List of Common GIS Related Acronyms

A/D Analog to Digital

AM/FMAutomated Mapping and Facilities Management

AMLARC Macro Language

ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute

APIApplication Program Interface

ARC/INFO ARC/INFO is a geographic information system

AVHRRAdvanced Very High Resolution Radiometer

AVLAutomated Vehicle Locations



CADComputer Aided Dispatch A term for computer enabled dispatching.

CADComputer Assisted Design A generic term for computerized drawings.

CASEComputer Aided Software Engineering

CDPDCellular Digital Packet Data A format used to transfer data such as auto vehicle locations

CEPCircular Error Probable

CFFCartographic Feature Files The vector format USFS uses to publish data.

CGICommon Gateway Interface

CGMComputer Graphics Metafile

COGOCo-ordinate Geometry

COMComponent Object Model

CPUCentral Processing Unit

CSSMContent Standards for Spatial Metadata

DBMSDatabase Management System

DCWDigital Chart of the World A public dataset published by DMA in VPF format.

DAKData Automation Kit an ESRI software package for PC's.

DGNSSDifferential Global Navigation Satellite System

DGPSDifferential Global Positioning System

DGPS Differential GPS

DEMDigital Elevation Model, typically produced by USGS in 30 or 10 meter cell size.

DIMEDual Independent Map Encoding

DIPDigital Image Processing

DLGDigital Line Graph, a vector GIS format produced by USGS.

DOQDigital Ortho Quad, (also DOQQ) a quad based ortho image

DPIDots per Inch

DXFDigital Exchange Format

DRGDigital Raster Graphic, a scanned image of a USGS 71⁄2’ quad.

DTMDigital Terrain Model, a generic term for software terrain modeling.

EIFOVEffective Instantaneous Field of View

EOSEarth Observation Satellite

FIPSFederal Information Processing Standard

FTPFile Transfer Protocol

FTRPFramework Transportation segment Reference Point

GBF/DIMEGeographic Base File/Dual Independent Map Encoding

GNSSGlobal Navigation Satellite System

GMTGreenwich Mean Time

GISGeographic Information Systems

GNISGeographic Names Information System

GPSGlobal Positioning System

GACGlobal Area Coverage

GCPGround Control Point

GRASSGeographic Resources Analysis Support System

GZIP Gzip reduces the size of the named files using Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77)

GRASSGeographic Resources Analysis Support System

GUIGraphical User Interface

HDOP Horizontal Dilution of Precision

HTMLHyper Text Markup Language

HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol

IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Inc

IFOVInstantaneous Field of View

INS Inertial Navigation System

IMUInertial Measuring Unit

INSInertial Navigation System


ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network

ISOInternational Standards Organization

JPEGJoint Photographic Expert Group

L1The 1575.42 MHz GPS carrier frequency including C/A and P Code

L2The 1227.60 MHz secondary GPS carrier frequency (P Code only)

L5The 1176.45 MHz third civil GPS frequency that tracks carrier at lower signal-to-noise ratios

LAASLocal Area Augmentation System

LACLocal Area Coverage

LANLocal Area Network

LANDSAT (formerly ERTS)

LISLand Information System

LUTLook-up Table

LIDARLIght Detection And Ranging

MOSSMap Overlay Statistical System

MSSMultispectral Scanner

NADNorth American Datum

NAD27North American Datum of 1927

NAD83North American Datum of 1983

NAPPNational Aerial Photography Program



NATSGONational Soil Geographic

NDVINormalized Difference Vegetation Index

NFSNetwork File System

NGDNational GeoSpatial Database

NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology

NSDINational Spatial Data Infrastructure

OGCOpen GIS Consortium

OGISOpen GeoData Interoperability Specification

OCXActive X Controls

OTHT Over The Horizon Targeting

PDOP Position Dilution of Precision

PLSSPublic Land Survey(also PLSS, Public Land Survey System)

RADARRadio Detecting and Ranging

RBVReturn Beam Vidicon

RDBMSRelational Database Management System

RMS Root Mean Square

RMSERoot Mean Square Error

RAWSRemote Automated Weather Station

RTKReal Time Kinematic

SASelective Availability

SBASSatellite Based Augmentation System

SDESpatial Database Engine, an ESRI software package for serving data

SDMLSpatial Data Manipulation Language

SDTSSpatial Data Transfer Standard

SGMLStandard Generalized Markup Language

SPOTSatellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre

SSURGOSoil Survey Geographic

STATSGOState Soil Geographic

SQLStructured Query Language

SQL/MM Structured Query Language/MultiMedia

TARTape Archive

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

TIGRISTopologically Integrated Geographic and Resource Information System

TIGER®Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing

TINTriangular Irregular Network

TDOP Time Dilution of Precision

TMThematic Mapper

TVCTagged Vector Contours

UTMUniversal Transverse Mercator Projection

VDOPVertical Dilution of Precision

VORVery high frequency Omnidirectional Range

VPFVector Product Format A published vector format used by the DMA.

WAISWide Area Information Server

WAASWide Area Augmentation System

WGSWorld Geodetic System

WGS 72World Geodetic System 1972

WGS 84World Geodetic System 1984

WANWide Area Network

WWWWorld Wide Web Used for the internet.

XMLExtensible Markup Language

File Extensions:

DBFData Base File, the dBase file format, used with SHP

DGNDesiGN file, the Microstation drawing format

DWGDraWinG file, the AutoCad drawing format

DXFDrawing eXchange Format an AutoCad export file

EPSEncapsulated PoStcript file a file format favored for graphics exchange

E00An ESRI export file

GIFGraphic Interchange Format

JPG (JPEG)Joint Photographic Experts Group

MDBMicrosoft DataBase The extension for an Access database

PDFPortable Document Format

PNGPortable Network Graphic A new format for Web graphics

RTFRich Text Format A generic word processing format

SHPSHaPe file An ESRI published spatial data format,

TIF (TIFF)Tag Image File Format An image format commonly used in GIS


APFOAerial Photography Field Office

FGDCFederal Geographic Data Committee

NACoNational Association of Counties

NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration

NHDNational Hydrologic Data

NIMANational Imagery Mapping Agency

NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NSDINational Spatial Data Infrastructure

NWINational Wetlands Inventory, US Fish & Wildlife Service

URISAUrban and Regional Information Systems Association

BLMBureau of Land Management, Department of Interior

DMADefense Mapping Agency

EDCEarth Resources Observation Systems Data Center

ESRIEnvironmental Systems Research Institute

NRCSNatural Resources Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture

NIMANational Imagery and Mapping Agency, Military

UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

USFSUnited States Forest Service, Department of Agriculture

USGSUnited States Geologic Survey, Department of Interior