List of Courses Approved for Online Offering
Subject / Course Number / Course TitleANT / 101 / Intro to Cultural Anthropology
ANT / 101D / Intro to Cultural Anthropology
ANT / 205 / Human Beings in Evolution Perspective
ANT / 415 / Cultures Health & Healing
ANT / 500 / Contemporary Topics
BIO / 113 / Human Genetics
BIO / 205 / Human Nutrition
BIO / 208 / Pharmacology/Pathophysiology
BIO / 214 / Biology of Aging
BIO / 600 / Topics in Contemporary Biology
BIO / 654 / The Coming Plague:Emerging Infectious Diseases
BIO / 654Z / Selected Topics:
CSC / 101 / Computer Science I
CSC / 201 / Discrete Mathematics I
CSC / 303 / Comp organization/prog
CSC / 316 / Object-Oriented Programming
CSC / 323 / Introduction to Networks
CSC / 432 / Computer and Network Security
ENG / 307 / Beginning Creative Writing
ENG / 398 / Literary Criticism & Theory
ENG / 587X / American Supernatural Lit
ENG / 600 / Selected Topics
FIA / 245 / History of Art I
GOL / 405 / Earth System Science
GOL / 505 / Earth System Science
GOV / 242 / Jurisprudencethe American Legal System
GOV / 261 / International Relations
GOV / 332 / Public Administration
GOV / 341 / Jurisprudence of Criminal Law
GOV / 372 / Modern Russia
HIS / 125 / America and the World
HIS / 300 / Selected Topics
HIS / 313 / U.S. Women's History
HIS / 372 / Modern Russia
HIS / 500 / Selected Topics
IST / 225 / Chinese Civil/Culture
IST / 300 / Select Topics in International Studies
LST / 600 / Selected Topics
LST / 603 / Research Methods in the Social Sciences
MAT / 112 / Basic Statistics
MAT / 201 / Calculus I
MAT / 503 / History of Mathematics
MAT / 535 / Contemporary Mathematics
MGT / 617 / Corporate Ethics
PHI / 101 / Critical Thinking
PHI / 103 / Problems in Philosophy
PHI / 104 / Philosophy of Religion
PHI / 108 / Professional Ethics
PHI / 504 / Evolution and its Discontents
PSY / 256 / Principles of Behavior Change
PSY / 327 / Adulthood and Aging
SOC / 151 / Human Society
SOC / 151D / Human Society
SOC / 225 / Social Problems
SOC / 225X / Social Problems
SOC / 233 / The Family
SOC / 274 / Criminology
SOC / 300 / Selected Topics
SOC / 376 / Criminological Research Methods
SOC / 537 / Science & Social Power
SOC / 600 / Special Topics
SOS / 207 / Soc Organ/U.S. Health Care Sys
ACC / 201 / Financial Accounting
ACC / 202 / Managerial Accounting
ACC / 301 / Intermediate Accounting I
ACC / 302 / Intermediate Accounting II
ACC / 406 / Forensic Acc & Fraud Auditing
ACC / 491 / Current Topics in Accounting
ACC / 501 / Intro to Accounting
ACC / 541 / Corporate Financial Reporting
ACC / 601 / Seminar in Adv Managerial Acct
ACC / 602 / Seminar In Prof Accounting Practice
ACC / 603 / Taxes and Business Strategy
ACC / 604 / Seminar in Assurance & Forensic Auditing
CRJ / 101 / Intro to CJ Research Meth
CRJ / 103 / Intro To Criminal Justice
CRJ / 107 / Comp Hardware & Peripherals
CRJ / 300 / Special Topics in CJ
CRJ / 307 / Homeland Security & Counter Terrorism
CRJ / 314 / Modern Tech in Crime Invest
CRJ / 324 / Violence in the Workplace
CRJ / 328 / Security Administration
