Common Quail Coturnix coturnix3records
One at Bel Air, Mahe 20 May 1998 (AP Skerrett, J Skerrett)
One at the plateau, Aride, 25 December 1998 to 17 January 1999 (J Hunter, J Bowler, A Upton, A Shaw)
One at the airstrip, Bird Island 21 November 2003, accepted with a caveat re possible escaped quail sp. (NJ Phillips)
White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata5records
One adult at Bras Cinq Cases, Grand Terre, Aldabra 21 September 1969 (AW Diamond)
One adult at Cinq Cases, Grand Terre, Aldabra 15-26 April 1973 (JR Wilson, A Donaldson)
One adult at Cinq Cases, Aldabra 26-27 June 1974 (DM Bourn)
3-5 near the Settlement, Assumption 24-25 April 1977 (MS Prys-Jones)
One at Cinq Cases beach, Aldabra 20 August, 2005 (R von Brandis)
Knob-billed Duck Sarkidiornis melanatos1record
One female or immature at Cinq Cases, Grand Terre, Aldabra from 16 March 2011, joined by a second from 11 April 2011; final date to be added (P Haupt, S Denis, A Gouffe, M van Dinther, J Currie)
Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope1record
A male at the Dauban marsh, Silhouette 17 February to 1 March 2006 (J Larue, G Esparon).
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos1record
One female at the Dauban Marsh, Silhouette from 12 December 1998-16 January 1999 (R Gerlach, G Gerlach, J Gerlach)
Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata10records
One female at Assumption 26 October 1986 (P Roberts)
One female at Roche Caiman, Mahe 12 November 1988 (ID Bullock)
Two females at the marsh, Frégate 12-13 October 1991 (A Gretton)
One immature at Roche Caiman, Mahe 17 November 1995-31 March 1996 (R Lucking, V Ayrton, R Gerlach, G Gerlach, AP Skerrett)
One immature, probably male, at Bird Island 22-23 October 1997 (R Mileto and Naturetrek tour group)
One female at the main pool of Lemuria Golf Course, Praslin 29 December 2001 (AP Skerrett)
One, possibly female, at the south beach, Aride 16 October 2003 (M Betts, AP Skerrett, J Cadbury, R Tiatousse)
One female or immature at Providence mudflats, Mahe 29 November 2003 (NJ Phillips, VE Phillips, AP Skerrett)
One female or immature at the beach, Aride on 5 January 2010 (P Knott, J Grant)
One female at Denis Island on 23 November 2011 (M Unrath, J Chang Tave)
Northern PintailAnas acuta10records
An adult pair at Police Bay, Mahe 18 February 1977 (NT Ebenhard)
One male and three females off Cousin 27 November 1981 (NJ Phillips)
One female or immature at the marsh, Aride 22 November 1993 (R Lucking, V Ayrton, P Carty, S Smith, A Esther)
One male and two females at Roche Caiman, Mahe 2 December 1993 (J Gerlach, R Gerlach)
One immature male at one of the pools of Lemuria Golf Course, Praslin 29 December 2001 (AP Skerrett)
One female at La Passe, Silhouette November 15 2002 to January 23 2003 (R Gerlach, G Gerlach, J Gerlach, J Larue)
Two at a small pool adjacent to Praslin airport, 26 November 2003 (NJ Phillips, VE Phillips)
A female at Roche Caiman, Mahe on 5 December 2007, joined by a second female and a male in the first week of January 2008, all three remaining until at least 21 January 2008 (MJ Dale, AP Skerrett, R Tiatousse).
Two females at Roche Caiman, Mahe on 20 December 2008 (AP Skerrett, T Vel, J Komdeur, A Diamond, D Richardson)
One first-winter at the beach, Aride on 20 January 2010 (P Knott, J Grant)
Red-billed Duck Anas erythrorhyncha2records
One adult on pool at Coco transect, Grande Terre, Aldabra on 10 January 2012 (J Souyave & D Rose).
One on pool at Coco transect, Grande Terre, Aldabra on 30 November 2012, possibly the same bird as on 10 January 2012 (C Onezia, S Etienne).
Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca4records
One adult male at Police Bay, Mahe 26 May 1998 (AP Skerrett, G Rocamora)
One adult male at Police Bay, Mahe 5-14 April 2001 (AP Skerrett, J Skerrett, M Skerrett, M Hill)
One first-year at Anse Forbans, Mahe 19-25 December 2002 (J Kube)
One adult male at the pig farm, Denis Island 25-27 November 2008 (J Nevill, F Hoareau)
Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula1record
A juvenile female at the sewage ponds, Alphonse from 23 December 2006 (and possibly from one week earlier) to 25 December 2006 (AP Skerrett, A Fowls).
Southern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus1 record
One juvenile male off Récif 15 July, brought to Mahe until died 24 October 1992 (AP Skerrett, J Skerrett, R Gerlach, C Taylor, L Hoareau, J Collie, J Dixon, P Matyot, G Gerlach)
Southern/Northern Giant Petrel Macronectes giganteus/hallii1 record
One 500m off the western rocks, Aride 9 June 2005 (D Evans)
Cape Petrel Daption capense1 record
One between Cosmoledo and Assumption 3 September 1984 (AP Skerrett)
Round Island Petrel Pterodroma arminjoniana
(30 geolocator records, 1 sight record)
Geolocator records:
One entering the EEZ southeast of Coëtivy, flying due north past the east of the Seychelles Bank then due south and exiting the EEZ close to the point of entry 19 February-11 March 2010 then re-entering the EEZ again southeast of Coëtivy and flying west of the Seychelles Bank passing close to the northern Amirantes and exiting the EEZ north-northwest of Bird 25 May-10 June 2010.
One entering the EEZ southeast of Coëtivy and flying due north along the east of the Seychelles Bank, then due south, then back north and exiting the EEZ to the north 21 April-20 May 2010.
One entering the EEZ east of Coëtivy, flying in an approximate circular path from southeast of Coëtivy, across the southern Seychelles Bank to northeast of Bird and exiting the EEZ east of Bird 23 April-14 May, briefly re-entering and exiting the EEZ east of Bird 30 June-1 July 2010.
One entering the EEZ south of Coëtivy, crossing the northern Amirantes to northwest of the group returning past the southern then eastern edges of the Seychelles Bank and exiting the EEZ northeast of Bird 24 April-16 May 2010.
One entering the EEZ southeast of Coëtivy, flying east of the Seychelles Bank and exiting the EEZ northeast of Bird 26 April-3 May 2010.
One entering the EEZ and passing near Farquhar then circling the Seychelles Bank, crossing it twice, exiting the EEZ southeast of Coëtivy 29 April-14 July 2010.
One entering the EEZ near the Farquhar Group, flying due north then due east to cross the southern Amirantes and continuing to exit the EEZ east of Coëtivy 6-13 May 2010.
One entering the EEZ east of Farquhar flying due north to northwest of Bird then circling the Seychelles Bank to south of Coëtivy returning north and exiting the EEZ east of the Seychelles Bank 12 May-7 July 2010.
One entering the EEZ southeast of Coëtivy, crossing the Seychelles Bank to visit north of the bank then returning via the east of the bank and exiting the EEZ close to the point of entry 18 May-18 August 2010.
One entering the EEZ west of Farquhar and circling the Seychelles Bank and exiting the EEZ southeast of Coëtivy 19 May-23 August 2010.
One entering the EEZ from east of the Seychelles Bank, flying east and north of the bank crossing once between Mahe and Bird and exiting east of Platte 23 May-7 July 2010.
One entering and exiting the EEZ northeast of the Seychelles Bank 25 May-31 May 2010
One entering the EEZ east of Coëtivy, flying due north (east of the Seychelles Bank) and exiting the EEZ northeast of Bird 26 May-31 May 2010.
One entering the EEZ south of Farquhar and passing to northeast of the Amirantes, then crossing the Seychelles Bank and circling the eastern edge of the bank, exiting the EEZ northeast of Bird 29 May-2 August 2010.
One entering the EEZ southeast of Farquhar circling the Amirantes and Seychelles Bank, crossing the bank several times and exiting the EEZ close to the point of entry southeast of Farquhar 3 June-30 August 2010.
One entering the EEZ southwest of Coëtivy flying south and east of the Seychelles Bank to the northeast of the EEZ returning south and exiting the EEZ southeast of Coëtivy 11 June-31 August 2010.
One one entering the EEZ southeast of Coëtivy, spending time mainly in and around the eastern half of the Seychelles Bank but also briefly visit south and east of Farquhar and exiting the EEZ close to the point of entry 24 June-9 September 2010.
