San Joaquin Delta College
Associative Student Body Government
5151 Pacific Avenue
Stockton Ca, 95207
FEBRUARY 14TH, 2011.
The regular meeting of the Associated Student Body Government of San Joaquin Delta College was held on:
Monday,February14th, 2011.
Public Meeting in the Rauhuff Board Room Shima 101A, 5151 Pacific Ave. Stockton, California 95207.
Members Present:
- President Burke
- Vice-President Watters
- Vice-President Stewart
- Communications Officer Uribe
- Treasurer Isbell
- Executive Secretary Armstrong
- Student Representative to the Board of Trustees Primous
- Senator of Activities Hall III(early dismissal 4:07pm)
Members Absent:
- Senator of Legislative Affairs Magaña
- The meeting was called to order by President Burke at 2:42pm.
Quorum has been met.
- Comments from the Public
- Approval of minutes from Jan. 24th, 2011, Jan. 31st, 2011, Feb. 7, 2011.
Senator Isbellmoves to approve the minutes fromJan. 24th, 2011, Jan. 31st, 2011, Feb. 7, 2011.
Second VP Watters.
8 - Ayes
0 - Nay
0 - Abstain
Motion passes.
- Swearing In Ascended Officers
Pres. Burke swears in newly, ascended officers.
Senator of Public Relations IsbelltoTreasurer.
Senator of Student Advocacy StewarttoVP of Flea Market Affairs.
- March in March - 3/14/11
Pres. Burke discusses dates/time/participation/committees. Senator Magana is the committee chair.
Pres. Burkeentertains a motion topostpone discussion until next meeting, Tuesday, February 22, 2011 when Senator Magana returns.
No motion entertained. Moved on to next topic.
- ASAAC - Washington D.C. Trip/SSCCC General Assembly - April
Pres. Burke speaks to establishing a budget for ASAAC.
Senator Isbell moves to postpone the items of ASAAC, and SSCCC to next meeting, Tuesday, February 22, 2011 with quotes, and information pertinent to trips.
SecondBOT Primous.
4- Ayes
2- Nay
1- Abstain
Motion passes.
- Expansion of WIFI
VP Stewart speaks to the expansion of WIFI into Mountain House, The Zone, and various Learning Centers, purchasing routers, necessary equipment.
- Flea Market Equipment
VP Stewart speaks to various equipment needs/requests.
- Officer Reports
President Burke speaks to officers regarding upcoming reporting expectations. Discuss position, what you are doing, and how you plan to carry out duties.
A.Smoking Policy (AP/BP 3570)
B.Student Discipline Policies (AP/BP 5500, 5510, 5530)
A.Board of Trustees - BOT Primous
- Presidential Search Candidates Forum in Tillie Lewis, Tues., Feb. 15, 2011.
- Any ideas for creating a better relationship between students/faculty/staff.
- Please, place report on the agenda which follows the Monday following the Tuesday meeting.
B.Academic Senate - Treasurer Isbell
- Yielded to President Burke
C.Curriculum Committee - Treasurer Isbell
- Wanting to add sustainability.
- Deactivated GED program.
- New transfer, Associate Degree, automatic transfer.
D.President’s Council - President Burke
- New President’s salary would be open ended.
- Stipends for the “L Bond Committee”.
- Accreditation drafts.
E.Presidential Search - President Burke
- Forum, tomorrow (2/15) from 2pm to 5pm, Tillie Lewis Theater.
- New President by March 2011.
F.Facilities & Planning - VP Stewart
- LGBT Center on Campus. Not enough space right now.
- Diversity Center is being talked about.
- Communication from the Board
- Communication from the Advisor
- Treasurer Isbell: motions to adjourn the meeting.
VP Watters: seconds.
Board Vote: All Ayes.
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.
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