Linking assignment Part 1. Chuan LU 10394911
Linking Assignment of Copyright Law,
Fall 2004
Part 1
Prepared by Chuan Lu
September 16, 2004
Iclaim no copyright over my assignmentand authorize everyone in class to usethe materialsherein. The copyright of the contents of the listed websites below belongs to their respective copyright holders. The author does not claim any copyright to those contents.
URL #1
This is a news website with a special part which holds a discussion of P2P use and the legal status of it.
Lawyers can find many opinions from various commentators about the P2P including some information of P2P downloading, the legal status of P2P in different countries, etc. Although most contents are short news reports or essays, they give some different but important ways of thinking about P2P technology. An article “Downloading Music MP3s: Peer to Peer File Sharing Now Legal in Canada”, provide by Paul Gilat the link site ,give information of the legality of P2P in Canada, which will help the lawyers or Judges over world have some new view on P2P.
URL #2
This is a link site of news provide by Declan McCullagh on August 24, 2004, about an association campaign including BC Communications, Verizon Communications and the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), against the Induce Act, which is a Senate bill about banning P2P networks.
From the different standpoints between Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) and Recording Industry Association of America, readers can find different reasons behind two different standpoints. One is on behalf of the consumer, who want to receive more and better service as well as less payment. The other is on behalf of the authors, performers and the commercial corporations to earn more profits from their publications. Lawyers can make some economic analysis by the illumination of this news and conclude their own attitude to the P2P.
URL #3
This is a website in Chinausing P2P technology for downloading movies, news, TV programs, software, etc. It is well known in Chinese people especially among those Chinese students.
It is a famous website in China for P2P downloading. There are some similar websites in China as well. From that, readers can find that Chinese government hasn’t token any measures to restrict the P2P downloading. There have not been any laws or regulations which concentrate on the P2P use in China yet. So, lawyers and judges will have the knowledge of that, the P2P is legal in China now.
URL #4
This is an article provide by Jon Udel after he returned from the O'Reilly P2P Summit Conference with more thoughts on why peer-to-peer technology. The content is analyzing the technology improvement of the P2P.
Jon’s article is about technology analysis of P2P in order to find why peer-to-peer technology has everyone so excited. The legal status of P2P is heavily depends on its structure. Lawyers and Judges can learn a lot from Jon’s article about how P2P works, what is the advantage of this technology and what is the harm of it. An article written by a scientist in some degree is more persuasive for the conclusion whether P2P is legal or not.
URL #5
It is a link site from Italian news, which is translated by Google, about the modification of Italian anti-pirateria Law especially related to P2P.The original page is
Lawyers can have some idea about the Italian government’s attitude to the P2P from the news. Then, lawyers can do some further research about the reason of modification of the Italian Law. That can earn some worldwide idea about the P2P legal status.
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Copyright 2004 by Chuan LU
All rights reserved.