1. To determine resistance per cm of a given wire by ploting a graph for potential difference verses current.
2. To find resistance of a given wire using metre bridge and hence determine the resistivity (Specific resistance) of its material.
3. To verify the laws of combination (series) of resistances using a metre bridge.
4. To verify the laws of combination (parallel) of resistances using a metre bridge.
5. To compare the EMF of two given primary cells using potentiometer.
6. To determine the internal resistance of given primary cell using potentiometer.
7. To determine resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method and to find its figure of merit.
8. To find the value of v for different values of u in case of a concave mirror and to find the focal length.
9. To find the following length of a convex mirror, using a convex lens.
10. To find the focal length of a convex lens by plotting graph between u and v or between 1/u and 1/v.
11. To find the focal length of a concave lens, using a convex lens.
12. To determine angle of minimum deviation for a given prism by plotting a graph between angle of incidence and angle of deviation.
13. To find refractive index of a liquid by using convex lens and a plane mirror.
14. To draw the I-V characteristics curve for a p-n junction in forward bias and revers bias.
15. To draw the characteristics curve of a zener diode and to determine its reverse break down voltage.
Spotting / 7 MarksPractical Record + Viva Voce / 4 Marks
Project Record + Viva Voce / 5 Marks
Total / 30 Marks
A. List of Experiments 60 Periods
1. Study pollen germination on a slide.
2. Collect and study soil from at least two different sites and study them for texture, moisture content, pH and water holding capacity. Correlate With the kinds of plants found in them.
3. Collect water from two different water bodies around you and study them for pH, clarity and presence of any living organization.
4. Study the presence of suspended particulate matter in air at two widely
different sites.
5. Study the plant population density by quadrate method.
6. Study the plant population frequency by quadrate method.
7. Prepare a temporary mount of onion root tip to study mitosis.
8. Study the effect of different temperatures and three different pH on the activity of salivary amylase on starch.
9. Isolate DNA from available plant material such as spinach, green pea seeds, papaya, etc.
B. Study/Observation of the following (Spotting)
(I) Flowers adapted to pollination by different agencies (wind, insects, birds)
(II) Pollen germination on stigma through a permanent slide.
(III) Identification of stages of gamete development, i.e., T.S. of testis and T.S. of ovary through permanent slides (from grasshopper/mice).
(IV) Meiosis in onion bud cell or grasshopper testis through permanent slides.
(V) T.S. of blastula through permanent slides (Manmalian).
(VI) Mendel an inheritance using seeds of different color/sizes of any plant.
(VII) Prepared pedigree charts of any of the genetic trades such as rolling of tongue, blood groups, ear lobes, widow’s peak and color blindness.
(VIII) Controlled pollination_- emasculation, tagging and bagging.
(IX) Common disease causing organisms like Ascaris, Entamoeba, Plasmodium, Roundworm through permanent slides or specimens. Comment on symptoms of diseases that they cause.
(X) Two plants and two animals (models/virtual images) found in xeric conditions. Comment upon their morphological adaptations.
(XI) Two plants and two animals (models/virtual images) found in aquatic conditions. Comment upon their morphological adaptations.
Spotting Part B / 7 MarksPractical Record + Viva Voce / 4 Marks
Project Record + Viva Voce / 5 Marks
Total / 30 Marks
A. List of Experiments 60 Periods
(I) Study and description of three locally available common flowering plants, one from each of the families Solanaceae, Fabacceae and Liliaceae (Poaceae, Asteraceae or Brassicaceae can be substituted in case of particular geographical location) including dissection and display of floral whorls, anther and ovary to show number of chambers (floral Formulae and floral diagrams). Types of root (Tap and adventitious); stem (herbaceous and woody); leaf (arrangement, shape, venation, simple and compound).
(II) Preparation and study of T.S. of dicot and monocot roots and stems (primary).
(III) Study of osmosis by potato osmometer.
(IV) Study of plasmolysis in epidermal peels(e.g. Rhoeo leaves).
(V) Study of distribution of stomata in the upper and lower surface of leaves.
(VI) Comparative study of the rates of transpiration in the uppet.
(VII) Test for the presence of sugar, starch, proteins and fats. Detection in suitable plant and animal materials.
(VIII) Separation of plants pigments through paper chromatography.
(IX) Study of the rate of respiration in flower buds/leaf tissue and germinating seeds.
(X) Test of presence of urea in urine.
(XI) Test for presence of sugar in urine.
(XII) Test for presence of albumin in urine.
(XIII) Test for presence of bile salts in urine.
B. Study/observation of the following (spotting)
1. Study of the parts of a compound microscope.
2. Study of the specimens/slides/models and identification with reasons – Bacteria, Oscillatoria, Spirogyra, Rhizopus, mushroom, yeast, liverwort, moss, fern, pine, one monocotyledonous plant, one dicotyledonous plant and one lichen.
3. Study of virtual specimens/slides/models and identification with reasons – Amoeba, Hydra, liverfluke, Ascaris, leech, earthworm, prawn, silkworm, honeybee, snail, starfish, shark, rohu, frog, lizard, pigeon and rabbit.
4. Study of tissues and diversity in shapes and sizes of plant and animal cells (palisade cells, guard cells, parenchyma, collenchymas, sclerenchyma, xylem, phloem, squamous epithelium, muscle fibers and mammalian blood smear) through temporary/permanent slides.
5. Study of mitosis in onion root tip cells and animals cells (grasshopper) from permanent slides.
6. Study of different modifications in roots, stems and leaves.
7. Study and identification of different types of inflorescence (cymose and racemose).
8. Study of imbibitions in seeds/raisins.
9. Observation and comments on the experiment set up for showing:
(a) Anaerobic respiration
(b) Phototropism
(c) Effect of apical bud removal
(d) Suction due to transpiration
10. Study of human skeleton and different types of joints with the help of virtual images/models only.
11. Study of external morphology of cockroach through virtual images/models.
1. To measure diameter of a small spherical/ cylindrical body using Vernier Callipers.
2. To measure diameter of a given wire using screw gauge.
3. To determine radius of curvature of a given spherical surface by a spherometer.
4. To determine the mass of two different objects using a beam balance.
5. To find the weight of a given body using parallelogram law of vectors.
6. Using a simple pendulum, plot its L-T2 graph and use it to find the effective length of second’s pendulum.
7. To study the relationship between force of limiting friction and normal reaction and to find the co-efficient of friction between a block and a horizontal surface.
8. To find the downward force, along an inclined plane, acting on a roller due to gravitational pull of the earth and study its relationship with the angle of inclination θ by plotting graph between force sin θ.
9. To Determine Young’s modulus of elasticity of the material of a given wire.
10. To find the force constant of a helical spring by plotting a graph between load and extension.
11. To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a given viscous liquid by measuring terminal velocity of a given spherical body.
12. To study the relationship the temperature of a hot body and time by plotting a cooling curve.
13. To study the relation between frequency and length of a given wire under constant tension using son meter.
14. To study the relation between the length of a given wire and tension for constant frequency using son meter.
15. To find the speed of sound in air at room temperature using a resonance tube a two resonance posi