One entering the EEZ east of Coëtivy flying south and east of the Seychelles Bank then circling east of Farquhar Group, returning north and exiting the EEZ south of Coëtivy 8 July-21 October 2010.
One east of the Seychelles Bank 18 July 2010
One entering and exiting the EEZ southeast of Coëtivy 21-26 July 2010.
One visiting for the second consecutive year entering the EEZ east of Farquhar skirting the edge the eastern edge of the Seychelles Bank to reach northeast of the bank then returning south and exiting east of Coëtivy 17 May-31 July 2011.
One visiting for the second consecutive year entering the EEZ east of Farquhar and circling the Seychelles Bank (crossing it 3 times) then circling the Amirantes and flying south exiting the EEZ southeast of Farquhar 12 April-19 June 2011.
One entering the EEZ south of Coëtivy, crossing the Seychelles Bank and exiting the EEZ north of the bank 13-28 April 2011 then re-entering the EEZ west of Farquhar, skirting the southern edge of the Seychelles Bank and exiting the EEZ to the east 26-29 June 2011.
One entering the EEZ east of Platte, visiting as far south as southeast of Farquhar and retuning north to south, then east and northeast of the Seychelles Bank, exiting the EEZ north of Bird 24 April-21 June 2011.
One entering the EEZ north of Bird crossing the Seychelles Bank and continuing south between Amirantes and the granitics to reach southeast of Farquhar, then returning north crossing the bank to reach north of the bank then back south crossing the bank a 3rd time to exit the EEZ southeast of Coëtivy 7 May-31 July 2011.
One entering the EEZ southwest of Coëtivy and circling east and north of the Seychelles Bank returning south to exit the EEZ southeast of Coëtivy 21 May-15 July 2011.
One entering the EEZ southeast of Farquhar rapidly reaching northeast of the Seychelles Bank and exiting the EEZ 24-28 May 2011 then re-entering west of Farquhar visiting south of Seychelles Bank then exiting the EEZ southeast of Coëtivy 29 June-16 August 2011.
One entering the EEZ southeast of Farquhar, passing close to the Amirantes, crossing the Seychelles Bank between Bird and Mahe to waters north then east of the bank and exiting southeast of Coëtivy 7 June-13 October 2011. Notably, remained 8 weeks in waters east of Coëtivy (10 July-8 August then exiting the EEZ and re-entering southeast of Farquhar 20 August and returning to the same area until 13 October 2011).
One entering the EEZ south of Farquhar, skirting the eastern edge of the Amirantes, crossing the Seychelles Bank between Mahe and Bird and visiting east and southeast of the Seychelles Bank then exiting southeast of Coëtivy 28 June-12 August 2011.
One entering the EEZ east of Bird, then flying due south (east of the Seychelles Bank) to southeast of Coëtivy then returning along a similar path and exiting the EEZ to the north 16-25 July 2011.
Sight records:
One, showing characteristics mainly of Trindade Petrel, south of Coëtivy on the edge of Seychelles EEZ at approximately 8º50’S, 56º15’E on 9 February 2011 (A Ross, M Barnett and 3 other observers aboard Costa Romantica).
