Boys Tennis 2016 – Info Sheet
Ask yourself as your read through the material below: Is tennis for me?
Start Date – Weather permitting, we will begin practice on the first official practice day – January 11
While it is highly recommended that you play some tennis on your own between now and January 11, we will not start any practice or conditioning before January 11.
You must have all physical-related forms on file. It is now done electronically. Do the following:
1)Go to SPHS website
2)Go to Athletics section
3)Click Overview
4)Find Online Athletic Forms
The form with the doctor signature and date still has to be turned in hardcopy style.
Practice will be held Monday through Friday. Monday, Wednesday, Friday will be early practice (3:45 – 5:00). Tuesdays and Thursdays will be late practice (5:00-6:15). You need to have a ride to pick you up at the end of practice!!
Match Schedule is attached. Most all matches are Tuesdays and Thursdays. These matches typically start at 4:30 and last until at least 7 or 8 o’clock. If you work, please make sure that you are available for match play. I can be a bit more flexible about practices, but you need to be at all matches.
Tryouts will be done the first week of practice. We will conduct a skill assessment first. After that, we will have a tournament to determine placement on the team. If more than 16 boys come out for tennis, we will most likely make cuts due to court availability. If we have 16 or less come out, we may not have to do cuts. Very Important: Boys Tennis is a program with a Varsity Emphasis. If you are not in the top 7, playing time will be limited. Exhibition matches occur after Varsity matches for JV players – but only if the other team has enough players. We may have a few JV Only matches for non-varsity, but there will only be a few of these at most. Right now, there is only one JV Only match on the schedule. Be aware of this. I don’t want anyone to be disappointed. If you are not top 7, you may not get to play at some of the matches!
Equipment: You will need your own racquet. See the attachment for proper grip size. Good stores are Sports Authority and Academy. You also need to have your own tennis shoes (make sure they are non-marking). Look for bargains. You do not need to spend crazy amounts of money. A quality racquet can be purchased for around $40. Good shoes can be purchased for around $40 - $50. You might even come out less expensive if you find a good deal!
Activity Fee: $80. This will cover the cost of the required shorts and shirt for play. The fee also covers other necessities such as the region tournament fee, equipment, etc. I plan to go with BSN Sports again. We plan to do the online store again for additional items that you may want (totally optional – You don’t have to purchase the extra items).These extras would be things like sweat pants and hoodies. The extra items are not included in the fee and must be purchased separately.
Transportation Waiver: We do not take buses to matches. You must take care of your own transportation to and from matches. We will give you a waiver form to fill out at the beginning of the season. It is required that you fill out the waiver. Otherwise, you cannot attend the matches!
Fundraiser: Next Chic-fil-a fundraiser night will be November 12 (Thursday night 5-8)! Please come out and eat at the Hiram Chic-fil-a! Invite family, friends and enemies, whoever - to join us. We get 20% of the profits. It is an easy way to make some money!
1)Tennis Start Date: January 11
2)Take care of your physical and related forms electronically
3)Activity Fee, Transportation Waiver required – see details in handout
4)Chic-fil-a Fundraiser – November 12 – see details in handout
5)Read through the whole packet – Info and tentative schedule attached
6)Contact Coach Strickland with questions ()
7)Look for updates on Tennis Section of Coach Strickland’s web page (school site)