CRJ / 332X / Economic Crime Theory
CRJ / 333 / Information Security
CRJ / 334 / Economic Crime Investigation
CRJ / 335 / Cybercrime Law/Investigations
CRJ / 343 / Law of Economic Crime
CRJ / 345 / Criminal Evidence
CRJ / 347 / Fraud Prevention & Detection Technologies
CRJ / 351 / Comparative CRJ Systems
CRJ / 355 / Cybercrime Invest & Forensics I
CRJ / 356 / Cybercrime Invest & Forensics II
CRJ / 362 / Inform SystemAtt Threats & Defen
CRJ / 438 / System Vulnerability Assess
CRJ / 455 / Cybercrime Invest & Forensics III
CRJ / 461 / Senior Seminar
CRJ / 470 / Internship
CRJ / 475 / Senior Project
CRJ / 601 / Leadership & Planning in Criminal Justice
CRJ / 603 / Homeland Sec & Emergency Management
CRJ / 611 / Public Sector Acct & Budgeting
CRJ / 612 / Homeland Secutiry Leadership in CJO
CRJ / 615 / Law and Public Policy
CRJ / 616 / Ethical Leadership
CRJ / 623 / Research for Decision Making
CRJ / 671 / Public Sector Personnel Admin
CRJ / 675 / Terrorism and Counterterrorism
CRJ / 677 / Technological Challenges in Criminal Justice
CRJ / 691 / Leadership & Planning:Major Project I
CRJ / 692 / Leadership & Planning: Major Project II
CYB / 605 / Principles of Cybersecurity
CYB / 610 / Cyber Intelligence
CYB / 615 / Cyber Counterintelligence
CYB / 616 / Domestic Terrorism & Extremist Groups
CYB / 617 / Counterterrorism & Cyber Conflict
CYB / 624 / Adv Top in Cybercrime Inv
CYB / 633 / Crit Nat Infra & Nat Security
CYB / 651 / Computer Forensics Invest I
CYB / 652 / Computer Forensics Invest II
CYB / 653 / Advanced Telecom Forensics
CYB / 659 / Adv.Top in Computer Forensics
CYB / 667 / Crit Inc CommResp All Hazards
CYB / 673 / Prin of Cybercrime Invest
CYB / 689 / Adv Top in Cybersecurity
CYB / 695 / Capstone Project I
CYB / 696 / Capstone Project II
ECM / 535 / LglReg Issues for Fraud Mgt
ECM / 603 / Mgmt Fraud Prev & Detection
ECM / 604 / Seminar in Fraud Management
ECM / 611 / Organi Theory Structure Design
ECM / 612 / Manager in Global Enviro
ECM / 621 / Advanced Economic Crime
ECM / 622 / Crim Fraud & Corp CrimLiab
ECM / 623 / Advanced Fraud Inv & Anal
ECM / 625 / Homeland Sec:LglRegulIss
ECM / 626 / Financial Investigations
ECM / 631 / Fraud Mgmt & Technology
ECM / 632 / Information & Comm Sec
ECM / 633 / Netwks & Internet Security
ECM / 634 / Information:PolicyAppl
ECM / 637 / Fraud Mgmt:Risk & Compliance
ECM / 642 / Advanced Fraud Analysis
ECM / 643 / Risk Assessment & Mitigation
ECM / 651 / Professional Project I
ECM / 652 / Professional Project II
ECM / 653 / Thesis I
ECM / 654 / Thesis II
ECN / 131 / Prin of Microeconomics
ECN / 141 / Prin of Macroeconomics
ECN / 343 / Money and Banking
ECN / 375 / Health Economics
ECN / 511 / Econ Analysis Pub Policy Iss
ECN / 535 / Econ of Hlth/Hlth Care Policy
ECN / 607 / Quantitative Analysis for Mgmt
FIN / 333 / Corporate Finance
FIN / 533 / Corporate Finance
JLM / 261 / Newswriting
MGT / 501 / Mgmt & Marketing
MGT / 531 / LdrshpMkt & Strategic Plng
MGT / 601 / Core Topics in Mgt I
MGT / 602 / Core Topics in Mgt II
MGT / 615 / Human Resources Mgmt