Herald Petrel Pterodroma heraldica1 record
One dark morph at the hill, Cousin 10-11 June 2009 (DJR Andrews, J Love, M Hammers)
Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta5 records
One intermediate morph at Cousin 29 August 2003 (T Veen, C Eikenaar)*
One intermediate morph at Cousin (possibly the same individual seen 2003) caught, ring 5H22620 applied and released on 29 June 2004 (C Eikenaar)*
One intermediate morph at Cousin (possibly the same individual as in 2003 and 2004) 3 August 2006 (C Eikenaar)*
One dark morph at the hillside Cousin 10 January 2007 (C Eikenaar, M Mainwaring)
Two at Cousin 18 November 2009, one caught and ringed No: 5H47604, one re-sighted with a chick 24 November 2009 and same day, one captured bearing ring 5H22620, therefore the same individual as in 2004 and possibly other date (J Simeon, E Blais, D Gilles-Derand)*
* Possibly all linked
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus3out-of-range records
One at sea between Providence and Assumption 17 June 1998 (M Betts)
2 off Cosmoledo 17 June 1998 (M Betts)
One about 1km off Picard, Aldabra 19 February 1999 (M Betts)
Flesh-footed Shearwater Puffinus carneipes5records
One between Frégate and Récif 2 May 1972 (CJ Feare)
One north of Farquhar 26 October 1976 (CJ Feare)
4 at sea between Astove and Desroches 23 December 2002(AP Skerrett, J Roussouw, P Johnson, I Kenrick, R McCall, H Faithfull)
One about 1 mile from entrance to lagoon of Desroches 24 December 2002 (AP Skerrett, J Roussouw, P Johnson, I Kenrick, R McCall, H Faithfull)
One off Petit Police, Mahe on 21 October 2013 (PN Collin)
Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria fallax1record
One at Cousin Island on 15 June 2009 (DJR Andrews, M Hammers, J Love)
Jouanin's Petrel Bulweria fallax12records
One near Aldabra 9 December 1990 (AP Skerrett, AD Forbes-Watson and passengers from Renaissance)
Four north of Farquhar 31 October 1992 (ND Hunter, JN Dymond, MS Freeman)
Three north-east of Alphonse 1 November 1992 (ND Hunter, JN Dymond, MS Freeman)
One south-east of Desnoeufs 1 February 1993 (ID Bullock)
One 117 miles east-south-east of Farquhar 8 April 1995 (RL Pitman)
Up to three 142-155 miles north of Bird Island 8 April 1995 (RL Pitman, MP Force)
One 20 miles east of Bird Island 12 July 1995 (RL Pitman)
One north-north-east of Aldabra 22 March 1998 (AP Skerrett, E White)
One between Aldabra and Cosmoledo 9° 32’S, 46˚ 59’E 24 November 1998 (AP Skerrett, S Eccles, M Rands, B Master, S Master, C Thurkov, A Thurkov)
One between Aldabra and Cosmoledo 9° 38’S, 47˚ 18’E 24 November 1998 (AP Skerrett, S Eccles, M Rands, B Master, S Master, C Thurkov, A Thurkov)
Four between Cosmoledo and Poivre 18 March 2009 (R Wanless, C Green, V Emmanuel, B Lyon, P Roberts, B Baeton).
At least thirty from near Agalega, about 60 nautical miles south of Seychelles EEZ approximately 9º45’S, 56º28’E to near Coëtivy at approximately 7º50’S, 56º05’30”E on 9 February 2011 (A Ross, M Barnett and 3 other observers aboard Costa Romantica).
Wilson's Storm-petrel Oceanites oceanicus7records
One off Bird Island 2 November 1972 (CJ Feare)
Four north of Farquhar 31 October 1992 (ND Hunter, JN Dymond, MS Freeman)
Two south of Desnoeufs 1 November 1992 (ND Hunter, JN Dymond, MS Freeman)
One east of St Francois 11 April 1995 (RL Pitman)
One near Denis Island at 3º42’S 55º38’E on 27 October 2005 (C Anderson, J and M Runnacles, S and J Richards)
One off the northeast reef shoal, D’Arros on 3 July 2009 (U Engelhardt, B Narty, J Filmalter)
One at 0.82ºS, 53.83ºE (193 miles north-northwest of Bird) on board SS Kent for 9 hours, departing flying south on 23 October 1962 (NGC Cheshire)
Storm-petrel sp. probably Wilson’s Storm-petrel Oceanites oceanicus1record
One at sea about 500 metres south of Cousin in June 2007 (G Rocamora).
White-faced Storm-petrel Pelagodroma marina3records
One south-east of Boudeuse 9 May 1995 (AP Skerrett, J Skerrett, M Lewis, A Lewis, D Rowat, G Sanders)
One west-north-west of Desroches 10 May 1995 (AP Skerrett, J Skerrett, M Lewis, A Lewis, D Rowat, G Sanders)
Five north of Rémire 12 May 1995 (AP Skerrett, J Skerrett, M Lewis, A Lewis, D Rowat, G Sanders)
Black-bellied Storm Petrel Fregetta tropica1record
One behind the IDC store, Alphonse Island found alive but later died 30 June 2010; specimen at Tring (A Nahaboo, J Michel, C Freminot)
Swinhoe's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma monorhis3records
One found dead Cote d’Or, Praslin October 1996; skin at Tring (V Laboudallon, AP Skerrett)
One between Aldabra and Assumption 12 October 1996 (G Rocamora)
One between Aldabra and Assumption 6 December 1998 (AP Skerrett, M Rands)
Matsudaira’s Storm-petrel Oceanodroma matsudairae1record
Two at sea between Providence and Alphonse 20-21 August 2000 (M Betts, S Barclay)
Storm-petrel sp. 2records
One between Mahe and Praslin on 25 May 2008 (S Gillings).
