College Activities and Fraternity & Sorority Life Office

Riley Hall 301; Phone 503.883.2435; Mail Unit A525

Please submit all forms MORE THAN TWO WEEKS in advance to help ensure event security.


The social function/event registration process is intended to provide advance notice and allow for the review of important risk management issues prior to a function/event. The goal is to provide a safe and secure experience for students and to encourage responsible behavior. The registration process is not a guarantee of safety; Linfield College cannot assume responsibility for the safety of individuals at fraternity/sorority chapter sponsored functions/events. The intention is to provide guidelines that will allow chapters to host functions/events in a safe and responsible manner.

The Linfield College Fraternity & Sorority Social Function/Event Registration Formmust be submitted, in as much detail as possible, to the College Activities and Fraternity & Sorority Life Office (Riley Hall 301) or electronically() at least two weeks prior to the scheduled function or event. Completion of this form does not guarantee that the function or event will be approved. The Director of College Activities and Fraternity & Sorority Life must approve all registered function/events. Failure to register a function/event may result in cancelations or sanctions.

Sponsoring Chapter(s)

Delta Psi DeltaKappa SigmaPi Kappa AlphaTheta Chi

Alpha PhiPhi Sigma SigmaSigma Kappa PhiZeta Tau Alpha

Social Function/Event Information

Function/Event Type or Name:
Is your Function/Event closed to the Chapter(s) marked above? / Yes (closed event) No (open to guests)
Date of Event: / Date: Start Time: End Time:
Event Location:
Is your event Off-Campus? / Yes, proceed to “Off-Campus Events” No

Chapter Function/Event Organizers

The following person(s) are designated as the contact person(s) for the function/event identified below. By signing this form as the contact person, I/we agree to be present throughout the function/event identified below, meet with any needed hired security, and, if necessary and/or needed, agree to meet with local law enforcement.

Contact Person #1 Printed Name:
Contact Person #1 Phone & Email:
Contact Person #1 Signature:
Contact Person #2 Printed Name:
Contact Person #2 Phone & Email:
Contact Person #2 Signature:

Greek Alumni Advisor Contact Info

Greek Alumni Advisor Name:
Greek Alumni Advisor Phone & Email:

Off-Campus Events

If “Yes” to Off-Campus Event, please provide:

Event Location Address:
Event Location Phone:

What precautions are being taken to assure that no alcohol will be taken on the buses or vans and that the drivers are trained and sober?



Social Function/Event Guest List

The Guest List must be submitted 48 hours prior to the event. No additions shall be made within 48 hours of the event. Maximum of 2 guests per member, not to exceed 150 guests (non-members).The guest list must be monitored and enforced by the hired security vendor. Guests shall be admitted by presenting valid student or state issued ID card.

  • Please provide your estimated total # of attendees: ______
  • Please submit your guest list via email:
  • Your guest list must include both non-members and members
  • Please format your guest list to include: ID Number, First & Last Name, Member/Guest


Is alcohol allowed at the function/event? / Yes No (Proceed to “Risk Management”)
Will you have at least one sober executive officer and one sober monitor per every 25 guests? / Yes
No, please explain:
Third Party Alcohol Vendor? / Yes, proceed to “Third Party Alcohol Vendors”
BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverage)? / Yes, proceed to “BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverage)”

Third Party Alcohol Vendors

Name of Bartending Service:
Liquor Liability Certificate Certified?: / Yes No
Liquor Liability Certificate #:

BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverage)

Please provide your specific plans for controlling alcohol consumption at your event: / ID Check
Checking handbags, backpacks, etc.
Other, please explain:
Please list all non-alcoholic beverages that will be provided:
Please list all non-salty foods that will be provided (salty food promotes drinking):

Risk Management

Review the potential situations outlined here that could occur during your event. Review your plans for prevention and how you will respond if any of the situations do occur.

Do you have a plan in place to respond to the following situations should they occur?

Uninvited Attendees / Yes No
Underage Drinking / Yes No
Alcohol Poisoning / Yes No
Damage to Property / Yes No
Sexual Harassment or Assault / Yes No
Fighting / Yes No
Other (Please specify)

By signing you acknowledge that you do have a plan in place or if you do not have a plan in place you will take the necessary steps to put a plan in place prior to your event.

Event Contact #1 Signature: ______

Event Contact #2 Signature: ______

Have all members signed a risk acknowledgment form for this semester or for this event? / Yes No
If “No”, please provide your plan of action to have all members sign a risk acknowledgement form


Security Services are required and will be arranged by Linfield College for all eventsat the cost of the sponsoring chapter(s). Security charges will be split evenly among the sponsoring chapter(s) unless otherwise indicated below. (Exception:if security is already being provided at the off-campus event location.)

Name of Greek Organization: / % Responsible:______
Name of Greek Organization: / % Responsible:______

The chapter event organizers listed on Page 1 will be emailed their estimated security costs, with a copy of the final security invoice,prior to the function/event. Each sponsoring chapter is responsible for their percentage of security charges accrued.

Payment must be submitted to the Cashier’s window in the basement of Melrose Hall within 30 days following the event.

Chapter Officer Acknowledgement & Signatures

As an officer of the sponsoring chapter, I verify that all required elements on this notification form will be followed. I understand that if any of these required elements are neglected or if any College policies are violated, my chapter will be held accountable and that officers may be held responsible for any violation of state or local laws.

Chapter President Printed Name
Chapter President Phone & Email
Chapter President Signature
Risk Management Officer Printed Name
Risk Management Officer Phone & Email
Risk Management Officer Signature

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