Link Engagement and Partnership Committee

Minutes of the meeting held at 10.30am on Tuesday the 9th September 2014 at Central 40, Lime Tree Way, Chineham Park, Basingstoke, RG24 8GU.

June Balcombe (JBa)
Andrew Chronias (ACh) / Community Development Officer Basingstoke and Deane BC
NHS England
Wendy Cotterell
Dr Anne Crampton (AC)
Dr Hugh Freeman (HF)
Colin Godfrey (CG)
Peter Kelly (PK) (Chair)
Rebecca Kennelly (RK)
Stefan Morawiec (SMo)
Cllr Cathy Osselton (CO) / NHCCG Quality Manager
Hart District Council
NHCCG Clinical Chair
Patient Representative on the Governing Body NHCCG
NHCCG Lay Member
Basingstoke Voluntary Services
Practice Manager Crown Heights
Councillor Basingstoke and Deane BC
Christine Pattison (CP) / Action Hampshire
Anne Phillips (AP)
Karen Ringwald / NHCCG Head of Stakeholder Communications and Engagement
Hampshire Healthwatch
Tracey Thomas (TT) / NHS England
Simon Bryant (SBR)
Julie Butler (JBu) / Public Health
East Hampshire DC
Mark Fletcher (MF) / Chair of North Hampshire CCG PPG
Alison Hewlett (AH) / Hampshire County Council
Sharon Martin (SMa) / NHCCG Senior Service Delivery Manager
Dr. Matthew Nisbett (MN) / Chair of the CCG Membership Senate
Martyn Webster (MW)
Carl Westby (CW) / Help and Care – Hampshire Healthwatch
Head of Leisure and Environment Promotion Hart DC
1. / Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest
2. / Presentation – by Andrew Chronias (NHS England)
Andrew Chronias and Tracey Thomas attended the meeting from NHS England. ACh gave a presentation about is a system whereby information about you can be retrieved from care computer systems and is shared, securely, by healthcare staff to support your treatment and care. It is important that we, the NHS, can use this information to plan and improve services for all patients. It helps us to compare the care you received in one area against the care you received in another, so we can see what has worked best. Information (which does not reveal your identity) can then be used by others, such as researchers and those planning health services, to make sure we provide the best care possible for everyone.
Following the presentation SM raised a concern about patients’ abilities to opt out from this programme. It was confirmed that a process would be in place.
A discussion was held around who would be able to access the data and its possible commercial usage. ACh advised that the legislation would be heard for a second time and be amended to take account of comments made.
ACTION- AP to circulate the presentation
ACh and TT left the meeting after the presentation
3. / Minutes of the previous meeting and Matter Arising
3.1 / The minutes of the 8th July were agreed as a correct record of the meeting.
Matters Arising
5.1 / Increased Risks Drinks Project
ACTION AC to circulate results to the group – This report is in draft It will be circulated when finalised. / AC
4 b / CCG interaction with Voluntary and Community groups
AP has circulated the Hampshire Wellbeing Services’ report on the consultation with marginalised residents on the CCG 5 year plan and asked for any comments. None were made. AP will present the report and the associated action plan to the groups that were involved.
6 / Concerns
AP has spoken with Dr Nicola Decker who has confirmed that the incident would normally be reported as a significant event. In order to take this concern further patient level detail will be required, this has not been received as of yet.
4. / Update on the work carried out by the CCG
a) / CCG Interaction with Voluntary and Community Groups
i.  Social Prescription project – update AP and RK
Basingstoke Voluntary Action have now recruited a lead, Sarah Robinson) which will enable the project to progress. To date 6 volunteers have come forward to work within Surgeries signposting patients to available services to support their condition. Training for these individuals will take place ready for the project to commence in the new year. A web-site will be available as a resource for the volunteers. It is key now to get 3 or more GP surgeries on board to support this valuable project.
b) / Financial Summary Report - LB
Hugh Freeman the Clinical Chair of NHCCG presented the finances.
The CCG is currently looking at an overspend of £500,000 by the end of the financial year.
GP Referrals for HHFT cumulative to June 2014 are up by 9.5% compared to the same period in 2013/2014.
Quality, Innovation, Productivity & Prevention (QIPP) Programme
The QIPP plan for 2014/15 is £11.933m, with £2.0m of non-recurrent funding allocated in this financial year only, giving a planned savings target of £9.933m. The year to date QIPP plan is £3.312m and QIPP delivered for the year to date being £2.203m, with £1.109m under achievement.
