September 25, 2009
KEDC, Ashland
Lisa Henson, Ashland Ind. Schools
Tammi Denham, Augusta Ind. Schools
Stephanie Little, Bath Co. Schools
Tom Riffe, Carter Co. Schools
Jennifer Whitt, Elliott Co. Schools, online
Lisa Thornton, Fairview Ind. Schools
Kim Taylor, Greenup Co. Schools
Stephanie Rice, Johnson Co. Schools, online
Rhonda Colvin, Lawrence Co. Schools
Paula Lewis, Lewis Co. Schools
Dawn Hardeman, Menifee Co. Schools
Debbie Preston, Paintsville Ind. Schools
Mischa Dixon, Raceland Ind. Schools
Pam Eklund, Rowan Co. Schools
Kim Staton, Russell Ind. Schools
Jill Griffiths, Big East Co-op
Carol Cooksey, Big East Co-op
Jon Looney, Big East Co-op
Kay Smith, Big East Co-op
Pam Middleton, Big East Co-op, online
Chris Clevenger, Big East Co-op
Debbie Gould, Boyd Co. Schools
Sandy Ison, Boyd Co. Schools
Paula Ott, Bracken Co. Schools
Sue Hill, Fleming Co. Schools
Dena James, Martin Co. Schools
Greta Stanfield, Mason Co. Schools
Carolyn Blair, Morgan Co. Schools
Christy Graves, Robertson Co. Schools
Christi Bailey, KSD Outreach
Pam Howard, KSB Outreach
Jill Griffiths, Cooperative Director, called the meeting to order.
Ms. Griffiths began the meeting by leading the group through a review of the KCMP Quarterly Report. Larry Taylor has given Coop Directors an extension on the October 30th due date. The report is now due in mid November but Jill is working to have it submitted before that date. The “Draft Regional Report Format” handout was used to show the format used for the report. Survey Monkey may be used in the future to gather information on root cause and activities. This will allow the information to be dropped into the report using the cut and paste method making the process more time efficient. There was also a reminder to be sure to cite by title on all evaluations. It is not a good idea to include names for timelines sake. Lisa Henson, Ashland Ind. Schools will be on next month’s agenda to give the group and RTC update. Process Alert Webinar was seemed to be beneficial to one district and that program will be demonstrated at the next meeting. The group discussed the KCMP Calendar Draft for Quarter 3.
The State Advisory Panel will be held October 15th & 16th at Blue Lick State Park in Mt. Olivet. Gayla Scott and Kay Smithpresented on literacy activities, Jill presented on Big East and Greta Stanfield also attended and presented on CASE. Terry Scott spoke on behalf of Academic and Behavior Response to Intervention. A grant out of University of Louisville and KDE funds the projectthat deals with reading and RTI issues. They will have an information website in the future with video presentations and PowerPoint’s and this in. Jill has given this information to the RTI team at KEDC. Co teaching issues are being were reported by Larry Taylor has been going to site visits and has seen things like where the coach is special education co teacher and may show up or may leave. Mr. Taylor was not happy about this and said that these issues must be addressed. Co Teaching guidelines should be out no later than the Fall Conference.
QPVI received an email saying that the Sensory Screening scheduled for December is on hold. Ms. Griffiths has been hearing from other coops that their screenings have been canceled. Brian Gomer from HumanWare is offering training on Digital Talking Books. Jon Looney will work with the AT Cadre in planning a December date for the training. Teresa Combs sent an email out asking that all issues with KSB/KSD be sent to Teresa. Coop directors are gathering issues and will be meeting with leaders of KSB/KSD next month. Some parts of the state are having issues with ARC. Teachers have had issues that were taken to KSB. There was a discussion on issues such as lack ofprofessionalism at KSB and Directors feeling that they lack understanding of criteria that needs to be met for admittance into KSB. There was also a problem with KSD expecting an accurate conference summary to be completed over the phone. At the last Big East Staff meeting there Jill discussed the effectiveness of cadres and reasons why they are failing. The group reviewed the cadre handouts and Jill asked for input on the restructuring of the cadres. Big East gathered $200 and donated to the Cancer Center on behalf of Linda Donovan. Envisioning the Future will be held at KEDC for the middle/high school kids on October 29th. The theme is etiquette so they will have a catered lunch followed by a dance in meeting room 1.
Transition – Carol Cooksey told the group that with the onsite visits districts were not at 100% compliance with all folders after reporting it. It isn’t strictly in our region and has been seen throughout the state. Handouts and information was shared to be given to ARC Chairpersons and those who are drafting the IEP. They explain what should be checked by ARC Chairperson for every age level during planning because there isn’t enough pre-planning for 16 year olds. On Indicator 13 letter i was added for this year. Make sure you have a note saying the IEP and Post Secondary Goals were updated. Handouts included directions for writing post secondary goals. “Is to” is the appropriate language to be used when writing the goals. Folders containing language like hopes to, plans to, or wants to are incorrect because that language isn’t considered measurable. This can be changed using the regulations for clerical errors. Also the four year course of study has to be planned until the student exits high school not year by year and this to needs a note of review.
Literacy /Strategies – Kay Smith told the group that she and Gayla Scott attended Early Childhood Meeting for FIVCO dealing with the Interagency agreement and will be attending a training next month at Jenny Wiley. Kay Smith will be attending Preschool meetings during Gayla’s absence.
Assistive Technology – Jon Looney reported that the Coop Network AT Consultants met this week and they are putting together a session for the Fall Conference about the AT survey sent out on Survey Monkey. They had 8,000 responses and determined that there isn’t a lot of knowledge about AT across the state.
November 20, 2009 – KEDC
December 11, 2009 – KEDC
January 22, 2010 – Morehead Conference Center
February 26, 2010 – KEDC
March 26, 2010 – Morehead Conference Center
April 23, 2010 – KEDC
May 28, 2010 – Morehead Conference Center
June 25, 2010 – KEDC