig 1 X> Y Z

Fig 2 <Y X> <Z

Fig 3 Y Z X

X starts with the sliotar. He solos 10 steps, hits it to Y who hand passes it back to him as he passes. X continues his solo to Z and then fires the ball back to his original position where Y is now waiting. Z fills in the middle and the drill starts over. Players should be in continual motion on this drill. There are many variations to this drill.

Receive and return

  • Player 1 strikes the ball to player 3.
  • Player 1 then runs to the cone and receives the return hand pass from player 3. They continue around the cone and strikes the sliotar to player 4.
  • At the same time player 2 fist plays the ball to player 4, receives the return hand-pass and continues on to play the sliotar to player 3.
  • Switch the outside player after 1- 1.30 minutes.

Over the shoulder

  • Player 1 solos the sliotar out to the cone/line, hits it back over his shoulder towards player 2.
  • Player 2 runs onto the ball, solo’s back out to the other cone/line and plays the ball over his shoulder back to player 1 who is running onto it.
  • Continue this for 1 -1.30 minute

Number goals

  • Players each have a number and a sliotar, players’ line up at the 20m line, facing the goal. (10 players in total)
  • The coach calls out a number and the corresponding player tries to beat the goalie by scoring a goal (strike from the hand or on the ground).
  • Players are randomly placed along the line.
  • Can vary activity with weak side

Shooting from both sides

  • Players work in pairs. One player at each station, with a partner behind the goals.
  • One Sliotar per pair.
  • Strike from each station for a score.
  • Change station after each attempt.
  • When you have completed each station change roles with partner.
  • Drill Continues

3 vs 3

  • 3 Feeders, 3 forwards and 3 backs.
  • 3 feeders feed the 3 forwards. The forwards must be 3 meters away from the marker before they can gain possession.
  • The 3 forwards aim for a point and the backs aim to block or hook the forwards.
  • Once a forward is blocked or hooked the drill breaks down and starts again.
  • Have spare players on the end line to switch after 3 or 4 rotations.


  • 4 players in total, 1 Goalkeeper, 2 Free Takers and 1 feeder behind the goals.
  • Arrange cones at random between the 13-45m line.
  • Free taker 1and 2 go head to head at each cone.
  • Coach specifies number of attempts at each cone.
  • Feeder returns the sliotar from behind the goals.

Goaling under pressure

Two players on the line. They take it in turns to be the back and forward. Both run from the end-line to the second cone. There the forward lifts the ball while the back tries to prevent the forward from now scoring a goal.

Pass, move and shoot

Half forward starts with the ball at mid field and sends it in to the full-forward. Full-forward meets the ball and stick passes the ball to the half-forward who has moved within 30-40 m, and the half-forward catches and points while on the move. Half-forward and full-forward then switch places.

Pass, move and shoot 2

Four groups at four cones. The two cones on the end line see the groups there deliver the ball diagonally to the groups out the field and then follow their ball. Those people out the field run, meet the ball and lift while moving and strike quickly for a point. These players then go collect their ball and join the group they received the ball from. (Ball delivered to the forwards can be varied from low, short, to hand, high. Those out the field can also be made to go for goals)


  • In threes , player 1 passes to player 2. Player 3 finds space.
  • Ball is then played to player 3 and player 1 has to find space
  • Progress to no. of drops and increase intensity for 20 seconds.

Handpassing game

  • In threes , player 1 passes to player 2. Player 3 finds space.
  • Ball is then played to player 3 and player 1 has to find space
  • Progress to no. of drops and increase intensity for 20 seconds.


  • High catch and shield behind hand
  • High catch and shield in front of hand

3 throwers and 1 catcher

  • 3 throwers, 1 catcher.
  • Catches counted by coach for 30 seconds.
  • Aggressive towards the ball.
  • Players rotate every 30 seconds.
  • Going towards the target at all times
  • Each thrower serves the ball to the catcher, who is put under pressure for 30 seconds and has to catch each ball.
  • 3 throwers, 1 catcher.
  • Catches counted by coach for 30 seconds.
  • Aggressive towards the ball.
  • Players rotate every 30 seconds.
  • Going towards the target at all times
  • Each thrower serves the ball to the catcher, who is put under pressure for 30 seconds and has to catch each ball.