A&E waits (95% of patients should be treated within 4 hours) – HHFT achieved target in Quarter 1 with 95.6%. The latest position for Quarter 2 YTD is 93.75% (week ending 3/8/14) which is significantly below the target. The Trust confirmed that the number of attendances continue to increase due to a large public event in Basingstoke and the hot weather. There have been no 12 hour trolley waits and no transfers to other hospitals recorded to date.
Long Waits (June 2014) – the CCG had 406 patients waiting over 18 weeks (compared to 394 in May). HHFT’s backlog is 338 (consistent with May 2014 reporting) – the largest volume of patients waiting treatment remains in Trauma & Orthopaedics (T&O) (101) and Ophthalmology (54).
If you require more information the full financial report can be found on the CCG’s website.
c) / Public Engagement - AP
i.  Critical Treatment Hospital
ii.  Alton Strategic Review of Services
Critical Treatment Hospital
The CCG is still waiting to receive the report from the Wessex Clinical Senate which is expected 18th September.
ACTION AP to circulate when received.
Alton Strategic Review of Services
A stakeholder event was held in July and the report from this has been received. A stakeholder group will be set up. The group is lacking support from Young People despite contacting the local college. KR advised that she had just established a youth group and would be happy to ask her members. / AP
d) / Equality & Diversity Consultation – Suzanne Van Hoek (NHCCG Quality team)
WC attended in SVH absence to collate any comments that the group had to make.
-  Would like to see clear Safeguarding peer support
e) / Commissioning Intentions for 2015-16 – feedback from the committee to Sharon Martin (NHCCG)
Apologies were given by SM. The aim of the agenda item is to ask if there are any areas of health that the members would like to see the CCG looking at in the next financial year.
This item was taken to the patient Participation group which asked for the following to be looked at:
-  Foot care
-  Mental Health Services – RK supported the need for Mental Health resource.
The group would like to see the link between Mental health and Alcohol Abuse more streamlined. As this has been a long standing issue with the services being commissioned by different providers.
5. / Sharing Information – Reports from the group on work being done relating to Health
Hampshire Healthwatch
Karen Ringwald attended the meeting for the first time
Patient Representative on the Governing Body NHCCG
CG advised the meeting that Hackwood Surgery would be holding a Health and Wellbeing Table within the practice from 20th – 27th September to coincide with patients attending the flu clinics
Action Hampshire
CP advised the group that her work with Hampshire Healthwatch had been working with the transgender group to produce informative video clips.
General Practice
SM had nothing to report
Basingstoke and Deane BC
CO told the group that the number of buggy walks had now increased to 5 and that a grant of £6500 had bene paid to County Athletics to fund scholarships. CO is awaiting a response from HCC to a request for information regarding the number of beds available in nursing homes for residents suffering from dementia.
6. / Spinal Pathway re-design – Dr Angus Carnegy (12.00)
Dr Angus Carnegy introduced himself to the meeting. He explained that the CCG were planning to Pilot a new pathway for patients suffering from back pain.
The proposed model of care aims to offer an improved pathway for patients who present at GP practices with back problems and require onward referral. The main focus will be triage via completion of questionnaires so that more meaningful information is available for ongoing management. There will be on-line pain management programmes and therapies as well as physiotherapy available all under the umbrella of this service. This should hopefully manage those with chronic back pain rather than automatically send them to hospital.
There are currently several different services that can be referred to. This pilot should simplify the pathway for patients.
The pilot will see patients assessed within 2 days of the referral from where they will be referred on as appropriate. This should lead to Patients who require further investigations to be seen and treated more quickly.
7. / Any other business (Chair)
There was no A.O.B.
8. / Standing Agenda Item – Compliments and concerns about services commissioned by the North Hampshire CCG
The members had no items to report
9. / Dates of future meetings - 2014
Tuesday 11th November
All 10.30 to 12.30am at North Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group Offices, Central 40, Lime Tree Way, Chineham Park, Basingstoke, RG24 8GU
There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.23

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