Contract Module
List of Changes for the 2010 Area Plan Updates
The instructions were changed in the following ways:
· A sentence was added to the first paragraph of “About This Contract Module” to instruct the AAA to include any additional worksheets created on the list of attachments. A sentence was also added to request that worksheets already provided in the Contract Module Parts I and II not be included on the Attachments list.
· Certification page -- the statement just before the signature block was modified to reference the 2010 update to the 2009-2011 Area Plan. The listing for Contracted Services was changed to ARRA.
· Colors were lightened for easier reading.
· References to 2008-09 were changed to 2009-10.
· C.I.A. – The listing of Contracted Services in the box for Supplemental Resource Activities was replaced with ARRA.
· C.I.B. – The following sentence in the instructions was underlined for emphasis: “IIIB Non-Priority Services needs to include set-aside funds and other funds allocated to the AAA not included in IIIB Priority Services.”
· C.I.F.AAA. – The listing for Contracted Services was replaced with ARRA.
· C.I.F.1. – The listing for Contracted Services was replaced with ARRA.
· C.I.G. – The listing for Contracted Services was replaced with ARRA.
· C.II.A. – Formulae for several of the factors were corrected to reference the proposed total budget instead of the total current budget. The Travel section was expanded to further detail the travel budget.
· C.II.B. – Reference to Prior Year 2008 were changed to 2009. Added the note than CF means carry forward.
· C.VII.A. AAA Board of Directors – the Instructions were changed to enter the officers name and title first on the list, along with their contact information and also to list the beginning and ending dates of their terms.
· C.VII.B. AAA Advisory Council Members -- the Instructions were changed to enter the officer’s name and title first on the list, along with their contact information and also to list the beginning and ending dates of their terms.
· Contract Module Part II
- C.VI.A. Changed the FY reference from 2009 to 2010. Changed the listing of Contracted Services to ARRA in the note at the bottom referring to the Programs column in the table.