Ellensburg, Washington
Minutes of: Commissioners’ Board Meeting, Regular Session
Meeting date: June 11, 2015
Meeting time: 1900 hours
Meeting place: 102 N. Pearl Street, Station 29
Commissioners in Attendance: Pat Clerf, Neil O’Neill, Neal Houser, John Smith and Glenn Huffman.
Others in Attendance: Chief John Sinclair, District Secretary Shannon Hill, Financial Services Manager Amber Simon, Deputy Chief Elliott and no members in the audience.
1. Call to Order: Commissioner Clerf called the meeting to Order at 1904 hours and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Approval of Agenda:
FSM Simon requested that the agenda be amended to add 8.6 Discussion of Burn Bans under new business. Commissioner Houser made a motion to approve the amended agenda. Commissioner O’Neill seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the agenda as amended.
3. Consent Agenda:
Items listed under the Consent Agenda were distributed to Fire Commissioners in advance for study. All of the following items were enacted with one motion:
3.1 Approve Meeting Minutes
· May 14, 2015 Regular Meeting
3.2 Acknowledge Correspondence
· Thank you letter from patient
3.3 Authorize to pay vouchers
JUNE 2015Batch # / Amount / Description
2015.06.01 / $265,112.05 / Payroll - General Fund 010
2015.06.02 / $99,975.35 / Payroll - EMS Fund 011
2015.06.03 / $20,836.68 / Expenses - General Fund 010
2015.06.04 / $14,073.07 / Expenses - EMS Fund 011
2015.06.05 / $85,646.23 / Expenses - Construction Fund 020
2015.06.06 / $423,560.03 / Expenses - Bond Fund 021
2015.06.07 / $56,439.10 / Expenses - Equipment Fund 041
$965,642.51 / Total
Motion was made by Commissioner O’Neill to approve the consent agenda items as presented. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the consent agenda items as presented.
4. Public Hearing: None
5. Public Comment: None
6. Administrative Reports:
6.1 Finance Report: FSM Simon presented the attached report and the following items were discussed in further detail:
· Blew’s construction invoices were discussed and FSM Simon is going to start including copies of their invoices in with her packet of information.
· There was discussion regarding the annual audit and things the auditor may consider as gifting of public funds, such as standby at events for schools and auction items.
· Commissioner Clerf inquired about the interest issue had been resolved and thanked Commissioner Smith for handling the beginning audit conference.
6.2 District Secretary Report: DS Hill presented the attached report.
6.2 Deputy Chief Report: Chief Elliott presented the attached report and the following items were discussed in further detail:
· KVH continues to research options to increase bed space and still stay a critical access hospital.
· During the summary of the Mountain View Station there was discussion regarding the process of Requests for Information (RFI) from the General Contractor. There was also discussion regarding some of the issues with the sprinkler contractor.
6.3 Chief’s Report: Chief Sinclair presented the attached report and the following items were discussed in further detail:
· Administrative Staffing Schedule: Chief Sinclair presented that the Admin Staff had presented him with a proposed 4/10 staffing schedule which he had approved for a trial period for the next three months. Commissioner Huffman had questions regarding this happening. It had been his experience that these types of schedule don’t work. After discussion the Commissioners determined that they would like additional information regarding a 4/10 schedule and staff to hold off on starting this until after the next Commissioner meeting. DS Hill was requested to send the packet of information to the Board for their review.
· Chief Sinclair reported to the Board about the volunteers from Station 2-8 participated in demonstrations at Damman School and what a success that was. Commissioner Smith reported that he had heard very positive comments about it.
· Chief Sinclair reported on the Mountain View Fire and a couple of other small brush fires that happened in the past couple of days and the outstanding job that had been done by the crews and the volunteers.
6.4 Commissioners Report: Commissioner Huffman reported on the KITTCOM budget.
7. Unfinished Business
7.1 Project Manager Discussion: Commissioner Clerf brought up this discussion stating the Board had questions regarding the change in material that was being used under the building and what the difference in price would be. The consensus was that any Request for Information (RFI) that had a fiscal impact, the impact should be noted on the RFI. Also, discussed was the process of change orders and who is approving them. DC Elliott noted that he is being cc’d on all change orders but he is only involved in the decision making process when they relate to property owner issues. Those relating to materials, methods or design are evaluated and approved by TCA and/or our project manager Hugh McKechnie. Chief Sinclair stated that he and DC Elliott will send an email to the architects and the general contractor asking some clarifying questions. Commissioner Clerf also asked about the status of the Adams Street improvements. At the very least the District may have to pay for sidewalk and part of a street, but we are still waiting for the City and the civil engineer to let us know what they want. Also, there was discussion regarding the Department of Ecology (DOE) and the Erosivity Waiver. The DOE will likely pull the waiver, but will let the District continue with construction as long as we meet the terms of the permit, acknowledging that we have a plan in place for storm water runoff. Commissioner Clerf wondered about fines and DC Elliott believes that the District will not incur any fines. Commissioner Smith would like to ask TCA if there will be an electrical permit/review fee from the state electrical inspector. Chief Sinclair will check on this.
8. New Business:
8.1 Mid-Year Budget Amendment - Set Public Hearing Date: FSM Simon suggested moving the public hearing to the August meeting, since the July meeting is so early in the month. Commissioner Smith made a motion to set a public hearing for the Mid-Year Budget Amendments for Thursday, August 13, 2015. Commissioner Houser seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the Board voted unanimously to approve the motion as presented.
8.2 Resolution 15-14 – Cancel Outstanding Warrant: FSM Simon presented this resolution. Commissioner Houser made a motion to adopt Resolution 15-14. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the Board voted unanimously to approve the motion as presented.
8.3 Policy 100.00 Hiring Policy: Chief Sinclair presented all three policies, 100.00, 101.04 and 201.00. Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve Policy 100.00 Hiring Policy. Commissioner O’Neill seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the Board voted unanimously to approve the motion as presented.
8.4 Policy 101.04 Controlled Substance & Alcohol Testing Policy: Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve Policy 101.04 Controlled Substance & Alcohol Testing Policy. Commissioner O’Neill seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the Board voted unanimously to approve the motion as presented.
8.5 Policy 201.00 Litigation Defense Policy and Procedures: Commissioner Houser made a motion to approve Policy 201.00 Litigation Defense Policy and Procedures. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion.
8.6 Burn Ban Discussion: FSM Simon discussed with the commissioners a burn ban cheat sheet that she was working on and wanted clarification from the Board on if the District was going to allow recreational fires in the District boundaries or adopt the county standards. After discussion the Board was in agreement with the county standards that no recreational burning be allowed.
9. Executive Session: Commissioner Clerf announced that the Board would be going into Executive Session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(g): To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. Commissioner Clerf announced that the Board would meet for 20 minutes and then Chief Sinclair would be invited in. At 2035 Chief Sinclair announced a 15 minute extension. At 2050 Chief Sinclair announced a 10 minute extension. At 2100 Chief Sinclair announced a 10 minute extension. At 2110 Chief Sinclair announced a 5 minute extension. At 2115 Chief Sinclair announced the open meeting was ready to resume.
10 Adjournment
A motion was made by Commissioner O’Neill to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Houser seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 2117 hours.
Board Chair
District Secretary
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