MGT / 619 / Strategic Mgt and Leadership
MKT / 400 / Advanced Topics
RMI / 273 / Intro to Risk Mgmt and Ins
RMI / 325 / Prin of Ins:Life Hlth and Ann
PDW / 504 / Webmaster Certification
LST / 500 / Selected Topics
EDU / 658 / Ldrshp for PolSysts Change
GNT / 101 / Introduction to Aging
GNT / 214 / Biology of Aging
GNT / 218 / Rural Elderly
GNT / 300 / Special Topics in Gerontology
GNT / 315 / Aging and Intell/Dev Disabil
GNT / 321X / Cult Comp Health/Well Aging
GNT / 411 / Aging and Mental Health
GNT / 503 / Perspectives in Gerontology
GNT / 505 / Culture Gender and Aging
GNT / 603 / Public Hlth Care Plcy of Aging
GNT / 605 / Social Service Delivery Issues
GNT / 613 / GrntWrtg/PrgmPlng/Eval
GNT / 615 / Cmty Design/Hlth/Mob Issues
GNT / 616 / Livable Communities/Planning
GNT / 695 / Capstone Project
HCA / 521 / Hlth Cr Sys:Continuum of Care
HCA / 525 / Organizational Leadership
HCA / 527 / Ethical and Legal Issues
HCA / 531 / LdrshpMkt & Strategic Plng
HCA / 612 / Advances Seminar
HCA / 613 / Hlth Care Admin Leader
HCA / 614 / Qlty Mgt/PrfImprEvBsd Hl Cr
HCA / 615 / Human Resources Mgmt
HCA / 621 / Nursing Home Administration
HCA / 627 / Health Informatics
HCA / 631 / Interntl Health Care Systems
HCA / 645 / Clinical Research
HCA / 799 / Capstone Project
HLS / 113 / Und Alco ChemDep & MentHlt
HLS / 200 / Current Topics in Health Care
HLS / 309 / Med Conditions/Implications
HLS / 345 / ClinPharm:Application to Prac
HLS / 384 / Pathokinesiology
HLS / 400 / Contemp. Top in Health Care
HLS / 401 / Senior Seminar
HLS / 445 / Clinical Research
NUR / 201 / HlthAssesment & Nursing Proc
NUR / 337 / Care of the Human Spirit
NUR / 345 / ClinPharmApplic to Practice
NUR / 351 / ConcFrmwk/Nursing Pract
NUR / 400 / Special Topics in Nursing
NUR / 472 / Trends/Issues in Prof Nur
NUR / 474 / Community Health Nursing
NUR / 474C / Comm Health Nurs - Clinical
NUR / 475 / Nursing Mgmt in Community
NUR / 475C / Nursing Mgmt in Comm-Clin
OCT / 505 / Theoretical Basis of OT
OCT / 506 / Human Occupations
OCT / 555 / Emerging Issues Comm Prof
OCT / 602 / Sythesis:Occ-based Prac:Childr
OCT / 603 / Syn.Occ-based Pract Adults
OCT / 606 / Professional Writing
OCT / 616 / Synthesis:Theory Into Action
OCT / 637 / Occupational Therapy Manager
OCT / 655 / Community III
OCT / 663 / Advanced Professional Roles
OCT / 679 / Action Research Project Plan
OCT / 689 / Action Research Project Impl
PHT / 701 / Found of Autonomous Pract
PHT / 712 / Prevention & Wellness
PHT / 716 / Global Health Care Issues
PHT / 721 / Diagnostic Imaging I
PHT / 722 / Diagnostic Imaging II
PHT / 723 / PharmPathophysiology I
PHT / 724 / PharmPathophysiology II
PHT / 741 / Case Based Discussion V
PHT / 744 / Anatomy V
PHT / 745 / Critical Inquiry Seminar V
PHT / 747 / Professional Practice II
PHT / 748 / Research II
PHT / 759 / Caring for the Community IV
PHT / 801 / Teaching and Learning
PHT / 812 / MeasrmntInterpr of Outcomes
PHT / 813 / Mgmt In Health Care Delivery
PHT / 814 / Research Methods
PHT / 816 / Practicum
Updated September 30, 2010