1) Locate five or more circles in the classroom. Measure the parts of each circle. Analyze your data and explain in writing the relationship between the parts of a circle (radius, diameter, circumference). / 2) Create a crossword puzzle or game using at least twenty vocabulary terms from the geometry unit. Develop a plan for using your creation to teach the vocabulary terms to other students. / 3) Construct and classify models of triangles (scalene, equilateral, isosceles, equiangular, acute, obtuse, and right) using straws, Popsicle sticks, or other materials available. Label each model and justify your classifications in writing.4) Compose and perform (via audio, video, or in person) a poem or rap that describes points, lines, rays, line segments, vertices, angles and planes. / 5) Identify an example of a transformation in the pattern of a quilt, carpet, or fabric.
a) Illustrate, photograph or sketch the example.
b) Interpret and describe in writing the transformation used to create the design. / 6) Find the minimum number of triangles formed by connecting vertices of each figure listed on the chart below. Complete the chart to discover a pattern. Determine a formula for finding the sum of the measures of the angles of a polygon with n sides. Justify the formula in writing.
Type of Polygon / Number of sides / Number of triangles / Sum of the interior angles
triangle / 3 / 1 / 180
7) Draft three differentdesigns for a prism-shaped candy box with a volume between 720 cm3 – 750 cm3, inclusively. Sketch and label your diagrams. / 8) Brainstorm a list of at least five careers that use measurement. Research one of these careers and create a visual presentation (poster, (PowerPoint, brochure, etc.) that explains how that career uses measurement. / 9) Propose your own geometry or measurement related enrichment challenge.
Grade 6 Math Extension Menu
Geometry and Measurement
Directions: (To be added by teacher)
Teacher Resource Page
Grade 6 Math Extension Menu
Unit: Geometry and Measurement
Topic: Plane Geometric Figures, Congruence and Similarity, Transformations, Measurement Tools, Applications in Measurement
Intended Use: Culminating activity for the unit or alternative activity for
students who have mastered curricular indicators
Standard(s) and Indicators Addressed:
Box 1: KNOWLEDGE OF GEOMETRY MA.600.20.35 Identify and compare the relationship between the parts of a circle using radius, diameter, and circumference (pi = 3.14)
Box 2: KNOWLEDGE OF GEOMETRY MA.600.20 Apply the properties of one-, two-, or three-dimensional geometric figures to describe, reason, or solve problems about shape, size, position, or motion of objects.
Box 3:KNOWLEDGE OF GEOMETRY MA.600.20.15Compare or classify triangles as scalene, equilateral or isosceles
KNOWLEDGE OF GEOMETRY MA.600.20.20Compare or classify triangles as equiangular, obtuse, acute, or right
Box 4:KNOWLEDGE OF GEOMETRY MA.600.20.05 Identify, describe, and label points, lines, rays, line segments, vertices, angles and planes using the correct symbolic notation
Box 5: KNOWLEDGE OF GEOMETRY MA.600.20.60Analyze and plot the result of one transformation (translation, reflection, rotation of 90° or 180°) on a coordinate plane
Box 6:KNOWLEDGE OF GEOMETRY MA.600.20.25Use the concept of the sum of angles in any triangle is 180° to determine the third angle measure of a triangle given two angle measures without a diagram
Box 7:KNOWLEDGE OF MEASUREMENT MA.600.30.25 Estimate and determine the volume of rectangular prisms with whole number dimensions (0 – 1,000)
Box 8: KNOWLEDGE OF MEASUREMENT MA.600.30.05 Measure in customary and metric units
FCPS Math/ Geometry-Measurement Unit/ Grade 6