One 30 kilometres east of La Digue on 20 October 2009 (K Jolliffe, J Henwood)
Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis 2records
One at South-east Island and Roche Caiman, Mahe 14-15 December 1993 (M Esparon, J Melanie, R Gerlach, G Gerlach, AP Skerrett)
One at Platte Island 8-12 December 1997 (L Roest, E Roest)
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber6 “out-of-range” records
One adult or sub-adult at New Port, Victoria, Mahe 17 January-23 May 1972 (CJ Feare)
One immature at North Island, Farquhar 31 October 1992 (ND Hunter, JN Dymond, M Freeman)
One immature at the East beach, Frégate 25-27 December 1993 (N McCulloch)
One immature at the helipad and north plateau, Cousine on 20 September 2012 (J Gane, I Olivier, M Keeley).
One immature at Ile Perseverance 5 October 2012-24 February 2013; still present, final date to be added (N Rose, AP Skerrett, R Fanchette, G McKinlay).
One immature at Long Island on 23 March 2013 (J Weeling-Lee, D Vidot). Considered to be probably the same individual as 2012 records at Cousine and Ile Perseverance.
White Stork Ciconia ciconia5 records
Two at Victoria, Mahe 21 December 1983 (AP Skerrett, C Imboden)
Two at the tern colony, Bird sland from December 1983, one died and one surviving to March 1984 (J Verschuren)
1-3 at various locations, Mahe 28 December 1994-24 February 1995 (AP Skerrett, J Skerrett, E Palmer, L Brady, J Collie, R Gerlach, G Gerlach, P Carty, H Herzig)
One at D’Arros late December 1994 (G Burridge)
Two at the Denis Island airstrip 13-15 April 1995 (H-J Salm)
African Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus1record
One at Cinq Cases, Aldabra 17-23 February 1968 (Grubb)
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus12records
Up to 12 at the airstrip, Denis Island 22 February 2003 (C Hoareau, M Mason)
1-5 adults at La Passe, La Digue January-March 15 2003 (AP Skerrett, M Betts, P Nibourette)
One non-breeding adult at Beau Vallon, Mahe 3-6 December 2003 (AP Skerrett, M Betts, J Gerlach)
One adult at Seychelles Golf Club, Anse aux Pins, Mahe on 13 December 2008 (AP Skerrett, B Cooper)
One at the marina, Frégate 8-11 November 2009 ( G Canning, S Hill)
One immature at various localities on Bird Island 10-17 November 2009 (NJ Phillips, VE Phillips, R. Bresson, M.-F. Savy, B. & B. Lockwood and others)
7-8 unaged at La Passe harbour, La Digue on 23 March 2010 (I Rasmussen, R & M McGrath, F & H Cornelius)
Three including at least one adult breeding at grounds of Ephelia Resort, Port Launay, Mahe 25-26 March 2010 (I Rasmussen, R & M McGrath, F & H Cornelius)
One at Eden Island on 3 April, two on 19 April, four on 20 April three on 23 April and two on 22 June and subsequent dates until at least 25 August 2010, one remaining to 6 November 2010 (G Rocamora, A Solé, B Ochoa, H Leal, AP Skerrett, JA Mortimer, R Syfret)
One at Plaisance, Mahe on 17 June 2010, possibly the same as one of the previous record (RM Mason)
One at the playing field, Mont Fleuri, Mahe 5 January 2011 (S Ansell, E Palmer, B Kidwell).
One immature at the marsh, Aride 1-2 October 2012 (L Calabrese, J Simeon).
Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris7records
One at the plateau, Aride 29 October-9 November 1988 (ID Bullock)
One at Grand Anse, Praslin 19-25 October 1993 (V Laboudallon, J Stevenson, J Watson, AP Skerrett, J Skerrett, M Skerrett)
One juvenile at Mont Fleuri and Roche Caiman, Mahe 31 October 2000 (Mr Paltani, G Rocamora, L Chong-Seng)